Crisis Intervention-Ch 8,Child Abuse Flashcards
1874, Mary Ellen was severely beaten by her parents. After denied assistance by the New York Dept of Charities, ________ founder and president of the ____________ took her case to court.
Henry Burg
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Following year after Mary Ellen case, the first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was formed in the US
1974, Congress enacted _______
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act.- Federal resource to support states duty and power to act on behalf of a child when parents are unable or unwilling to do so.
This duty and power arise from the
parens patriae doctrine, which vests in the state a right of guardianship of minors
defined by both federal and state legislation, are acts or failures to act by parents or caretakers which result in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation
Child abuse and neglect
the _____________ defines physical abuse as any act which, regardless of intent, results in a nonaccidental physical injury.
National Foundation for Abuse and Neglected Children.
most frequently occurring type of abuse
Physical abuse
most common cause of child abuse related deaths is
head injuries
Sexual abuse refers to acts committed by a person responsible for the care of the child
parent, babysitter, day car provider, other person responsible for the child
Sexual assault includes sexual acts committed by person who is not responsible for the care of the child
_________refers to use of a minor under the age of 18 for sexual purposes by an older person in any or all three ways:
sexual exploitation
- child pornography
- child prostitution
- computer solicitation
5 categories of regulated conduct regarding pornography can be decribed
- production
- trafficking
- advertisement
- possession
- procurement
The federal government’s primary law involving child prostitution is the
Mann Act-
Mann Act
criminalizes the transportation of individual under 18 in interstate or foreign commerce with intent that the individual engage in prostitution or any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense.
second most frequently occurring type of abuse is
emotional abuse- act or omission that causes
1. serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders
_____ is characterized by the failure to provide for the child’s basic needs.
child neglect
professionals and nonprofessionals must reach agreement on definitions of mininmally adequate levels of care for a child’s physical, intellectual and emotional development.
one widely accepted conceptual definition that states child neglect is:
a condition in which a caretaker responsible for the child, either deliberately or by extraordinary inattentiveness, permits the child to experience avoidable present suffering and or fails to provide one or more of the ingredients generally deemed essential for developing person’s physical, intellectual and emotional capacities.
Neglect can be ____,_____, or ______
physical, educational or emotional
most frequently occuring type of neglect
physical- failure to provide for childs physical survival needs to the extent that there is harm or risk of harm to child’s health or safety.
physical neglect can include
refusal of health care delay in health care abandonment expulsion other custody issues other physical neglect inadequate supervision
educational neglect- second most frequently occurring type of neglect.
permitted chronic truancy
failure to enroll
inattention to special education
emotional neglect
inadequate nurturing/affection chronic/extreme abuse or domestic violence permitted drug/alcohol abuse permitted other maladaptive behavior refusal of psychological care delay in psychological care other emotional neglect
National Data on Child Abuse and Neglect:
most underreported form of child maltreatment is
sexual abuse
Several risk factors for maltreatment
- single-parent families- 87 percent greater risk of being harmed by physical neglect, 80% risk of serious injury
- poverty- children from families with annual income below $15,000 were 22 times more likely to experience maltreatment. 18 times more likely to be sexually abused, 56 times more likely to be educationally neglected, 22 times more likely to be seriously injured.
- sex of victim- girls are 3 times more often than boys, while boys are at greatest risk of emotional neglect and serious injury than girls. Yet all children are consistently more vulnerable to sexual abuse from age 3.
Since the National Incident Study-3, reports containing child abuse and neglect statistics have been released and show a decline from _____ child victims of maltreatment in 1998 to an estimated ______ in 1999.
903,0000, 826,0000
most common pattern of maltreatment was a child victimized by _______ parent acting alone.
_____ were identified as the perpetrators of sexual abuse
male parents
_____ remains the most frequent form of maltreatment.
information on child abuse offenses known to the police is available thru the _____
National Incident-Based Reporting System
US Dept of Justice is replacing the UCR with the more comprehensive NIBRS system.
NIBRS collects demographic info on all victims; their injuries; victims perception of offenders ages, gender, race, and victim-offender relationship.
NIBRS has been implemented in jurisdictions in 17 states, covering 11% of the population and in nine percent of the crime
Sexual abuse reported to the police:
most frequently reported sexual assault charge was
forcible fondling 45%, followed by forcible rape 42% forcible sodomy 8% sexual assault with an object 4% 67%, two-thirds of all victims of sexual assault were juveniles under 18, with more than half under age 12
one of every seven victims of sexual assault under age
juveniles were the large majority of the victims of forcible fondling 84%, forcible sodomy 79% and sexual asslt with object 75%
27% of all offenders were family members of victims
49% of offenders of victims under age 6 were family members
42% of offenders who sexually assaulted youth ages 6-11
24% of offenders assaulted juv. age 12-17.
except for victims under age 6, most sexual assault offender were not family members but were otherwise known to victim
3% of offenders in sexual asslt of children under age 6 were strangers.
5% of offenders of youth 6-12 strangers
10% of offenders of juv. age 12-17 strangers
in general, victim-offender relationship were similiar for male and female victims
Has there been a decline in sexual abuse cases?:
From CPS, child sexual abuse decreased 31 % between 1991 and 1998, from 149,800 cases in 1991 to 103.600 cases in 1998.
in 33 states, there has been a steady decline over years,
In 1995 the US Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect reported that a realistic estimate of annual child deaths as a result of abuse and neglect is about 2000, or approx 5 children per day.
In 1999 National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System of the Childrens Bureau of the US Dept of Health and Human Services reported that an estimated 1100 children died of abuse or neglect.
children less than one accounted for 42.6%
86% were under 5
fatal abuse usually occurs in one or two ways
- repeated abuse and neglect over a period of time or
2. in a single, impulsive incident of assault; drowning, suffocating or shaking
50 state survey by Prevent Child Abuse America estimated 1396 children died from abuse or neglect in 1999.
Most consistent finding in the child abuse literature is that maltreating parents often report having been physically, sexually or emotionally abuse or neglected as children.
substance abuse, including alcohol abuse,has become increasing problem related to child maltreatment as a number of women abusing drugs increase.
due to their physical size and development status, are vulnerable to certain forms of maltreatment, such as battered child syndrome, the whiplash shaking infant syndrome.
younger children
Most neglectful families are single parent families. The absence of father in majority of neglectful families means lower income and less tangible resources to provide for childrens needs.
Gaudin identified 9 factors as useful in predicting the likelihood of child-neglect
- previous referrals for neglect
- number of previous out of home placements
- caretaker neglected as a child
- single caretaker in home at time of referral
- caretaker history of drug/alcohol abuse
- age of youngest caretaker at time of referral
- number of children in home
some behavioral signs that an individual has potential to abuse children
- yelling or screaming at children
- grabbing or jerking
- not letting a child speak
- controlling activities w/o allowing child to make choice
- insisting children be obedient and respectful
Finkelhor, Hotaling, Lewis, Smith identified 8 situations in which children are vulnerable to being sexually abused.
- step father in home
- victim lived w/o mother a mother at some point
- victim not close to mother
- mother did not finish high school
- mother sexually punitive toward child
- no physical affection from father
- income under 10,000
- child has two friends or less
To qualify for funding under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, all 50 states have passed mandatory child abuse and neglect reporting laws.
Under the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, certain professionals are required to report suspected child maltreatment on tribal lands.
DCS and CPS accept all referrals involving sexual abuse of children under age 13, regardless of the previous relationship between the alleged victim and alleged perpetrator. DCS and CPS do not inviestigate
sexual abuse allegations of child 13 to 18 yrs of age by an alleged perp who does not have a relationship with the child.
to protect children from harm and rehabilitate families, the CPS process consists of six stages
- intake
- initial assessment/investigatio
- family assessment
- case planning
- treatment
- evaluation of family progress and case closure
47 percent of cases of child abuse or neglect do not present adequate evidence to be substantiated.
law enforcement officer may be involved in child abuse and neglect in 3 ways
- as reporter of suspected child abuse or neglect
- a recipient of a report of child abuse/neglect
- investigator of a report of child abuse/neglect
law enforcement play additional roles in communitys response to child abuse/neglect
- prevention/advocacy
- reporting
- support to CPS
- immediate response
- investigative role
Thru Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1974, federal government has demanded that states receiving federal funds establish multidisciplinary teams to conduct joint investigations of child abuse/neglect.
Multidisciplinary teams represent law enforcement CPS-- Additional members include following medical providers mental health victim assistance agencies legal and judicial officers
Key functions of healthcare providers include
identifying and reporting suspected cases of abuse and neglect
providing diagnostic and treatment services
service provided by victim/witness assistance programs fall within 8 stages of criminal justice process
- emergency response
- victim stabilization
- resource mobilization
- after arrest
- pre-court appearance
- court appearance
- presentence
- postsentence
to enhance the capacity to respond effectively to cases of child sexual exploitation, three interagency models have been proposed.
- network model- education, building resources and encouraging personal contact.
- task force model- standing team of experts whose work is dedicated to proactive and reactive case investigation and prosecution. this model is perhaps most feasible in jurisdiction experiencing a reasonably steady caseload of M-team child exploit cases
- strike force- pulls together agency reprensentatives, including victim services specialists, This model may be more appropriate or feasible i jurisdiction where such cases are rare or where resources are limited.
following describes the roles and responsibilities of the various federal, state and local agencies in child sexual exploitation cases
- US Dept of Justice, Criminal Div- The Child Exploitation and Oscenitity Section.
- US Attorney-
- US Postal Inspection Service
- US customs service
- Military Criminal Investigative Organizations
- State Attorney General’ Office
- Prosecutors
- State and local law enforcement agencies
In 1967 Gault decision, US Supreme Court found that juvenile court had not been meeting the needs of children.
all juvenile courts actions have been more procdeurally technical.
criminal matters is beyond a reasonable doubt
civil matter require only a preponderance of evidence.
purpose of juvenile and family courts is to resolve conflict and when necessary, intervene in the lives of families to promote what is in the best interest of children.
juvenile and family court intervention may be required in cases of child maltreatment when
- family refuses to cooperate after it has been determined that abuse/neglect has occured.
- child is determined to be in imminent danger of harm and child’s safety cannot be assured.
- families are unwilling to accept needed services.
purpose of criminal court is to protect victims and public from offenders and to rehabilitate those who break the law
Investigators involved in child maltreatment cases must determine if maltreatment has occurred and if so, who is responsible, whether criminal prosecution is warranted and what, if any, actions should be taken to protect the child
To succeed in a child maltreatment case, sufficient evidence must be presented to court t prove that
- child has been harm
- in criminal trial, defendant was the perpatrator of this harm
- may be proved thru direct evidence- child’s testimony, eyewitnesses
- demonstrative evidence
- circumstantial evidence
evidence of documents photographs, x-rays is
demonstrative evidence
indirect evidence, expert testimony, hearsay is
circumstantial evidence
child’s testimony, eyewitness
direct evidence
Steps to investigation:
1.first step in any investigation is to
interview the reporter of the maltreatment.
2. conduct field interviews-crime scene,,
3. interview victims
4, interview siblings, other children