Crisis Intervention-Ch 7, Intimate Partner Violence Flashcards
A product of patriarchal traditions of mens right to control their women, is a form of terroristic control of wives by their husbands that involves the systematic use of not only violence, but economic subordination, threats, isolation and other control tactics
Patriarchal Terrorism
______ in the home and between men and women in general can reduce both the social control and the cost of being violent.
________ to describe the behavior of intimates who seriously, frequently and chronically abuse their partners.
chronic battering
who quoted “If you are one of those fortunate people who have not had personal experience with battering, your best avenue of education would be to talk with ten women who have”
Kathleen J Ferraro
three surveys that attempt to estimate population rates of partner violence:
- National Crime Victimization Survey- NCVS
- National Violence Against Women Survey-NVAW
- National Family Violence Survey- NFVS
_______ produces the lowest estimates rates of intimate partner violence.
For 1993-1998, NCVS found rates of 7.6 act of violence by intimates per 1,000 women and 1.5 per 1,000 men
Both NVAW and NFVS use versions of the ________ to measure intimate partner violence.
Conflict Tactics Scale- asked for variety of acts that involve violence. , pushing, grabbing, shoving etc
NCVS and NVAW take several precaustions to assure respondents of their anonymity.
NVAW survey of intimate partner assaults was 44.2 per 1000 women and 31.5 per 1000 men. NVAW also measured rape by intimate partners. women reported a rate of 5 per 1000 persons.
National Family Violence Survey
highest estimated levels of violence are found in the 1985 NFVS. Overall rates of violence against woment were estimated at 213 per 1000 and severe violence against woment were 3.4 per 1000
violence against men against women were 124 per 1000 and severe violence was 4.8 per 1000.
Another way to assess the extent of intimate partner violence is to measure the ____ chances of victimization.
NCVS data indicate that rates of partner victimization are highest for young adults age ___ to___ and decline steadily for older persons.
20 to 24
NCVS, about ____ percent of the victims of violence by intimate partners were women.
85 %
What group had higher percentages of intimate victimizations and suffer a greater relative risk of victimization.
African Americans
American Indians
Alaskan Natives
what group had the lowest risk of victimization
Asian or Pacific Islander background
NCVS indicates that there is a strong negative relationship between household income and intimate partner violence. rates for women.
NCVS data indicate that about two-thirds of the victims of violence were ____ attacked. Remainder were threatened in some way.
Data on murder come from the FBI _____ and more detailed _______
UCR and Supplemental Homicide Reports
Murder is the most serious and least common kind of violence. In 1999, only 15,530 of the 11.6 million index offenses known to the police were murders and nonnegligent manslaughters.
____ are the victims of most homicides.
A study conducted in Kansas City, Missouri showed that police had responded to one or more calls of service at the address of victim or offender in the 2 yrs prior to intimate partner homicide in ____ of cases.
90 %
Issues of the greatest salience to interveners are the ______ between intimates and the _____ involving chronic battering.
context of violence
nature of relationships
Bother batterers and survivors of battering are more likely than other to have been reared in a battering home.
violent family background section
Learned aggression:
Violence permeates our ___ and ____.
norms and values
In the home, violence between adults and violence directed toward children teaches the children three lessons.
- those who love you the most are also those that hit you.
- there is a moral right to hit other members of same family and
- when all else fails, use violence
_____ often hold stereotypical attitudes towards women.
who quoted “ The first time Adam had a chance, he laid the blame on woman.”
Nancy Astor
______ is a fundamental way of organizing one’s views. The abuse often creates a ____ that legitimates his use of violence.
To act violently toward another person is to treat that person as less than human, as an object
a prominent factor in intimate partner violence is ____ and ____ abuse.
drug and alcohol.. Neither cause intimate partner violence., but can be used as an excuse for violence.
Myths tend to blame the survivor for her victimization.
who quoted “ The head never rules the heart, but just becomes its partner in crime.”
Mignon McLaughlin
_____also provides a basis for tolerating violence in the earliest phase of a relationship.
Sugarman anHotaling found that between ___ and ___ percent of dating relationships involve violence.
10 and 67 percent
In a study of couples in their first marriage, ___ of the respondents said they married someone who had abused them in courtship.
30 percent
Long-term relationships involving chronic battering are centered around the ____ _____ that the batterer exerts over his partner.
coercive control.
Ferraro identifies ____,____ and ____ as important control techniques.
managing daily activities-micromanagment
The cycle of violence: Walker described three phases
- Phase one-tension-building phase-disputants quarrel.
- Phase two- serious battering incident-tension, anger and hostility escalate.
- Phase three- honeymoon/remorse phase.
what is the most common psychological defense mechanisms
Belief that the batterer can change
learned hopefulness
Women are more likely to be murdered by an intimate partner when?
after they leave a relationship than during the relationship
Economic dependence on the batterer provides a powerful barrier to leaving, especially for women with children.
In 1967, training manuel fo the Inernational Association of Chiefs of Police recommended that arrest be used as _______ in dealing with family disputes.
last resort
1976, IACP had come to believe that a policy of arrest promotes the well being of victim. By 1994 25 states had enacted statutes making arrests mandatory in some cases of intimate partner violence.
48 states have enacted statutes weakening the traditional “in presence” requirement for making warrantless misd arrests . Police Depts in 44 out of 140 cities surveyed had adopted policies encouragning arrest in intimate partner violence cases by 1985.
In 1971, first shelters for battered women were established near ____, _____ and in _____, ______
London, England
Pasadena, California
Lawsuits; one of the most important cases has been
Tracey Thurman v City of Torrington, Connecticut- Thurman sued Torrington Pd and 24 officers. she won 2.3 million dollars in compensatory damages.
Federal government has assumed a leadership role in combating intimate partner violence with the passage of the ?
Violence Against Women Act of 1994.
Danger of Domestic calls:
Bard, a pioneer in use of the police in family crisis intervention, assert that over ____ percent of officers killed in line of duty were responding to disturbance calls, which he equates with family disputes
20 percent.
Garner and Clemmer found that responding to distrubance calls was the single most frequent category of felonious deaths of police officers in 1977 and second most frequent in 1976. between 1960 and 1984 is ranked third overall
general disturbance calls, handling prisoners and calls classified as other arrest, were found to produce greatest percentages of injuries.
to determine if an arrest of an abuser is warranted, this rule indicates that a victim must be injured seriously enough to require specific number of surgical sutures.
stitch rule
walk around the block with the abuse supposedly assisting him to decrease his level of hostility
cooling off technique
Elliot asserts that there are four strategies that the police use when dealing with family violence crimes as well as other types of violence:
no action
Elliot review showed arrest rates in family violence have been less than 50 percent.
the ______________was conducted in 1981-1982 in two police precincts.
Minnesota Domestic Violence Experiment- responses to family violence calls, officers used arrest, separation and mediation
Mediation produced the highest victim reported recidivism rate.
Arrest had the lowest recidivism rate
Replication of the Minnesota Experiment:
National Institute of Justice to sponsor replications of the experiment in
Charlotte, North Carolina Colorado Springs, Co Dade County, Miami, Florida Milwaukee, Wisconsin Omaha, Nebraska
National Institute of Justice findings suggest that arrest is a useful response to intimate partner violence, but not a panacea.
sometimes called civil protective order, stay away order or restraining order
protective order
1994 Violence Against Women Act requires all jurisdictions to give ________ to protective orders from other jurisdictions,
full faith and credit.
means that officers must enforce a protective order from another jurisdiction as it is written, even if the terms of the protective order are not in accord with controlling statutes in the officers state. Simply by traveling to another jurisdiction with the purpose of violating a protective order, the abuser has violated federal law.
Federal law prohibits persons subject to protective orders from possessing a firearms
Understanding the nature of intimate partner violence, it is important to make a distinction between common couple violence and chronic battering
women suffer higher rates of intimate partner violence than men. although most of the victims are white, AFrican americans are at greater risk than other racial/ethnic groups. Women with low income are at higher risk of violence than with women with higher income.
between 60,000 and 557,000 women are admitted to emergency rooms each year for injuries resulting from such assaults. A least 1642 persons were killed by intimate partners in 2000.
both abusers and survivors share certain characteristics
violent family background
learned aggression
peer group that supports aggression
traditional and stereotypical beliefs
the batterer may have created a _____ of legitimate violence, that allows him to justify his behavior
battering partners are not out of control. Instead, physical violence is one of the techniques used to maintain power and control. Isolation, jealousy and micromanagement of survivor are common in battering relationships.
evidence shows that arrest can reduce violence and does not result in increased violence.