Criminal Procedure Flashcards
What are the two important protections that have not been incorporated to the states via the 14th amendment?
The right to indictment by a grand jury for capital and infamous crimes
Unclear if the 8th amendment on the prohibition on excessive bail creates a right to bail in state proceedings
What does the 4th amd prohibit?
Unreasonable search and seizure (of person and property)
What does the 5th amd prohibit?
Self incrimination and double jeopardy
What does the 6th amendment prohibit?
Right to speedy public trial, right to trial by jury, confrontation clause, right to assistance of counsel
What does the 8th amd prohibit?
cruel and unusual punishment
What is a seizure under the 4th amd?
any exercise of control by a government agent over a person or thing (e.g. arrests).
Seizure occurs when under the totality of circumstances test a reasonable person would not feel that they were free to decline the officer’s request or otherwise terminate the encounter. Seizure requires a physical application of force or submission to a show of force.
What is an arrest?
When police take a person into custody against their will for purposes of criminal prosecution or interrogation
What threshold must be met for an arrest/station house detention at police station under the 4th amd?
Must be based on probable cause (trustworthy facts or knowledge) sufficient for a reasonable person to believe that the suspect has committed or is committing a crime for which arrest is authorized by law (totality of the circumstances considered)
But remember, no probable cause needed if suspect consents
When is a warrant required for an arrest?
Not required in public places
Required for nonemergency arrest of a person in their home
An arrest warrant has been issued, can officers enter suspect’s home?
Only if there is reason to believe the suspect is within the home
An invalid arrest was made - what is the effect on the later proceedings
an unlawful arrest (no probable cause at the time it was made) by itself has no impact on any subsequent criminal prosecution
What is a terry stop?
a brief detention for investigative purposes - no time limit but police must confirm or dispel their suspicion in a “diligent and reasonable manner”
What is required to support a terry stop?
What is required for a terry frisk?
Articulable and Reasonable suspicion (supported by articulable facts) of criminal activity, involvement in a completed crime
If there is reasonable suspicion that D is armed and dangerous, may frisk for weapons. Can only frisk if officer reasonably thinks the person has a weapon
What is reasonable suspicion?
More that a vague suspicion or hunch but less than probable cause - judged on the totality of the circumstances
What is required for reasonable suspicion to be based on the word of an informant (terry stop context)?
there must be indicia of reliability (can be predictive information - “I know there will be drugs coming in on Wednesday”)
Police officer asks person their name during a terry stop and they refuse, what now?
What if police find probable cause in the terry stop?
Police can arrest
What is the terry stop equivalent for property seizure?
Brief property seizure is valid if based on reasonable suspicion.
When can police stop an automobile?
if the police have at least reasonable suspicion to believe that a law has been violated
Is a dog sniff during a traffic stop a search?
No as long as the police do not extend the stop beyond the time needed to issue the ticket or conduct normal inquiry “sniff is not a search”
A dog alerts that there are drugs in a vehicle during a traffic stop. Probable cause?
Yes, can search
Can police without probable cause use a drug sniffing dog outside the home of a drug dealer?
Does a police officer’s reasonable mistake of law invalidate a seizure?
No, as long as it was a reasonable mistake of law
When an automobile is stopped, who is seized?
all of the occupants of the car (so if the stop was wrongful, all of the occupants have standing to raise the wrongful stop as grounds to exclude the evidence found during the stop)
Are checkpoints and “informational roadblocks” constitutional?
Yes as long as the purpose is something other than seeking incriminating information about the drivers stopped (if seeking information about another suspect or searching for witnesses, that’s fine)
If special law enforcement needs are involved, SCOTUS allows police officers to set up roadblocks to stop cars without individualized suspicion IF BOTH
1) cars are stopped on some neutral and articulable standard (e.g. every 4th car) AND
2) the roadblock is designed to serve purposes closely related to a particular problem pertaining to automobiles and their mobility