Crime and Deviance: Gender and crime Flashcards
Who talks about sex role theory?
What is sex role theory? And why does it argue that women commit less crime?
It is the theory that believes that because females in the household take on the expressive role and look after the husbands, girls internalise the values of being caring and empathetic. This then causes women to commit less crime because internalising those values have reduced the likelihood of women ever commiting a crime.
What is cannalisation?
This refers to being socialised through toys for example, cars/trucks socialise boys to be violent as they may crash them into one another whereas girls may have dolls in which they learn to carry out the expressive role in being loving and caring.
Is sex role theory still relevant today?
This theory is outdated due to the fact that nowadays in society we see girls and boys playing with toys oppositve to their gender e.g. girls playing with trucks and boys playing with dolls, this then suggests that this theory is not applicable to crime.
What is control theory and why does this cause women to commit less crime?
Heidensohn would argue that girls are more contolled by male authoritative figures, like fathers, compared to boys and later on when girls get married fathers ‘pass on’ the authority to their husbands. The lack of supervision that boys have could lead to them having more criminal behaviour than females because the control of females can lead to bedroom culture being obtained and them being less likely to commit crime as they dont go out.
Are women still controlled today?
No, women today are les controlled than they were before in aspects of housework, roles are shared and in the workplace women arent as controlled anymore. this therefore demonstrates that this theory isnt applicable anymore today then it wa before.
What is chivalry thesis, and why does it argue that women commit more crime?
Chivalry thesis is when male law enforcement tend to act gentalmanly to protect women from the criminal justice system as they believe that women are incapable of committing a crime and labelling them as weak emotionally or physically.
Floodpage et al
evidence chivalry thesis exists
Found that one in eleven female self reported offenders had been cautioned or prosecuted however the figure for males were one in seven self reported offenders.
Double deviancy
A03 for chivalry thesis
Myra Hindley is an example of double deviancy. She helped her partner kill 5 children. This is an example of double deviancy becauce as a woman, society expects you to be loving, nurturing and caring but she wasn’t which went against their values along with her killing 5 children that also went against societies values therefore committing double deviancy.
What is the liberation thesis and why does it argue women commit more crime?
Adler states that the increased freedom and growing economic opportunities have resulted in females committing more crime, women have similar employment patterns as men nowadays.
What is an example of liberation thesis?
Ladette culture - rise in girl gangs, rowdy, drunk, fighting, similar to lads
How can you evaluate liberation thesis?
Female crime rate began increasing in the 50’s long before the liberation movement in the 60’s.
Another evalutation point for liberation thesis
Most female crimes are working class, the group least likely to be influenced by womens liberation
Messerschmidt talks about Hegemonic masculinity. If males are unable to accomplish hegemonic masculintiy (appear stonrg, aggressive, have the ability to provide and protect) due to the fact that they may be unable to obtain a job or are homosexual, they will turn to illegitimate ways of achieving their desired masculinity.
Explains non utilitarian crimes as males just want to prove thier masculinity
What are two criticisms of messerschmidt
- Not all crimes committed demonstrates masculinity by men e.g. suicide, theft from a corner shop
- ignores aspects that may contribute to male crime
socialisation and cannalisation
Sex role theory (males)
Boys are socialised to be out more and play rough.
cannalisation - crashing trucks into each other, water guns etc
Labelling as an explanation of crime (male)
Typifications - police may targer w/c boys more which can lead to a self fulfilling prophecy.
Rational choice
Males have more opportunities to commit crimes and get away with it than women do because males are out more.
Seduction of crime - Edgework argues that males commit more crimes because they get a buzz from it rather than it being because they are socialised to be rough or due to subcultures, deprivation etc. Lyng argues that males like taking risks because its fun and this can include committing crimes. Katz also argues that men commit crime to tackle boredom
This could also be A03 for Hegemonic masculinity
decline in manual jobs - manual jobs were credited as being masculine but industralisation took over -> Crisis of masculinity - man felt that they couldnt display masculinity through other jobs like office work so relied on benefits -> postmodern society and the creation of bouncers.
Bodily capital
Winlow argues that violence is now a resource that men use to make money, they adopt a body builder physique to display their masculinity which can ensure them employment in the night time economy (bouncer, drug dealer)