Creation Of A Dictatorship 1933-34 Flashcards
When did Hitler call for the election and why?
March 5 1933
He was determined to win a majority that he needed in order to make himself dictator legally
When was the Reichstag Fire ?
27 February
A week before the fire
Who was blamed for the fire and what importance did this have?
Marinus van der Lubbe
He was a Dutch communist found at the scene
Since he was a communist Hitler took this advantage to accuse the Communists for the fire and state that they were planning a take over
This increased the NSDAPs popularity
What did Hindenburg sign the following day and what did that mean?
Hitler convinced Hindenburg to sing the - Decree for the Protection of People and State. Which meant that he could arrest large numbers of the opposition
A week later he arrested 4000 communist members
Who did the NSDAP form a coalition gov with in March ?
The National Party
Enabling Act
23 March
Gave Hitler and his gov complete power for the next 4 years which meant that he did do need the Reichstag’s consent to make laws - became more powerful than President
How was the Enabling Act passed?
Communist were in jail
Centre Party supported it because Hitler promised to support the rights of the Catholic Church
SA intimidated members as they walked in to vote
Absentees were counted as present
What did the Enabling Act signal?
End of the Weimar Constitution
End of democracy
What was Dachau?
A place where the first concentration camp was made for political opponents
March 1933
14 July 1933
Banning of all political parties
Leaders were either arrested or resigned
Germany became a one Party state
Abolition of Länder
Got rid of the 18 districts and centralised Germany
What happened on 2 May 1933?
All trade unions were banned and replaced by the German Labour Party (DAF)
They controlled the wages
What was the Night Of The Long Knives? When?
30 June 1934
Purging of Hitler’s military and political rivals in the SA
Why did Hitler need to purge the men in the SA?
Needed to win support of army
Saw the SA as a major threat
What was the aspect that the SA members favored the most of the Nazi Party?
Socialist views
What did Röhm want?
Wanted the army to incorporate with the SA
Wanted a socialist revolution
Why did Hitler need to get rid of Röhm?
Wasn’t a fan of his ambitions
Realized the army would never accept Röhm as commander in chief and Hitler needed the support of the army for his war plans
Who died on the Night Of The Long Knives?
The SS shot 400 SA leaders including….
Schleicher + wife
What happened after the Nigh of the Long Knives?
Law was passed in July that made the NOFTLK legal
After Hindenburgs death in August 1934 Hitler combined the posts of Chancellor and President and became Führer (90% voted)
Army swore allegiance to Hitler in November 1935
When did Hindenburg die?
August 1934