Cranial Nerves And Foramina Flashcards
What are the 12 cranial nerves?
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What nerves are sensory and which are motor?
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Olfactory - sensory
Optic - sensory
Oculomotor - motor
Trochlear - motor
Trigeminal - both
Abducens - motor
Facial - both
Vestibulocochlear - sensory
Glossopharyngeal - both
Vagus - both
Accessory - motor
Hypoglossal - motor
Where do all the cranial nerves originate from?
Nuclei on the brainstem
Olfactory - cerebrum
Optic - diencephalon
Accessory nerve originates in spinal cord
Label all the foramina and what exits there
Origin, course and function and name of CNI
Origin in cerebrum, runs through the cribiform foramina and innervates nasal cavity with sensory info
Name, Origin, course and function of CN2
Origin in diencephalon, leaves skull via optic Canal and provides sensory innervation to the eye
Name, Origin, course and function of CNIII
Origin in brainstem, leaves skull via superior orbital fissure and provides motor innervation to eye muscles minus the other 2 CN muscles
Name, Origin, course and function of CNIV
Origin in brainstem, leaves skull from the superior orbital fissue and provides motor innervation to the eye
(superior oblique muscle)
Name, Origin, course and function of CNV
Origin in brainstem,
V1 leaves via superior orbital fissue
V2 leaves via foramen rotundum
V3 leaves via foramen ovale
V1 = sensory to forehead and scalp
V2 - sensory to maxilla and sinuses, oral cavity
V3 - sensory to mandible and motor to muscles of mastication
Name, Origin, course and function of VI
Origin in brainstem, leaves via superior orbital fissue, motor innervation to lateral rectus muscle
Name, Origin, course and function of CNVII
Facial nerve
Origin in brainstem, leaves via internal acoustic meatus,
Motor function to muscles of face inc suprahyoid muscles, and submandibular glands
Sensory to the tongue and soft palate
Name, Origin, course and function of CNVIII
Origin in brainstem, leaves via internal acoustic meatus, sensory function to the ear
Name, Origin, course and function of CN IX
Origin in brainstem, leaves via jugular foramen,
Motor to parotid gland
Sensory to posterior 1/3 tongue tasted and tonsils, pharynx and middle ear
Origin, course and function of X
Origin in brainstem, leaves via jugular foramen
Motor to the heart, lungs, trachea, palate, bronchi, GIT
Sensory to heart, lungs, trachea, bronchi, GIT, external ear
Name, Origin, course and function of CNXI
Accessory nerve
Origin in spinal cord, enters/leaves via jugular foramen
Motor to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius