Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Special Visceral Afferent
CN I Leave and Enter
Nerves leave nasal canal (roof) to enter the anterior cranial fossa through cribriform plate of ethmoid
Enters the limbic lobe
Tract of Cerebral Cortex
Special Somatic Afferent
Rods and Cones are receptors
CN II Leave and Enter
Leave the eyeball from Retina to form optic nerve
Enter anterior cranial fossa through optic canal
Specific retinal fibers cross at Chiasm
Tract leads fibers to thalamus
FIbers called radiations lead to the cortex surrounding Calcarine Fissure
General Somatic Efferent
General Visceral Efferent
CN III - General Somatic Efferent
Motor to extraocular muscles
- Levator palpebrae superioris
- Superior rectus
- Inferior rectus
- Medial rectus
- Inferior oblique
CN III - General Visceral Efferent
Parasympathetic Motor
Ciliary Ganglion
Ciliary muscle and sphincter pupillae
CN III Enters and leaves
Emerges from midbrain from interpeduncular fossa into the middle cranial fossa to enter the superior orbital fissure
General Somatic Efferent
Motor to Superior Oblique Muscle
CN IV Leaves and Enters
Only cranial nerve to leave brainstem from dorsal aspect
Emerges from midbrain posteriorly
Leaves middle cranial fossa through superior orbital fissure
General Somatic Afferent
Special Visceral Efferent
CN V - General Somatic Afferent
Sensory from face, orbit, nasal, and oral cavities
3 branches arise from pons
Proprioceptive fibers from muscles carried in oculomotor trochlear (IV) Abducens (VI) and Hypoglossal (XII) nerves
Nerve impulses sent to trigeminal nucleus
CN V branches enter and leave
Ophthalmic - leaves cranial vault through superior fissure
Maxillary - leaves cranial vault through foramen rotundum
Mandibular - leaves cranial vault through foramen ovale
CN V - Special Visceral Efferent
Branchial Motor
Motor to muscles of masstication (temporalis, masseter, medial and lateral pterygoid)
Mylohyoid, ant belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini
General Somatic Efferent - motor to the lateral rectus muscles
CN VI - Leaves and enters
Arises near midline of pontomedullary junction
Nucleus is located in the pons
Leaves middle cranial fossa to enter the orbit through the superior orbital fissure
Facial Both Special Visceral Efferent General Visceral Efferent General Somatic Afferent Special Visceral Afferent
CN VII - Special Visceral Efferent
Motor to muscles of facial expression, stylohyoid, and pot belly of digastic
CN VII - General Visceral Efferent
Parasympathetic motor
Pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia
Lacrimal, nasal, and palatine glands, submandibular and sublingual glands
CN VII - General Somatic Afferent
Sensory to external auditory meatus
CN VII - Special Visceral Afferent
Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
CN VII - enters and leaves
Leaves cranial vault through internal auditory meatus
Emerges from the skull via stylomastoid foramen
Vestibulocochlear Sensory Two main branches arise from the pons - Vestibular nerve - Cochlear nerve Special Somatic Afferent (balance, position, hearing)
CN VIII Enters and leaves
ENters the internal auditory meatus to internal ear in petrous portion of temporal bone within posterior cranial fossa
Glossopharyngeal Both Special Visceral Efferent General Visceral Efferent General Somatic Afferent Special Visceral Afferent General Visceral Afferent
CN IX - Special Visceral Effernet
Branchial Motor
Motor to pharyngeal constrictors and stylopharyngeus
CN IX - General Visceral Efferent
Parasympathetic motor
Otic ganglion
Parotid gland
CN IX - General Somatic Afferent
General sense to post 1/3 of tongue
CN IX - Special Visceral Afferent
Taste to post 1/3 of tongue
CN IX - General Visceral Afferent
Carotid sinus, body
CN IX - leaves and enters
Leaves medulla posterior to olive
Enters jugular foramen to leave posterior cranial fossa
Both Special Visceral Efferent General Visceral Efferent General Somatic Afferent General Visceral Afferent Special Visceral Afferent
CN X - Special Visceral Efferent
BRanchial Motor
Motor to muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and palatoglossus
CN X - General Visceral Efferent
Parasympathetic motor
Ganglia within the walls of the organs it innervates
Thoracic and abdominal viscera through the left colic flexure of the large intestine
CN X -General Somatic Afferent
Sensory to external auditory meatus
CN X - General Visceral Afferent
Aorta baro and chemoreceptors
CN X - Special Visceral Afferent
Taste to epiglottic region
CN X leaves and enters
Emerges from medulla behind the olive
Leaves posterior cranial fossa through jugular fossa
General Somatic Efferent (Trap and SCM)
CN XI Leaves and Enters
Arises from upper cervical spinal cord, ascends to enter foramen magnum
Only CN to not come off the brain
Joins CNs IX and X to elave posterior cranial fossa through jugular foramen
General Somatic Efferent
Motor to all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue (except palatoglossus)
CN XII enters and leaves
Arises from medulla, nerves emerge anterior to olive
Leaves posterior cranial fossa through hypoglossal canal
Central Connections - Rules of 4
Brainstem origin
12 CN for 3 structures of the brainstem (midbrain, pons, medulla)
Utilized for quick localization of stroke symptoms in brainstem
CN 3, 7, 9, 10
Parasympathetics (3)
Sphincter pupillae
Ciliary muscles
Parasympathetics (7)
Lacrimal gland
Submandibular and sublingual glands
Nasal and palatine glands
Parasympathetic (9)
Parotid gland
Parasympathetic (10)
Thoracic and abdominal viscera to left colic flexure of the large intestine