Cranial Nerves Flashcards
olfactory type
special sensory
optic type
special sensory
oculomotor types
somatic motor, visceral motor (parasympathetic)
trochlear type
somatic motor
opthalmic type
somatic (general) sensory
maxillary type
somatic (general) sensory
mandibular types
somatic (general) sensory), somatic (brachial) motor
facial types
somatic (branchial) motor, special sensory, somatic (general) sensory, visceral motor
vestibulocochlear type
special sensory
glossopharyngeal types
somatic (branchial) motor, visceral motor (parasympathetic), visceral sensory, special sensory, somatic (general) sensory
vagus types
somatic (branchial) motor, visceral motor, visceral sensory, special sensory, somatic (general) sensory
spinal accessory type
somatic motor
hypoglossal type
somatic motor
olfactory nerve cell bodies
olfactory cells (olfactory epithelium)
optic nerve cell bodies
retina (ganglion cells)
oculomotor nerve cell bodies: somatic motor
midbrain (nucleus of oculomotor nerve)
oculomotor nerve cell bodies: visceral motor
pre: midbrain post: ciliary nucleus
trochlear nerve cell bodies
midbrain (nucleus of trochlear nerves)
opthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular somatic sensory nerve cell bodies
trigeminal ganglion. synapse: sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
mandibular somatic (branchial) motor nerve cell bodies
pons (motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve)
abducens nerve cell bodies
pons (nucleus of abducens nerve)
facial somatic (brachial) motor nerve cell bodies
pons (motor nucleus of facial nerve)
facial special sensory nerve cell bodies
geniculate ganglion. synapse: nuclei of solitary tract
facial somatic (general) sensory nerve cell bodies
geniculate ganglion. synapse: sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve
facial visceral motor nerve cell bodies
pre: pons (superior salivatory nucleus) post: pterygopalatine ganglion, submandibular ganglion
vestibular nerve cell bodies
vestibular ganglion. synapse: vestibular nuclei
cochlear nerve cell bodies
spiral ganglion. synapse: cochlear nulei
glossopharyngeal somatic (branchial) motor nerve cell bodies
medulla (nucleus ambiguus)
glossopharyngeal visceral motor nerve cell bodies
pre: medulla (inferior salivatory nucleus) post: otic ganglion
glossopharyngeal special sensory and visceral sensory nerve cell bodies
sensory ganglion (nuclei of solitary tract)
glossopharyngeal somatic (general) sensory nerve cell bodies
sensory ganglion (synapse: sensory nucleus of CNV)
vagus somatic (branchial) motor nerve cell bodies
medulla (nucleus ambiguus)
vagus visceral motor nerve cell bodies
pre: medulla post: neurons in or near viscera
vagus special sensory and visceral sensory nerve cell bodies
inferior ganglion. synapse: nuclei of solitary tract
vagus somatic (general) sensory nerve cell bodies
superior ganglion. synapse: sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerves
spinal accessory nerve cell bodies
spinal cord!
hypoglossal nerve cell bodies
olfactory exit
foramina of cribriform plate
optic exit
optic canal
oculomotor, trochlear, opthalmic, abducent exit
superior orbital fissure
maxillary exit
foramen rotundum
mandibular exit
foramen ovale
facial exit
internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, stylomastoid foramen
vestibulocochlear exit
internal acoustic meatus
gloassopharyngeal, vagus, spinal acessory eit
jugular foramen
hypoglossal exit
hypoglossal canal
olfactory action
optic action
vision (retina)
oculomotor somatic motor action
superior, inferior and medial rectus, inferior oblique and levator palpebra superioris.
turns eyeball superiorly, inferiorly, medially, raises superior eyelid
oculomotor visceral motor action
parapsympathetic to sphinter pupillae and ciliary muscle, constricts pupil and accomodates lens.
trochlear action
motor to superior oblique, assists in turning eye inferiolaterally (or inferiorly when adducted.)
opthalmic action
sensation: cornea, skin of forehead, scalp, eyelids, nose; mucosa of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
maxillary action
sensation: skin of face over maxilla, maxillary teeth & sinus, nose mucosa, & palate
mandibular somatic (general) sensory action
sensation: skin over mandible, mandibular teeth, TMJ, mucosa of mouth, anterior (front) 2/3 tongue
mandibular somatic (branchial) motor action
motor to muscles of mastication, mylohyoid & anterior digastric belly, tensor veli palatini and tensor tympani
abducent action
motor to lateral rectus, turns eye laterally
facial somatic (branchial) action
motor to facial expression muscles and scapl, stapedius of middle ear, posterior belly of the digastric
facial special sensory action
taste front anterior (front) 2/3 of tongue
facial somatic (general) sensory action
sensation: skin of external acoustic meatus
facial visceral motor action
parasympathetic to glands: submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal, glands of nose and palate
vestibular action
position and movement of head
semicircular ducts, utricle, saccule
inner ear, where balance comes from
cochlear action
hearing (from spiral organ)
glossopharyngeal somatic (branchial) motor action
motor to stylopharyngeus to assist in swallowing
glossopharyngeal visceral motor action
parasympathetic: parotid gland
glossopharyngeal special sensory action
taste from posterior third of tongue
glossopharyngeal somatic (general) sensory actions
sensation: eternal ear, pharynx, middle ear
glossopharyngeal visceral sensory action
carotid body and sinus
vagus somatic (branchial) motor action
motor to pharyngeal constrictors, (except stylopharyngeus) intrinsic muscles of larynx, muscles of palate (except tensor veli palatini) striated muscle of superior esophagus
vagus visceral motor action
parasympathetic to smooth muscle of trachea, brochi, digestive tract, and cardiac muscle
vagus visceral sensory action
visceral sensation from base of tongue, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, heart, esophagus, stomach, intestine
vagus special sensory action
taste from epiglottis and palate
vagus nerve somatic (general) sensory action
sensation: auricle, external acoustic meatus, dura mater of posterior cranial fossa
spinal accessory action
motor to SCM and trapezius
hypoglossal action
motor to intrinsic and extrinsic tongue (except palatoglossus).
parasympathetic ganglion of the head
ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, otic
ciliary ganglion is attached to _____ but comes from _____
V1 (nasociliary branch), CNIII
pterygopalatine ganglion is attached to _____ but comes from _____
V2, CNVII (greater petrosal)
submandibular ganglion is attached to _____ but comes from _____
V3 (lingual branch), CNVII (chorda tympani branch)
otic ganglion is attached to _____ but comes from _____
V3, IX, lesser petrosal nerve
trigeminal ganglion
in middle cranial fossa
mesencephalic nucleus
within the brain (displaced cells of trigeminal ganglion)
geniculate ganglion
in facial canal
cochlear ganglion
in canal around modiolus, base of spiral lamina
vestibular ganglion
outer part of internal acoustic meatus
ganglion of IX (superior and inferior)
in jugular foramen
ganglion of X
in and below jugular foramen
salvitory nucleus
where salivary parasympathetics synapse in the CNS
inferior: parotid (IX) (otic ganglion)
superior: all the rest (VII) (submandibular and pterygopalatine ganglion)
nucleus ambiguus
in medulla,
where motor nerve of IX and X come from
solitary tract
where special sensory VII
and somatic/special sensoty IX and X synapse
tenor velli palatini
tenses palate to keep liquid out of pharynx
mandibular nerve
tenor tympani
tenses tympani
mandibular nerve
helps to swallow, prevents choking
vagus nerve
last midbrain cranial nerve
divides pons and medulla cranial nerves
VIII, emerges from pontomedullary junction
what is weird about VII, IX, X somatic sensory nerves?
synapse on trigeminal sensory nucleus
sympathetics passing through ganglion:
ciliary (V1 nasociliary)
internal carotid plexus
around opthalmic artery
sympathetics passing through ganglion:
(V2 maxillary)
internal carotid plexus
deep petrosal artery
sympathetics passing through ganglion:
(V3) lingual
external carotid plexus (facial artery plexus)
sympathetics passing through ganglion:
(V3 mandibular)
external carotid plexus
middle meningeal plexus