Block 2 Assorted Nerves Flashcards
Greater palatine
branch of pterygopalatine ganglion, to front of hard palate
Inferior alveolar
branch of V#, toward mandibular teeth
Inferior laryngeal
terminal branch of recurrent laryngeal
maxillary nerve after infraorbital canal
branch of nasociliary before anterior ethmoidal foarmen
Internal laryngeal
branch of superior laryngeal nerve
smallest branch of V1, to lacrimal gland
Lesser palatine
branch of pterygopalatine ganglion, through fossa to soft palate
Lingual nerve
branch of V3 to tongue
Long ciliary
from nasociliary nerve via ciliary ganglion to eye
branch of inferior alveolar nerve to mental foramen
deep midsized branch of V1
branch of pterygopalatine ganglion, through incisive fossa
Nerve of the pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve)
formed by the junction of great and deep petrosal nerves
Nerve to thyrohyoid
C1 via hypoglossal nerve
Posterior superior alveolar
from trunk of V3 toward maxillary teeth
Right and left recurrentlaryngeal
from vagus toward larynx. Loops subclavian (right) and arch of aorta (left)
Short ciliary
from ciliary ganglion to eye
Submandibular ganglion
hangs from V3 on hyoglossus muscle
Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
opposite C2 and C3 vertebrae, deep to IJV and ICA
Superior laryngeal
branch of X, descends beside pharynx deep to ICA, splits into internal and external
branch of frontal nerve, to supraorbital foramen
branch of frontal , exits between trochlea and duperior orbital foramen
Greater palatine function
gums, mucus membrane of hard palate up to incisors
Inferior alveolar function
to mandibular teeth: gives off mylohyoid branch and mental branch too.
Inferior laryngeal function
all laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid (external laryngeal), mucosa below the vocal chords
Infratrochlear function
upper eylids, bridge of nose, conjucntive, lacrima sac and caruncle
Internal laryngeal function
mucous membrane and larynx, epiglottis, base of tongue, glands, larynx as low as vocal folds
lacrimal function
sensory to lacrimal gland, conjuctiva, and lateral upper eyelid
Lesser palatine function
soft palate, tonsil, uvula
Lingual nerve function
somatic sensory to anterior 2/3 of tongue, taste to 2/3 (via chorda tympani from facial)
Long ciliary function
sensory to eyeball and cornea, sympathetic fibers to dilator pupillae
Mental function
sensation to chin and lower lip
Nasociliary function
travel to long and short ciliary. Test with blink reflex
Nasopalatine function
palatal structures around upper six front teeth, some of the nasal septum
Nerve of the pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve) function
just travel: from forament lacerum to pterygopalatine ganglion
Phrenic function
Posterior superior alveolar function
to maxillary gums and mucosa and molars
Right and left recurrent laryngeal function
motor and sensation to the larynx (below vocal cords)
Short ciliary function
to ciliary muscle (accommodation: change of lens shape)
Submandibular ganglion function
parasympathetic innervation to submanidibular and sublingual glands
Superior cervical sympathetic ganglion function
sympathetics to eye, carotid body, blood vessels
Superior laryngeal function
external to cricothyroid to tense vocal cords, internal sensory to laryngeal mucosa
Supraorbital function
conjuctiva, frontal sinus, forehead, back and middle of scalp
Supratrochlear function
skin of mid forehead, conjuctiva and skin of upper eyelid
vocal chords innervated by
internal laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal
chorda tympani function
para to submandibular and sublingual, taste to the anterir 2/3 of tongue