Anatomy Michigan Head and Neck Flashcards
skin to shoulder, upper anterior neck
supraclavicular, C3-4
ear and just below ear
lesser occipital, C2
motor only
transverse cervical
C2-3, anterior neck
SCM innervation
XI (proprioception from C2/3)
dorsal ramus of a spinal nerve?
greater occipital nerve C2, skin behind ear
inferior thyroid arteries
supply most of the parathyroid, posterior thryroid
skin over the angle of the jaw
great auricular nerve
superior branch of ansa cervicalis separtes from XII where?
carotid triangle
ansa cervicalis does what?
motor to strap
platysma innervated by
diaphragm innervated by cervical plexus?
yes. C3,4,5
muscluar torticollis
head tilt. SCM.
have pt. Look inward
testing obliques
have pt. Look outward
testing rectus
optic nerve sheath is connuation of
menigeal dura, arachnoid and pia
lining of lids around eyeball
lid droop
constriction of pupil
decreased sweating
lacrimal duct path
gland (lateral), fornix, lake (medial), puncat
superior tarsal
smooth muscle of lev. Palpera, sympathetically innervated
inferior oblique originates
in floor of orbit
opthalmic vein goes to cavernous sinus how
facial vein, pterygoid plexus, cavernous sinus
Oculomotor arterial pass
between posterior cerbral and anterior cerebellar
all nerves exits SOF go through
cavernous sinus
only Abductor of vocal fold
posterior cricoarthenoid
most responsible for elonging cords
all but cricothyroid innervated by
inferior laryngeal nerve (end of recurrent)
vocalis muscle
fine fold control. Part of thyroarentnoid
carotid sheath contains
vagus nerve, superior ansa, internal and common carotid, internal jugular
who takes parasympathetics on V3 to parotid
auricotemporal nerve
V2 branches of interest
middle meningeal, infraorbital, zygomatic, nasopalatine, superior alveolar, greater and lesser palatine, pharyngeal
V3 bucchal
sensory only
lateral superior orbital skin sensation
zygomatic V2
facial’s vascular motor function
nonparietal salivation
motor to buccinator
things through the parotid
CNVII, retromandibulr vein, external carotid artery
smile muscle
zygomaticus major
auditory tube enters which middle ear wall
anterior wall
handle of malleus
articulates with incus
long process of incus
articulates with head of stapes
foot of stapes
in vestibular window
tympanic nerve is on what wall of mid ear
medial wall (turns into lesser petrosal to parotid gland)
chorda tympani is on
lateral wall, withmembrane
facial nerve canal is
medial and posterior
typanic plexus IX
innervates middle ear mucosa, tympanic nerve to otic gangliod and parotid
inferior meatus
conducts tears to orbit
middle meatus
has semilunar hiatus, drains frontal sinus, ant. Ethmoid air cells, and maxillary sinus
tonsillar fossa
palatine tonsil, between palatoglossal and palatopterygoid fossa
pharyngeal recess
posterior to taurus tubarius
pharyngeal tonsils are located
in the roof of the nsaopharynx
salpingopharyngeal fold
extends from medial end of auditory tube
opening of posterior nsal cavity
paralingual space is deep to mylohyoid, bound by
lateral tongue, hyoid bone, oral mucosa
lateral pterygoid action
protracts mandible
masseter and medial pterygoid action
elevates mandible
temporalis action
posterior retracts, anterior elevates mandible
mylohyoid action
depresses mandible
facial artery arises from mandible just anterior to
insertion of masseter
who inserts in TMJ?
lateral pterygoid
major blood supply of infratemporal fossa
maxillary artery
genioglossus actions
protrude, depress, draw tip of tongue out and down
retracts and depresses tongue
retracts and elevates tongue
PALATOglossus nerve
chorda tympani contains what before lingual nerves?
presynaptic parasymbathetics
what nerve loops around the submandibular duct?
what artery courses through submandibular gland
facial artery
what runs between anterior and middle scalene
subcalvian artery
phrenic nerve in contact with what muscle?
anterior scalene
subclavain veins travels over
anterior scalenes