Anterior Neck Flashcards
contents of submental triangle (2)
small submental lymph nodes,
small veins that unite to form anterior jugular vein.
Borders of Submental Triangle
A: mandible
L: anterior belly of digastric
I: Hyoid bone
M: midline of neck
submandibular triangle borders
S: inferior border of mandible
A: anterior belly of digastric muscle
P: posterior belly of digastric muscle
submanidular triangle contents (6)
submandibular gland, submandibular lymph nodes, hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) nerve to myohyloid parts of facial artery and vein submental artery
carotid triangle borders
S: posterior belly of digastric
I/M: superior belly of omohyoid
L: anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
carotid triangle contains (6)
common carotid division to internal and external internal jugular vein deep cervical lymph nodes vagus nerve branches of hypoglossal ansa cervicalis
muscular triangle borders
S: hyoid bone S/L: superior belly of omohoid I/L: anterior border of sternocleidomastoid inferior: sternal notch medial: midline of neck.
muscular triangle contains
infrahyoid muscles
thyroid and parathyroid glands
mylohyoid nerve
branch of inferior alveolar
from mandibular nerve, CN V3
mylohyoid action
elevated hyoid, floor of mouth & tongue
during swallowing and speaking
geniohyoid attachments
inferior mental spine of mandible
body of hyoid
geniohyoid nerve
C1 via hypoglossal nerve
geniohyoid actions
pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly; shortens floor of mouth, widens pharynx
stylohyoid attachments
styloid process of temporal bone,
body of hyoid
stylohyoid nerve
stylohyoid branch of the facial nerve (CNXII)
stylohyoid actions
elevates and retracts hyoid, thus elongating floor of the mouth
digastric attachments
anterior belly: digastric fossa of mandible
posterior: mastoid notch of temporal bone
intermediate: tendon to body and greater horn of hyoid
digastric nerves
anterior: nerve to mylohyoid (branch of alveolar)
posterior digastric branch of facila nerve CN XII
digastric actions
works w/infrahyoid, depresses mandible against resistance, elevates and steadies hyoid during swallowing and speaking
sternohyoid attachments
manubrium of sternum & medial end of clavicle
body of hyoid
sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid nerve
C1-3 by branch of ansa cervicalis
sternothyroid just C2 & C3
omohyoid attachments
superior border of scapula near suprascapular notch
inferior border of hyoid
omohyoid actions
depresses, retracts, and steadies hyoid
sternothyroid attachments
posterior surface of manubrium of sternum
oblique line of thyroid cartilage
sternothyroid and thyrohyoid actions
depresses hyoid and larynx
thyrohyoid attachments
oblique line of thyroid cartilage
inferior border of boy and greater horn of hyoid
thyrohyoid nerve
C1 via hypoglossal nerve
action sternohyoid
depressed hyiod after elevation during swallowing
compartments of neck
somatic and visceral
fascial layers
investing: all, even SCM and trap
pretrachial: infrahyoid muscles and viscera
prevertebral: sheath for vertebral column and associated muscles
associated muscles of cervical vertebrae
longus colli and longus capitis (A)
scalenes (lateral)
deep cervical muscles (P)
fascial planes determine
direction infection spreads
mastoid process
temporal bone bump behind ear
styloid process
temporal bone, spike behind jaw
vertebral prominens
C7, nonbifurcated, nuchal ligament attaches
extrinisic muscle of tongue, attaches to hyoid bone but is not infrahyoid
external carotid branches
superior thyroid artery ascending pharyngeal artery lingual artery facial artery occipital artery posterior auricular maxillary superficial temporal
superior thyroid artery
runs deep to infrahyoid muscles to thyroid gland
branches of superior thyroid
to infrahyoid muscles (which?)
to SCM
+ superior laryngeal artery
ascending pharyngeal artery
only medial branch of external carotid
first or second branch
ascending pharyngeal branches
to pharynx
to vertebral muscles,
to middle ear,
to cranial meninges
lingual artery
arches superoanteriorly deep to CN XII & stylohyoid,
goes to hyoglossus
lingual artery branches
bifurcates into deep lingual and sublingual arteries
facial artery
common with or above lingual, branches before passing under digastric, then
SUPERFICIAL to mandible
branches of facial artery
palantine artery, tonsillar branch (before mandible)
submental artery, facial arteries
Occipital artery
posterior, superior, and parallel to posterior belly of digastric
ends in posterior scalp
maxillary artery
deep to the ramus (perpendicular part) of the mandible
superficial temporal artery
one terminal branch of external carotid.
smaller than maxillary, appears as continuation of carotid
ventral rami of cervical spinal nerves in carotid triangle
contents of carotid sheath
common and internal carotid, internal jugular vein, vagus nerve
cranial nerves
12 sets emerge from the brain.
All PNS except CNII (optic)
All from brainstem except I & II (cerebrum)
cranial nerve ganglia originate
in the CNS
from cerebrum
from cerebrum
not PNS
branches of vagus nerve
superior and recurrent laryngeal
superior laryngeal branches
external, to cricoid
internal: pierces thryohyoid membrane
recurrent laryngeal nerve
in crevice between trachea and esophagus
thyroid gland blood supply
inferior: from thyrocervical trunk of subclavian artery
superior: thyroid arteries (from external carotid)
thyroid gland innervation
nerves of thyroid
from superior, middle and inferior cervical sympathetic ganglia
parathyroid lesions cause
tetany, a severe convulsive disorder
superficial cervical lymph nodes accompany
external jugular
deep cervical lymph nodes accompany
internal jugular vein
head and neck lymph nodes drain
to jugular trunks,
empty into venous system at LEFT side junction of brachiocephalic and cephalic veins
all cervical vertebrae have
transverse foramina.
only 2-7 have bodies
first pharyngeal arch
CNV, trigeminal=mylohyoid, anterior belly of the digastric
second pharyngeal arch
CNVII, facial nerve: stylohyoid (and its ligaments), posterior belly of digastric, part of hyoid bone.
Third pharyngeal arch
CNIX: glossopharyngeal muscles, stylopharyngeus, part of hyoid bone, common and internal carotid arteries
fourth and sixth pharyngeal arch
CNX vagus nerve. cricothyroid, pharyngeal constrictors, intrinsic muscles of the larynx, striated esophagus, laryngeal cartilages
thyroid hormone
from thyroid, controls rate of metabolism
from thyroid, controls Ca metabolism
parathyroid hormone
from parathyroid, Ca and phosphorous metabolism
brachiocephalic trunk
right side only.
largest branch of the arch of the aorta.
becomes right common carotid and right subclavian artery
left subclavian artery
arises directly from arch of the aorta
branches of the subclavian artery
vertebral internal thoracic thyrocervical trunk costocervical trunk dorsal scapular
vertebral artery
superior path, enters transverse foramen of C6
parts of vertebral artery
cervical, vertebral, suboccipital, cranial
internal thoracic
heads inferior, toward thorax, no branches
thyrocervical trunk branches
trnasverse cervical (trapezius)
suprascapular (to spinatuses)
inferior thyroid
ascending cervical
costocervical trunk
more posterior than T,
splits to deep cervical and superior intercostal
dorsal scapular artery
may be alone or in thryocervical trunk.
to lev. scapulae and the rhomboids
phrenic nerve
C4, some C3/5
to diaphragm
passes anterior to ant. scalene and subclavian artery
horner’s syndrome
cervical sympathetic trunk lesions: pupillary constriction, droop in eyelid (ptosis), sinking eyeball (enophthalmos), vasodilation, no sweating on face or neck.
general action of prevertebral muscles
flexion of neck, flexion of head on neck, lateral flexion, elevate ribs in forced respiration
opthalmic branch of trigeminal
miaxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
mandibular branch of trigeminal
Cranial Nerve Names
olfactory optic occulomotor trochlear trigeminal abducens facial glosspharyngeal vagus accessory hypoglossal
hyoid superior attachments
lateral to medial
(middle) constrictor of pharynx hyoglossus digastric loop stylohyoid geniohyoid mylohyoid
great horn hyoid attachments
middle constrictor of pharynx
(both all along it, C posterior)
lesser horn hyoid attachments
stylohyoid ligament, middle constrictor of pharynx
inferior hyoid attachements
lateral to median
thyrohyoid, omohyoid, sternohyoid