What are the branches of CN XII?
Hypoglossal n. (motor)
- genioglossus
- hyoglossus
- styloglossus
- intrinsic mm of tongue
What is the origin of CN XII?
medulla (medial aspect, olive)
What does CN XII travel through?
hypoglossal canal
What is the motor nucl. of CN XII?
hypoglossal nucl.
What are the branches of CN XI?
accessory (motor)
- trapezius
What is the origin of CN XI?
brainstem (C1-5)
What does CN XI travel through?
f. magnum (b/c originates from brainstem)
jugular f.
What are the branches of CN X?
pharyngeal n.
- branchial motor: palate and pharynx mm
- parasympathetic: palate and pharynx mucosa
- sensory touch/proprioception
Internal laryngeal br. of superior laryngeal
- parasympathetic: epiglottis vocal cord mucosa
- sensory: touch
- sensory: taste, epiglottis
External laryngeal br. of superior laryngeal
- branchial motor: cricothyroid m
- sensory: proprioception
Recurrent laryngeal n.
- branchial motor: intrinsic mm of larynx
- parasympathetic: vocal cord trachea mucosa
- sensory: proprioception
Vagal trunks
- sensory: visceral
- parasympathetic: visc. thorax and abdomen
Thoracic cardiac
- sensory: visceral (aortic arch, mmHg)
Auricular br.
- sensory: touch
What is the origin of CN X?
What is the sensory ganglion of CN X?
superior and inferior ganglion (bean)
What does CN X travel through?
jugular f.
What is the branchial motor nucl. of CN X?
nucl. ambiguus
What is the parasympathetic nucl. of CN X?
dorsal motor nucl.
What is the result of a CN X lesion?
Branchial motor: dysphagia, weak/hoarse voice, saggy palatal arch, contralat uvula deviation
Pre-para: insignificant if unilateral
Sensory: anesthesia of ext auditory canal
Sensory, visceral: insignificant if unilateral
Taste: insignificant
Which nerves have branchial motor axons?
CN V3 - trigeminal, mandibular
CN VII - facial
CN IX - glossopharyngeal
CN X - vagus
Which nerves have motor, sensory, and parasympathetic axons?
CN VII - facial
CN IX - glossopharyngeal
CN X - vagus
Which nerves originate from the cerebrum?
CN I - olfactory
CN II - optic
Which nerves originate from the midbrain?
CN III - oculomotor
CN IV - trochlear (contralateral)
Which nerves originate from the pons?
CN V1-3 - trigeminal, ophthalmic-maxillary-mandibular
CN VI - abducens
CN VII - facial
CN VIII - vestibulocochlear
Which nerves originate from the medulla?
CN IX - glossopharyngeal
CN X - vagus
CN XII - hypoglossal
Which nerves originate from the brainstem?
CN XI - accessory
What are the branches of CN IX?
n. to stylopharyngeus
- motor
- sensory
carotid n.
- sensory: visceral
- – carotid (O2/CO2)
- – carotid sinus (mmHg)
lingual br.
- sensory: taste
- sensory: post 1/3 tongue
tonsilar br.
- sensory: tonsil bed
pharyngeal br.
- sensory: upper pharynx (gag reflex)
tympanic n.
- sensory: inner ear
lesser petrosal n.
- parasympathetic to otic ganglion to parotid gl. “SPIT”
What is the branchial motor nucl. of CN IX?
nucl. ambiguus
What is the parasympathetic nucl. of CN IX?
inferior salivatory nucl.
What does CN IX travel through?
jugular f.
tympanic canaliculus
- tympanic n.
hiatus for lesser petrosal n.
- lesser petrosal n.
- into middle fossa (?)
f. ovale
- lesser petrosal n.
What is the parasympathetic ganglion of CN IX?
otic ganglion to parotid gl. “SPIT”
suspended from auriculotemporal n. of CN V3
What is the sensory ganglion of CN IX?
superior and inferior ganglion (bean)
What are the branches of CN VII?
greater petrosal n. to n. of pterygoid canal
- sensory: taste (palate) (travels w/ lesser palatine br. of CN V2)
- parasympathetic to pterygopalatine ganglion to lacrimal gl. “CRY” and to “SNOT”
- travels with deep petrosal n. (postsympathetic)
chorda tympani
- sensory: taste, ant 2/3 tongue
- parasympathetic: submandibular ganglion to sublingual gl. and submandibular gl. “SPIT”
main root
n. to stapedius
- branchial motor
- sensory
posterior auricular n.
- sensory
muscular branches
- posterior digastric
- stylohyoid
muscular branches
- temporal
- zygomatic
- buccal
- mandibular
- cervical
What does CN VII travel through?
internal auditory meatus
stylomastoid f.
- main root to muscular branches (TZBMC, post. digastric, stylohyoid)
petrotympanic fissure
- chorda tympani
hiatus for greater petrosal n.
- greater petrosal n.
pterygoid canal
- n. of pterygoid canal
- deep petrosal n. (postsymp)
pterygopalatine fossa
- pterygopalatine ganglion
- sensory br. taste (palate)
What is the branchial motor nucl. of CN VII?
facial motor nucl.
What is the sensory ganglion of CN VII?
geniculate ganglion
What is the parasympathetic nucl. of CN VII?
superior salivatory nucl.
What is the origin of CN VII?
What are the parasympathetic ganglion of CN VII?
pterygopalatine ganglion
- lacrimal gl. “CRY”
- “SNOT”
- suspended from trigeminal, maxillary CN V2
submandibular ganglion
- sublingual and submandibular gl. “SPIT”
- suspended from lingual br. of trigeminal, mandibular CN V3
What are the branches of CN VI?
abducens n.
- motor: lateral rectus
What is the motor nucl. of CN VI?
abducens nucl.
What does CN VI travel through?
superior orbital fissure
What is the origin of CN VI?
What are the branches of CN V3?
trigeminal, mandibular
meningeal n.
- sensory
deep temporal n.
- sensory
- branchial motor
masseteric n.
- sensory
- branchial motor
lateral pterygoid n.
- sensory
- branchial motor
medial pterygoid n.
- sensory
- branchial motor
buccal n.
- sensory
lingual n.
- sensory: ant 2/3 tongue
- suspends submandibular ganglion of CN VII
inferior alveolar n.
- n. to mylohyoid
- – branchial motor: anterior digastric, mylohyoid
- – sensory
- mental n.
- – sensory
auriculotemporal n.
- sensory
- suspends otic ganglion to parotid gl. of CN IX
- hugs middle meningeal a.
What is the branchial motor nucl. of CN V3?
trigeminal, mandibular
trigeminal motor nucl.
What is the sensory ganglion of CN V3?
trigeminal, mandibular
trigeminal ganglion w/ trigeminal sensory nucl.
What does CN V3 travel through?
trigeminal, mandibular
f. ovale
f. spinosum
- meningeal n.
mandibular f., mental f.
- inferior alveolar n. to mental n.
What is the origin of CN V3?
trigeminal, mandibular
What are the branches of CN V2?
trigeminal, maxillary
pharyngeal n.
- sensory
lesser palatine n.
- sensory
greater palatine n.
- sensory
nasopalatine n.
- sensory
posterior superior lateral nasal n.
- sensory
posterior superior medial nasal n.
- sensory
posterior superior alveolar n.
- sensory
infraorbital n.
- sensory
anterior superior alveolar n.
- sensory
middle superior alveolar n.
zygomatic n.
- sensory
- carries postpara to communicating br. to lacrimal br. V1 to lacrimal gl.
What does CN V2 travel through?
trigeminal, maxillary
f. rotundum
pterygopalatine fossa
palatovaginal canal
- pharyngeal n.
lesser palatine f.
- lesser palatine n.
greater palatine f.
- greater palatine n.
sphenopalatine f.
- n. to post. sup. lat./med. nasal
- nasopalatine n.
incisive fossa
- nasopalatine n.
pterygomaxillary fissure
- posterior superior alveolar n.
infraorbital groove/canal/foramen
- infraorbital n.
- ant. sup. alveolar n.
- mid. sup. alveolar n.
inferior orbital fissure
- zygomatic n.
What is the origin of CN V2?
trigeminal, maxillary
What parasympathetic ganglion is suspended from CN V2?
trigeminal, maxillary
pterygopalatine ganglion CN VII
What is the sensory ganglion of CN V2?
trigeminal, maxillary
trigeminal ganglion w/ trigeminal sensory nucl.
What are the branches of CN V1?
trigeminal, ophthalmic
lacrimal n. - sensory --- lacrimal gl. --- cutaneous skin of forehead (communicating br. to V3)
frontal n.
- supraorbital n.
- – sensory to skin above eye
- supratrochlear n.
- – sensory to skin of forehead
nasociliary n.
- long ciliary
- – sensory to (?)
- short ciliary
- – sensory to cornea
- – suspends ciliary ganglion CN III
- infratrochlear
- – sensory to skin of bridge of nose
- anterior ethmoidal
- – sensory to nasal cavity, skin of nose
- posterior ethmoidal
- – sensory to nasal cavity
What does CN V1 travel through?
trigeminal, ophthalmic
superior orbital fissure
supraorbital f.
- supraorbital n.
anterior ethmoidal f.
- anterior ethmoidal n.
posterior ethmoidal f.
- posterior ethmoidal n.
What is the sensory ganglion of CN V1?
trigeminal, ophthalmic
trigeminal ganglion w/ trigeminal sensory nucl.
What is the origin of CN V1?
trigeminal, ophthalmic
What are the branches of CN IV?
trochlear n.
- motor: superior oblique
What is the origin of CN IV?
midbrain (contralateral)
What is the motor nucl. of CN IV?
trochlear nucl.
What does CN IV travel through?
superior orbital fissure
What are the branches of CN III?
superior ramus
- motor: levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus
inferior ramus
- motor: inferior oblique, inferior rectus, medial rectus
- parasymp: ciliary ganglion to ciliary bodies/muscles (lens, accommodation) and iris (constriction)
- — suspended from short ciliary CN V1
What does CN III travel through?
superior orbital fissure
What is the motor nucl. of CN III?
oculomotor nucl.
What is the parasympathetic nucl. of CN III?
accessory oculomotor nucl.
What is the origin of CN III?
What are the branches of CN II?
optic tract
optic chiasm
optic nerve
What is the origin of CN II?
What are the sensory nucl. of CN II?
ganglion cells retina
What does CN II travel through?
optic canal
What are CN II lesions?
bitemporal hemianopsia: horizontal cut through optic chiasm (temporal field)
L/R homonymous hemianopsia: cut through optic tract (opposite of affected eye), temporal and nasal field effected
L/R monocular blindness: cut through optic nerve
What are the branches of CN I?
olfactory n.
- sensory: smell, olfactory mucosa of nose
olfactory bulb
olfactory tract
What is the origin of CN I?
What is the sensory nucl. of CN I?
nasal mucosa
What does CN I travel through?
cribriform foramina
What are CN I lesions?
anosmia: no smell, shearing of primary axons
What is a CN III lesion?
M: ptosis (drooping eyelid)
P: no pupillary reflex; mydriasis (no accomodation)
What is a CN IV lesion?
What is a CN V1 lesion?
trigeminal, ophthalmic
no blink (corneal) reflex, facial hemianesthesia
What is a CN V2 lesion?
trigeminal, maxillary
facial hemianesthesia
What is a CN V3 lesion?
trigeminal, mandibular
BM: jaw weakness; ipsilateral deviation of opened jaw
S: facial hemianesthesia
What is a CN VI lesion?
diplopia: medial drift eye
What is a CN VII lesion?
BM: bell’s palsy, stapedius = hyperacusis
P: loss of lacrimation, dry mouth
S: insignificant
S, taste: loss of taste in ipsilateral anterior tongue
What is a CN IX lesion?
BM: Slight dysphagia
P: Partial dry mouth
S: Anesthesia, loss of gag reflex
S, visceral: Loss of carotid sinus reflex (if bilat lesion)
S, taste: Loss of taste in posterior tongue ipsiltaerally
What is a CN XI lesion?
weakness turning head toward opposite side and shrugging shoulders
What is a CN XII lesion?
ipsilateral deviation of protruding tongue