Cranial Nerve Nuclei Flashcards
How many nuclei does CN III have?
Motor (GSE) and Edinger-Westphal (GVE)
How many nuclei does CN IV have?
1: Motor (GSE)
How many nuclei does CN VI have?
1: Motor (GSE)
How many nuclei does CN V have?
Motor (SVE)
Principal sensory (GSA)
Mesencephalic (GSA)
Spinal (GSA)
How many nuclei does CN VII have?
Motor (SVE)
Superior salivatory (GVE)
Rostral NTS (SVA)
Spinal (GSA)
How many nuclei does CN IX have?
Ambiguus (SVE)
Rostral NTS (SVA)
Caudal NTS (GVA)
Spinal (GSA)
Inferior salivatory (GVE)
How many nuclei does CN X have?
Ambiguus (SVE)
Rostral NTS (SVA)
Caudal NTS (GVA)
Spinal (GSA)
Dorsal nucleus (GVE)
How many nuclei does CN XI have?
1: Motor (SVE)
How many nuclei does CN XII have?
1: Motor (GSE)
Which cranial nerve has the Einger-Westphal (GVE) nucleus?
Which cranial nerve has the Mesencephalic nucleus (GSA)?
Which cranial nerve has the Superior salivatory nucleus (GVE)?
Which cranial nerves have the Rostral NTS nucleus (SVA)?
CN VII, IX and X
Which cranial nerve has the inferior salivatory nucleus (GVE)?
Which cranial nerve has the Caudal NTS nucleus (GVA)?
CN IX and X
Which cranial nerves have the Ambiguus nucleus (SVE)?
CN IX and X
Which cranial nerve has the Dorsal nucleus (GVE)?
Where is CN III located?
Midbrain - level of superior colliculi; Paramedian
Where is CN IV located?
Midbrain - level of inferior colliculi; Paramedian
Where is CN VI located?
Caudal pons; paramedian
Where is CN V located?
Rostral pons
Where is CN VII located?
Caudal pons
Where is CN IX located?
Where is CN X located?
Where is CN XI located?
Spinal cord C1-5
Where is CN XII located?
Medulla; paramedian
Which cranial nerve is located in the spinal cord, C1-5?
What is the vascular supply to CN III?
Paramedian branches of basilar artery; P1
What is the vascular supply to CN IV?
Paramedian branches of basilar artery; P1
What is the vascular supply to CN VI?
Paramedian branches of basilar artery
What is the vascular supply to CN V?
Long circumferential branches of basilar artery
What is the vascular supply to CN VII?
Long circumferential branches of basilar artery
What is the vascular supply to CN IX?
What is the vascular supply to CN X?
What is the vascular supply to CN XI?
Anterior spinal artery
What is the vascular supply to CN XII?
Anterior spinal artery
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies all extraocular muscles except SO and LR?
Motor (GSE) of CN III
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles?
Edinger-Westphal (GVE) of CN III
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies SO (superior oblique) muscle?
Motor (GSE) of IV
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle, and contralateral medial rectus muscle via MLF (Medial longitudinal fasciculus)?
Motor (GSE) of CN VI
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid?
Motor (SVE) of CN V
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies discriminative touch, vibration, and proprioceptive (conscious) sense from ipsilateral face?
Principal sensory (GSA) of CN V
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies proprioceptive (unconscious) sense from ipsilateral TMJ and muscles of mastication?
Mesencephalic (GSA) of CN V
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies pain and temperature sense from ipsilateral face?
Spinal (GSA) of CN V
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies muscles of facial expression?
Motor (SVE) of CN VII
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies lacrimal gland, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, nasal and palatine glands?
Superior salivatory (GVE) or CN VII
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies taste sensation to anterior 2/3 of tongue?
Rostral NTS (SVA) of CN VII
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies the stylopharyngeus muscle?
Ambiguus (SVE) of CN IX
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies taste sensation from posterior third of tongue?
Rostral NTS (SVA) of CN IX
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies carotid sinus baroreceptor and carotid body chemoreceptor?
Caudal NTS (GVA) of CN IX
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies tympanic cavity, auditory tube, posterior third of tongue, palate, palatine tonsil, etc?
Spinal (GSA) of CN IX
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies ipsilateral parotid glands?
Inferior salivatory (GVE) of CN IX
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies pharyngeal arch muscles of larynx and pharynx, musculus uvulae, levator veli palatini, palatoglossus?
Ambiguus (SVE) of CN X
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies taste sensation from epiglottis and soft palate?
Rostral NTS (SVA) of CN X
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies aortic arch baroreceptor and aortic body chemoreceptor?
Caudal NTS (GVA) of CN X
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies infratentorial dura, tympanic membrane, etc?
Spinal (GSA) of CN X
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies viscera of neck, thorax, and abdomen?
Dorsal nucleus (GVE) of CN X
Which cranial nerve and nucleus supplies all muscles of tongue except palatoglossus?
Motor (GSE) of CN XII
This nuclear lesion causes ipsilateral eye ‘down and out’; variable ptosis
Motor (GSE) of CN III
This nuclear lesion causes ipsilateral mydriasis and loss of accommodation
Edinger-Westphal (GVE) of CN III
This nuclear lesion causes contralateral vertical diplopia; eye ‘up and in’
Motor (GSE) of CN IV
This nuclear lesion causes ipsilateral conjugate horizontal gaze palsy
Motor (GSE) of CN VI
This nuclear lesion causes difficulty in chewing and loss of jaw jerk (efferent arc)
Jaw deviates to side of lesion
Motor (SVE) of CN V
This nuclear lesion causes hemianesthesia of ipsilateral face, loss of bilateral corneal reflex (afferent arc)
Principal sensory (GSA) of CN V
This nuclear lesion causes loss of unconscious proprioception from ipsilateral face
Loss of jaw jerk (afferent arc)
Mesencephalic (GSA) of CN V
This nuclear lesion causes hemianesthesia of ipsilateral face
Spinal (GSA) of CN V
This nuclear lesion causes hemiparesis of ipsilateral face, hyperacusis, and loss of unilateral corneal reflex (efferent arc)
Motor (SVE) of CN VII
This nuclear lesion causes ipsilateral loss of lacrimation, salivation, and mucus secretion
Superior salivatory (GVE) of CN VII
This nuclear lesion causes loss of taste
Rostral NTS (SVA) of CNs VII, IX, and X
This nuclear lesion causes decreased salivation
Inferior salivatory (GVE) of CN IX
This nuclear lesion causes dysphagia, dysarthria, ipsilateral vocal cord palsy, hoarseness of voice
Loss of GAG reflex (efferent arc), contralateral palatal elevation and uvular deviation on phonation (say ‘ah’)
Ambiguus (SVE) of CN IX and X
This nuclear lesion causes loss of baroreceptor and chemoreceptor reflexes (afferent arcs)
Caudal NTS (GVA) of CN X
This nuclear lesion causes bradycardia, bronchoconstriction, and decreased peristalsis
Dorsal nucleus (GVE) of CN X
This nuclear lesion causes inability to shrug ipsilateral shoulder or rotate head to contralateral side
Motor (SVE) of CN XI
This nuclear lesion causes fasciculation and atrophy of tongue; deviates toward side of lesion
Motor (GSE) of CN XII
What does the Edinger-Westphal nucleus of CN III supply?
Sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscles
The motor nucleus of CN VI supplies these two muscles
Ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle
Contralateral middle rectus muscle via medial longitudinal fasciculus
The motor nucleus of CN VI supplies the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle, and the contralateral middle rectus muscle via this
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
What structures does the superior salivatory nucleus of CN VII supply?
Lacrimal gland
Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
Nasal and palatine glands
What does the rostral NTS nucleus of CN VII supply?
Taste sensation to anterior 2/3 of tongue
What does the Ambiguus nucleus of CN IX supply?
Stylopharyngeus muscle
What does the Rostral NTS nucleus of CN IX supply?
Taste sensation from posterior 1/3 of tongue
What does the Caudal NTS nucleus of CN IX supply?
Carotid sinus baroreceptor and Carotid body chemoreceptor
What does the inferior salivatory nucleus of CN IX supply?
Ipsilateral parotid glands
What does the rostral nucleus of CN X supply?
Taste sensation from epiglottis and soft palate
What does the Caudal NTS nucleus of CN X supply?
Aortic arch baroreceptor and Aortic body chemoreceptor
Does the Caudal NTS nucleus of CN IX or X provide sensation for carotid sinus baroreceptor and carotid body chemoreceptor?
Does the Caudal NTS nucleus of CN IX or X provide sensation for aortic arch baroreceptor and aortic body chemoreceptor?
What does the motor nucleus of CN XII supply?
All muscles of the tongue except palatoglossus
Ipsilateral deviation of the jaw occurs with lesion to this CN and nucleus
Motor nucleus of CN V
Hypacusis can result from a lesion to this CN lesion
Motor nucleus of CN V
What nucleus provides the afferent arc for the jaw jerk?
Mesencaphalic nucleus of CN V
Hyperacusis may result from lesion to this CN nucleus
Motor nucleus of CN VII
What CN nucleus provides the afferent arc for the GAG reflex?
Caudal NTS of CN IX
What CN nucleus provides the efferent arc for the GAG reflex?
Nucleus ambiguus (of CN IX and X)
Lesion to this CN nucleus causes bradycardia, bronchoconstriction, and decreased peristalsis
Dorsal nucleus of CN X
Ipsilateral tongue deviation occurs with lesion to this CN nucleus
Motor nucleus of CN XII