CPS Splenomegaly Flashcards
overall causes of splenomegaly
- congestive (cirrhosis, thrombus due to PE)
- infectious (parasite (malaris), viral (EBV, HIV, CMV, Hepatitis)
- Infiltrative (maligant or benign)
- inflammatory (sarcoid)
- hemolytic (ss, thalessemia)

cause of splenomegaly?

ITP = autoimmune disease where Abs are formed against your own platelets
Hb= anemic
Plt= low. probably due to ITP.
ALP is high, GGt is high so it is due to liver.
LDH = 100, high?
INR is higher = bleeidng. Bilirubin= highish.
obese = ALP high due to fatty liver?
Splenomegaly due to hemolysis or congestive (hypertension, obestiy, fatty liver).
cause of splenomegaly?

anemia and jaundice = indications of hemolysis
alp is a bit higher, LDH is very high = hemolysis
bilirubin is high (direct is 10), thereofre indirect is 40 (unconjugated)– not a liver issue, there’s either too much RBC production or bleeding is happening.
- inr normal = no clotting issue.
cause is due to hemolytic disase. (this person was found to have hereditary spherocytosis with dat -)

cause of splenomegaly?

lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly – the lymphnode issue indicates to me that immune function is involved: could be reactive or malignancy.
sore throat and fever– more so reactive lymphocytosis
- alt and ast high, alp is high= elevated cholestatic liver enzymes. gall stone, autoimmune, alcoholic hepatitis, PBS, PBC etc.
LDH is normal = no bleeding.
Bilirubin is a bit high. albumin is hgih.
If her brother has a sore throat, i would think that splenomegaly is due to infectious causes like EBV.
- later on, her slide showed atypical lymphocytes, characeristic of EBV or other viral infections.
cause of splenomegaly?

rheumatoid arthritis= autoimmune issue
NSAIDS and methotrexate.– nsaids can cause coagulopathies
anemic, normocytic, platelets are normal thoguh.
she probably has anemia of chronic disease.
bilirubin is normal i think.
splenomegaly due to inflammatory cause. (felty’s disease)
felty’s syndrome is an ____ cause of splenomeagly that is seen in patients suffering from autoimmune ___ ___. What’s the triad?
inflammatory cause of splenomaly. seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
triad of:
- rheumatoid arthritis
- splenomegaly
- low WBC.
may also be relatd to nodular regenerative hyperplasia and non-cirrhotic portal hypertension.
cause of splenomegaly?

poor growth and developemnet, pallor, jaundice and distended abdoment– parasitic infection? hemolysis? he could have sickle cell anemia–> consistent with consanguity
- high bilirubin – bleeding. low haptoglobin– consistent with hemolyiss.
frontal bossing– consistent with thalassemia!!
splenomegaly due to hemolystic disease. this kid was later diagnosed with thalassemia

cause of splenomegaly?

this guy was previously healthy until 2 months ago, when he started getting a shortness of breath– acquired issue.
drenching night sweats,weightloss – malignancy.specifically lymphocytosis.
anemic, normocytic, wbc normal. Anemia could be due to bone marrow probelm?
ALP is high – cholestatic. infiltrative diseases can cause ALP increases.
this guy has splenomegaly due to infiltrative causes. probably a lymphocytosis/lymphoma/leukemia/tumors.
pre, intra, and post hepatic causes of non-cirrhotic portal htn
pre: portal vein thrombosis, splenomegaly
intra hepatic: schisotomiases, PBC, sarcoidosis, nodular regnerative hyperplasia, budd-chiari syndrome
post hepatic: IVC obstruction, cardiac disease.