CPR for Adults Flashcards
what’s the compression to ventilation ratio for adults? what’s the compression rate for adults? what’s the compression depth for adults?
30:2. 100-120/min. 2 in
how often to rotate compressors to avoid fatigue?
q 2 min or 5 cycles
what kind of ventilation does bag mask provide?
positive pressure ventilation
how to use bag mask? what about for ppl w/ stoma or tracheotomy tube?
1) open airway w/ head tilt-chin lift. 2) be directly above pt’s head. 3) E-C clamp technique: one hand with index finger and thumb around edge of mask against face, rest of fingers make an E on pt’s jaw to keep open airway; other hand to squeeze bag; 1 breath/second, see chest rise and fall
1) put bag mask over stoma/trach tube and proceed like nml (peds bag mask might fit better). if no chest rise –> connect the bag mask to the stoma/trach tube itself. if still no chest rise –> close the pt’s mouth and put it over the stoma/trach tube
breath rate for pocket mask and bag mask?
1 breath/6s for adults, 1 breath/2-3s for peds; 1 breath over 1 second, SEE CHEST RISE AND FALL
how to do CPR on pregnancies?
like nml; move baby/uterus to the left => manual lateral uterine displacement (LUD) ONLY IF HELP IS AVAILABLE
what is CCF?
chest compression fraction- proportion of time rescuers do chest compression during CPR. goal = at least 60% by minimizing interruptions in chest compressions
what is ROSC?
return of spontaneous circulation. when a heartbeat produces a palpable pulse after CPR. signs = breathing, palpable pulse, coughing, movement
steps of CPR (Adult BLS Algorithm)
1) verify scene safety
2) check for responsiveness and shout for help
3) check for breathing and pulse (check pulse for 5-10s); monitor pt if yes to both
4a) no pulse? –> chest compressions
4b) yes pulse, no breathing? –> rescue breaths: 1 breath q 6 seconds aka 10 breaths/min; check pulse q 2min
5) activate emergency response system
6) get AED
7) use AED to shock prn; check q 2 min. otherwise cont chest compressions
how to do rescue breaths
1 breath q 6 seconds aka 10 breaths/min; check pulse q 2min; 1 breath over 1 second
agonal gasps may be signs of what?
cardiac arrest
how to give mouth to mouth breathing in adults?
1) head tilt-chin lift
2) pinch nose closed w/ thumb and index finger, rest other fingers on victim’s forehead
3) take nml breath and seal your lips on victim’s
4) deliver 1 breath/second and watch chest rise. if chest doesn’t rise, rpt head tilt-chin lift an give second breath. if chest still doesn’t rise (after 2 attempts), do chest compressions
what is gastric inflation?
when you give breaths too quickly or too much that the air goes to the stomach instead of the lungs; occurs in mouth to mouth, mouth to mask, or bag-mask ventilation
how long to chk pulse?
5-10 seconds
which 3 are in the resuscitation team triangle?
airway, compressor, AED
Examples of advanced airways? How does CPR change when they’re present?
Laryngeal mask, endotracheal tube, supraglottic airway. Everything is the same except don’t pause compressions for rescue breaths; if only giving rescue breaths: 1 breath q 6s for adults, 1 breath q 2-3s for children and infants
What does a chest compression feedback device monitor?
Compression rate, chest recoil, compression depth
What are the actions for scene safety and assessment?
1) verify scene safety
2) chk for responsiveness
3) look for breathing and pulse
4) activate emergency response system and get AED
Adult Chain of Survival?
1) activate emergency response system
2) high quality CPR
3) defibrillation
4) advanced resuscitation
5) post-cardiac arrest care
6) recovery