CPE Assessment Flashcards
Order of Assessment
- VS/Intro
- General survey
- Skin Nails
- Head
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose/Sinuses
- Mouth
- Neck
- Neuro/Msk
- Chest
- Breast
- Abdomen
- Legs
- Spine/Ambulation
Included Vital Signs
- height
- weight
- BP
- Temp
- Pulse
- Resp
Communication Techniques
eye contact
wash hands
General survey
observe clients behavior and appearance t/o exam;
Inspect for: -color -lesions -edema -open wounds -texture -turgor integrate t/o exam; *skin assessment starting with nails;
Inspect & palpate scalp and hair
Inspect: -position and alignment of eyes and lids -sclera and conjunctiva -pupil size Check PERRLA *Grab scope & turn off light Perform fundoscopic exam (CNII) Test Oculomotor Fields (III, IV, VI) Convergence Accommodation *Test Facial Nerve (VII): raise eyebrows, open eyelids against resistance, smile, puff cheeks *****FINISH CNs?********
Inspect: tympanic membrane for landmarks, deformities, and inflammation
Assess: hearing with rubbing fingers (VIII)
Assess: Weber & Rinne Tests
Inspect: external nose, nasal mucosa,septum, turbinates
Palpate: frontal and maxillary sinuses
Mouth and Oropharnyx
(using tongue blade and penlight)
Inspect: lips, buccal mucosa, gums, teeth, roof of mouth, pharynx
*say you would test gag reflex and “ah” reflex (CN 9/10)
*Stick tongue out (CNXII)
*CN V –> TMJ/clench
Inspect & Palpate Lymph Nodes -occipital -preauricular -postauricular -submaxillary -posterior cervical chain -anterior cervical chain -Supraclavicular -Infraclavicular Auscultate Carotids for bruits using bell Test Shoulder shrug CN XI **CN II-XII intact** *note masses or unusual pulsations palpate trachea & thyroid (swallow) noting any pain, nodules, or masses
Assess ROM
-Neck: flex, extend, rotate
-Shoulders: flex, extend, internal & external
I already tested strength with CN XI
-Elbows: flex, extend, pronation & supination
-wrists: flex, extend, radial & ulnar
-Hands: finger adduction/abduction
Test: Deep Tendon Reflexes (DTRs)
*assess upper extremity & neck muscle strengths
Chest: Cardiac
- msk development
- symmetry of chest and shoulders and scapulae
- note posture
- Auscultate Heart Sounds sitting up with diaphragm
- Auscultate again while lying down using both sides (S3/S4? is it RRR?)
Chest: Pulmonary
- resp rate and effort
- depth
- Rhythm
- Pattern
- *Percuss post lung fields!!
- Auscultate post and sup anterior (including RML)
- instruct to breath through mouth
- *No adventitious breath sounds
- *Check CVA tenderness
Axillary Nodes, etc
Inspect breasts with: -arms relaxed -arms elevated -positioned on hips Inspect nipples: for symmetry, enlargement *Inspect and palpate axillary nodes *Palpate epitrochlear nodes
Palpate systematically: palpate midaxillary line to sternum and clavicle to inframammary fold
- Complete vertical stripping with three levels of pressure, light, medium, and deep in all 4 quads including tail of spence
- *If patient report nipple discharge, palpate areola and nipple for discharge
Inspect: skin characteristics, contour, pulsations, movement
Auscultate: 4 quads for active bowel sounds & presence of bruits in aorta, renal and iliac arteries
Percuss: liver (estimate span), spleen on L MAL and costal margin for dullness
Palpation: light 4 quads; deep 4 quads
Palpation: liver, spleen, kidneys, aorta
Feet & Legs (vascular and msk)
Inspect: -skin characteristics, hair distribution, muscle mass, temperature, open wounds Palpate: -pulses: fem, pop, tib, pedal -DTRs: patella, achilles, clonus **palpate for edema** Assess ROM: (while still laying) -hips: flex (with and without knee flex), abduction, adduction, internal & external rotation -knees: flex, extend (IN BED!) *****have patient sit up**** -assess leg strength -ankle/feet: dorsi, plantar, inversion, eversion, adduction, abduction -assess feet strength
-Hyperextend hip
-ROM: flex (bend), hyperextend, lateral bending, rotation
-Tandem walk