CPD Flashcards
What is CDM Regulations?
Why were they revised in 2015?
Regulation that ensures Health and Safety in construction projects from Design to construction through to maintenance.
They were revised as they were seen as a bureaucratic process. The revision in 2015 also included the inclusion of domestic properties being F10 notifiable. CDM-C was also replaced by the Principal designer.
What is Value Engineering? Why is it beneficial?
Value engineering is a creative problem solving method designed by General Electric. Used to reduce unwanted costs while maintaining quality and function.
What are reinstatement cost assessments?
Reinstatement costs assessments are a costs calculated to rebuild a property following an insured peril such as fire. Costs are based on a like for like basis and include demolition, rebuilding, professional fees, statutory fees and inflation provision.
What is IPMS? And why was it brought in?
International Property Measurement Standards are measurement standards externally and internally which were brought in by RICS in over 70 countries to unify and standardise the way in which measurement is taken.
Re your CPD on Traditional Slating, can you tell me of some typical defects to Slates?
Traditional slates can delaminate, can become displaced due to decay at the nail head. Suffer from nail sickness. Can become broken due to traffic or storm damage.
How are new slates produced?
I have experience of specifying Cupa slates for properties in listed or conservation areas. Cupa slates are quarried in spain and sized by hand.
Re your CPD on effective communication, can you tell me what you gained from this?
I gained an understanding of how communication can be beneficial over different platforms. This covered body language, virtual communication, eye contact.
Re your CPD on Delays and Extensions of Time, Can you tell me what an extension of time is?
An Extension of Time is an application made by the contractor when they are not able to complete works onsite due to a relevant event or matter in accordance with contract conditions.
What is a relevant event?
A relevant event as defined by JCT is as follows:
Civil commotion or strike Works by Statutory Undertakers Exceptionally adverse weather conditions Insured peril or specified peril Defered possession
What is exceptionally adverse weather?
JCT makes no definition for this however NEC defines it as a 1 in 10 year weather event. It is therefore up to the CA to determine.
What is a stock condition survey?
A stock condition survey is one which is typically undertaken for a local authority housing provider to determine the lifecycle and repairs required.
Microgrouting to ashlar buildings - Can you expand on the micro-grouting? And why is this important to ashlar buildings?
The Microgrouting CPD was really interesting and was a study on the Burns Monument . Micro-grouting was used by using small needles to inject grout into voids between stone units. The voids were deep and therefore standard pointing using handtools would only fill the initial opening between stone.
What is integrity? and why is it important in this profession?
Integrity is defined as being honest and having strong moral principles. Integrity forms part of the 5 ethical standards and is important within surveying as you must maintain integrity when dealing with clients and colleagues.
What is asbestos? What regulation covers it?
Asbestos is natural silicate quaried from the earth that is resistant to moisture, fire and acid attack. The control of asbestos regulations govern works with ACM’s.
What is passive fire protection?
What is a fire risk assessment?
What are the common types of dampness?
Penetrating Damp, Rising Damp, Condensation
What is the correct use of a ladder?
Erected using the 1 to 4 rule, the ladder should be at a 75o angle and extend past the roof or through the loft hatch by 1 m (3 rungs)
What is single ply roofing?
Single ply roofing is a technique of roofing using synthetic polymer roofing materials. Its quick to install and cost effective.
What is a traditional building?
Traditional buildings are those built before 1919 typically of solid wall construction.
What are the climate change effects to traditional buildings?
Due to increased rainfall there is increased wetting. Over the years remedial repairs have removed original water shedding designs, this removal has meant that water is not shed away from the building. Increased atmospheric pollution causing moss and lichen growth to stonework.
What is an Aircrete Block?
Lightweight block made from pulverished ash.
Can be used as inner leaf of cavity
Punctured Airvoids increase thermal properties
Can be used in Passivhaus design.