Cow with Abdomen Problem Flashcards
What is the normal rumen volume?
180 - 200 litres
What pH do the bacteria operate at in the rumen?
What is the main VFA produced at normal pH?
Digesting more of what would lower the pH of the rumen?
starch and sugar
What are the VFAs that predominate in a low pH rumen?
proprionate and butyrate
What can a low pH in the rumen lead to?
Rumen Acidosis and then stasis
How much saliva does a cow produce in a day?
100-150 litres
To produce enough saliva to buffer the rumen how long does a cow need to ruminate for?
14 hours
What is the usual cause of Acute Ruminal Acidosis?
sudden ingestion of fermentable carbohydrates
What is the treatment for acute ruminal acidosis?
5% Sodium Bicarb slow IV
Isotonic IV fluids
Oral Mag hydroxide
Rumen lavage/ Rumenotomy
What does SARA stand for?
Sub acute Rumen Acidosis
What are the two types of ruminal bloat?
Frothy Bloat
Gaseous Bloat
When does Frothy bloat occur?
Cows on rich pastures eating legumes, clovers and alfalfa. It is the foaming properties of the leaf soluble proteins.
How do you treat frothy bloat?
Surfactant such as poloxalene, corn oil or simethicone
When can gaseous bloat occur?
excessive carb intake
oesophageal obstruction
milk fever
lateral recumbency
How would you treat gaseous bloat?
Stomach tube and rumen puncture with a trochar
What is the clinical name for hardware disease?
Traumatic reticuloperitonitis
What are some diagnostic tests for TRP?
Withers pinch - instead of bending away from pinch they will hunch
Pole test - touch a pole to xphyosternum and they will resent contact
What is an LDA?
Left displaced abomasum
What diagnostic test would you carry out when looking for an LDA?
Abdominal Pings
How would you treat and LDA?
Roll cow
Right flank omentopexy
Left flank omentopexy
Right paramedian abomasopexy
Is an RDA more or less common than an LDA?
less common
If you felt a blind ending sac filled with air on rectal examination of a cow what would be on your differential list
ceacal dilation/torsion/volvulus
Is gas in the sprial colon clinically significant?