Course 2 Section 4 - Regulations Around VFR Flights Flashcards
CAR 101.01
Regulations Regarding Weather Conditions - Minimum weather standards
minimum weather standards have been created to protect recreational pilots and those who fly aircraft carrying basic equipment
All standards are based on the concept of GROUND AND FLIGHT VISIBILITY Explained in CAR 101.01
What does Ground Visibility and Flight Visibilty refer to?
Minimum Visual Meteorological Conditions for VFR flights in controlled airspace
Instrument Meteorological Conditions
NOTE CARS RULE — includes uncontrolled airspace!!
Required Conditions for Special VFR flight
Required Conditions for VFR Over-the-top flight
A pilot in VFR flight might encounter clouds that prevent them from having visual reference to the ground. This situation is called VFR over-the-top (VFR OTT) and is described in CAR 602.116.
Right-of-way Rules - Overarching rules
Every VFR pilot is responsible for their separation from all other aircraft
As stated in CAR 602.21: No person shall operate an aircraft in such proximity to another aircraft as to create a risk of collision
- The pilot in command of the aircraft WITH THE RIGHT OF WAY must, if there is any risk of collision, take necessary action to avoid collision; and
- The pilot in command of an aircraft must always give way to another aircraft that is in an emergency situation
Right of way in flight: Two aircraft at the same altitude (converging aircraft)
Right of way in flight: Two aircraft approaching head on
When two aircraft are approaching head on, or close to head on, the pilot in command of each aircraft must alter its heading TO THE RIGHT
Right of way in flight: Two hot air ballons
When two ballons at different altitudes are converging, the pilot in command of the ballon at the higher altitude must give way
Right of way in flight: Overtaking aircraft
Right of way and Landing
Right of way on the water
Regulations for built-up areas or open-air assemblies of people - Regulations for Minimum altitudes of flight - AIRPLANES
Airplanes must be 1000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizonal distance of 2000 feet
Regulations for built-up areas or open-air assemblies of people - Regulations for Minimum altitudes of flight - BALLOONS
Balloons must be 500 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal distance of 500 feet