Counseling & Helping Relationships Flashcards
Questions 201-400
Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, which is both a form of treatment and a very comprehensive personality theory. According to Freud’s theory, inborn drives (mainly sexual) help form the personality. ________ and ________, who originally worked with Freud, created individual psychology and analytic psychology, respectively.
Alfred Adler; Carl Jung
Eric Berne’s transactional analysis (TA) posits three ego states: the Child, the Adult, and the Parent. These roughly correspond to Freud’s structural theory that includes
id, ego, and superego.
In transactional analysis (TA), the ________ is the conscience, or ego state concerned with moral behavior, while in Freudian theory it is the ________.
Parent, superego
Freud felt that successful resolution of the Oedipus complex led to the development of the superego. This is accomplished by
identification with the aggressor, the parent of the same sex.
Freudians refer to the ego as
the executive administrator of the personality and the reality principle.
Freud’s theory speaks of Eros and Thanatos. A client who threatens a self-destructive act is being ruled primarily by
The id is present at birth and never matures. It operates mainly out of awareness to satisfy instinctual needs according to the
pleasure principle, suggesting humans desire instinct gratification such for libido, sex, or the elimination of hunger or thirst.
If you think of the mind as a seesaw, then the fulcrum or balancing apparatus would be the
A therapist who says to a patient “Say whatever comes to mind” is practicing
free association.
The superego contains the ego ideal. The superego strives for ________, rather than ________ like the id.
perfection; pleasure
All of these theorists could be associated with the analytic movement except:
Most scholars would assert that Freud’s 1900 work entitled The Interpretation of Dreams was his most influential. Dreams have
manifest and latent content.
When a client projects unconscious feelings toward the therapist that he or she originally had toward a significant other, it is called
Which case is not associated with the psychodynamic movement?
Little Albert.
In contrast with classical psychoanalysis, psychodynamic counseling or therapy
- utilizes fewer sessions per week.
- does not utilize the couch.
- is performed face to face.
Talking about difficulties in order to purge emotions and feelings is a curative process known as
catharsis and/or abreaction.
Id, ego, superego is to structural theory as ________ is to topographical theory.
unconscious, preconscious, conscious
The most controversial aspect of Freud’s theory is
the Oedipus complex.
Evidence for the unconscious mind comes from all of these except:
Subjective units of distress scale.
In a counseling session, a counselor asked a patient to recall what transpired three months ago to trigger her depression. There was silence for about two and one-half minutes. The client then began to remember. This exchange most likely illustrates the function of the
preconscious mind.
Unconscious processes, which serve to minimize anxiety and protect the self from severe id or superego demands, are called
ego defense mechanisms.
Most therapists agree that ego defense mechanisms are unconscious and deny or distort reality. Rationalization, compensation, repression, projection, reaction formation, identification, introjection, denial, and displacement are ego defense mechanisms. According to Freudians, the most important defense mechanism is
Suppression differs from repression in that
repression is automatic or involuntary.
An aggressive person who becomes a professional boxer because he or she is sadistic is displaying
An advertising agency secretly imbeds the word SEX into newspaper ads intended to advertise the center’s chemical dependency program. This is the practice of
A man receives a nickel an hour pay raise. He was expecting a 1dollar per hour raise. He is furious but nonassertive. He thus smiles and thanks his boss. That night he yells at his wife for no apparent reason. This is an example of
A student tells a college counselor that he is not upset by a grade of “F” in physical education that marred his fourth-year perfect 4.0 average, inasmuch as “straight A students are eggheads.” This demonstrates
sour grapes rationalization.
A master’s level counselor lands an entry-level counseling job in an agency in a warm climate. Her office is not air conditioned, but the counselor insists she likes this because sweating really helps to keep her weight in check. This illuminates
sweet lemon rationalization.
A teenager who had his heart set on winning a tennis match broke his arm in an auto accident. He sends in an entry form to play in the competition which begins just days after the accident. His behavior is influenced by
________ is like looking in a mirror but thinking you are looking out a window.
Mark is obsessed with stamping out pornography. He is unconsciously involved in this cause so that he can view the material. This is
reaction formation.
Ted has always felt inferior intellectually. He currently works out at the gym at least four hours daily and is taking massive doses of dangerous steroids to build his muscles. The ego defense mechanism in action here is
Jane feels very inferior. She is now president of the board at a shelter for the homeless. She seems to be obsessed with her work for the agency and spends every spare minute trying to help the cause. When asked to introduce herself in virtually any social situation, Jane invariably responds with, “I’m the president of the board for the homeless shelter.” Jane is engaging in
A client who has incorporated his father’s values into his thought patterns is a product of
The client’s tendency to inhibit or fight against the therapeutic process is known as
Freud has been called the most significant theorist in the entire history of psychology. His greatest contribution was his conceptualization of the unconscious mind. Critics, however, contend that
many aspects of his theory are difficult to test from a scientific standpoint.
The purpose of interpretation in counseling is to
make the clients aware of their unconscious processes
Organ inferiority relates mainly to the work of
Alfred Adler’s individual psychology.
When a client becomes aware of a factor in his or her life that was heretofore unknown, counselors refer to it as
C. G. Jung, the founder of analytic psychology, said men operate on logic or the ________ principle, while women are intuitive, operating on the ________ principle.
Logos; Eros
Jung used drawings balanced around a center point to analyze himself, his clients, and dreams. He called them
________ emphasized the drive for superiority
The statement “Sibling interaction may have more impact than parent–child interaction” describes
Alfred Adler’s theory
In contrast with Freud, the neo-Freudians emphasized
social factors
The terms introversion and extroversion are associated with
The personality types of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are associated with the work of
Carl G. Jung
One of Adler’s students, Rudolph Dreikurs
was the first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice
Adler emphasized that people wish to belong. This is known as
social connectedness
Adler was one of the first therapists who relied on paradox. Using this strategy, a client (who was a student in a counselor preparation program) who was afraid to give a presentation in front of his counseling class for fear he might shake and embarrass himself would be instructed to
exaggerate the behavior and really do a thorough job shaking in front of the class
C. J. Jung felt that society caused men to deny their feminine side known as ________ and women to deny their masculine side known as ________.
anima; animus
Jung spoke of a collective unconscious common to all men and women. The material that makes up the collective unconscious, which is passed from generation to generation, is known as
Common archetypes include
the persona—the mask or role we present to others to hide our true self.
b. animus, anima, and self.
c. shadow—the mask behind the persona, which contains id-like material, denied, yet desired
A client is demonstrating inconsistent behavior. She is smiling but says that she is very sad about what she did. When her counselor points this out to her, the counselor’s verbal response is known as
During a professional staff meeting, a counselor says he is worried that if techniques are implemented to stop a 6-year-old boy from sucking his thumb, then he will begin biting his nails or stuttering. The counselor
is most likely an analytically trained counselor concerned with symptom substitution
An eclectic counselor
attempts to choose the best theoretical approach based on the client’s attributes, resources, and situation
The word eclectic is most closely associated with
Frederick C. Thorne
A counselor who is obsessed with the fact that a client missed his or her session is the victim of
Lifestyle, birth order, and family constellation are emphasized by
A counselor who remarks that firstborn children are usually conservative but display leadership qualities is most likely
an Adlerian who believes behavior must be studied in a social context; never in isolation.
Existentialism is to logotherapy as ________ is to behaviorism.
B. F. Skinner’s reinforcement theory elaborated on
Edward Thorndike’s law of effect
Classical conditioning relates to the work of
Ivan Pavlov.
An association that naturally exists, such as an animal salivating (an unconditioned response known as a UR or UCR) when food is presented, is called
an unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Skinner’s operant conditioning is also referred to as
classical conditioning
Respondent behavior refers to
All reinforcers
tend to increase the probability that a behavior will occur
Negative reinforcement requires the withdrawal of an aversive (negative) stimulus to increase the likelihood that a behavior will occur. Negative reinforcement is not used as often as positive reinforcement and
is not the same thing as punishment
decreases the probability that a behavior will occur.
In Pavlov’s famous experiment using dogs, the bell was the ________ and the meat was the ________.
The most effective time interval (temporal relation) between the CS and the US
is .5 or half a second
Many researchers have tried putting the UCS (the meat) before the CS (the bell). This usually results in
no conditioning
Several graduate students in counseling trained a poodle to salivate to a child’s toy horn using Pavlov’s classical conditioning paradigm. One day the department chairman was driving across campus and honked his horn. Much to the chagrin of the students, the poodle elicited a salivation response. What had happened?
stimulus generalization or what Pavlov termed irradiation.
The department chairman found the poodle’s response (see question 272) to his automobile horn humorous. He thus instructed the graduate students to train the dog to salivate only to his car horn and not the original toy bell. Indeed the graduate students were able to perform this task. The poodle was now demonstrating
stimulus discrimination.
The department chair was further amused by the poodle’s tendency to be able to discriminate one CS from another (see question 273). He thus told the students to teach the dog to salivate only to the horn on his Ford but not one on a graduate student’s Chevrolet truck. In reality, the horns on the two vehicles sounded nearly identical. The training was seemingly unsuccessful inasmuch as the dog merely took to very loud barking. In this case
experimental neurosis set in
In one experiment, a dog was conditioned to salivate to a bell paired with a fast-food cheeseburger. The researcher then kept ringing the bell without giving the dog the cheeseburger. This is known as
extinction, and the salivation will disappear.
John B. Watson’s name is associated with
Little Albert
During a family counseling session, a 6-year-old girl repeatedly sticks her tongue out at the counselor, who is obviously ignoring the behavior. The counselor is practicing
In general, behavior modification strategies are based heavily on ________, while behavior therapy emphasizes ________.
instrumental conditioning; classical conditioning
Skinnerian principles; Pavlovian principles
A behavioristic counselor decides upon aversive conditioning as the treatment of choice for a gentleman who wishes to give up smoking. The counselor begins by taking a baseline. This is accomplished
by charting the occurrence of the behavior prior to any therapeutic intervention.
The first studies, which demonstrated that animals could indeed be conditioned to control autonomic processes, were conducted by
Neal Miller