cosmological argument Flashcards
define cosmological argument from causation
25 mark plan:
do cosmological arguments succeed in proving existence of god?
intro: CA from contingency succeed in proving gods existence
define: cosmological arguments (causation + contingency)
Cos Argm 1: kalam argument or aquinas second way
response1: first cause isn’t necessary, could be infinite sequence
response to response: it is impossible for infinite amount of time to pass
response 2: “everything has a cause” not analytic truth (Hume)
response to response: (CA contingency) lebinz principle of sufficient reason
conclusion: although its logically possible for universe to exist w/out cause, not suffiecnt reason why universe exists. Only necessary being (God) proves sufficient reason for the exisitence of the universe. so CA from causation fail but contingency proves god existence.
define cosmological argument from contingency