COSC 7311 : Learning Unit 4 Global News , Broadcasting and Implications of the Internet . Flashcards
List the four major Western News agencies ( 4 marks)
Agence France-Press , Associated Press , Reuters and United Press International .
Describe three major South African news agencies 6 marks
- IOL :Owned by Independant Newspapers , owns 15 national/regional papers
- News24 = SA’s premier online news resource .
- Africa News agency = Based in Cape Town
Examine the influence of influential global newspapers, magazines and broadcasters ( 3 marks)
News paper: NY Times , London Times . Magazines : Times , Newsweek
Broadcasters: CNN
These major agencies all hold great influence in the international broadcasting space ,
Analyse the concerns developing countries have about Major western news agencies (6-8marks)
- Developing countries forced to see themselves through the eyes of the West
- Western Media dit7ates whats known and what isn’t
- One-sided news and information going from the West outwards and almost never vice-versa
- Western domination via media (music,movies etc)
Discuss the challenges of setting up a credible news agency (3 marks)
- High capital
- Trained journalists
- Quality info
Critically discuss the role of the Internet on news flow in non-democratic states (2 marks)
With the internet being in a sate of near constant expansion , keeping info away from citizens in a dictatorship is nearly impossible . Despite some countries still trying to restrict info flow .
Analyse why people listen to and view international news and information . (3 marks)
The public interest in news has been largely spurred on by the ease at which the modern public can express their opinion . Services such as the Internet and Media outlets have made this possible .
Diiferentaite between public diplomacy , propaganda and media imperialism using practical examples ( 9 marks)
Propaganda : Mass media aiming to alter behaviour/thoughts/beliefs of a person/group for the benefit of the sender .(eg Nazi based radio stations)
- Public diplomacy : Cross border attempts to influence opinions ( eg US -Africa realtions)
- Media imperialism : Predominant flow of media from the West outwards ( Western news dominanting the media space )
Describe the history of international broadcasting ( 4 marks-ish)
- Two main uses for international broadcasting in this context is news and propaganda
- Started during WW1 , through WW2 ( both by Nazi’s and Allies) , then onto the Cold War .
- Found then in modern politics all over the world .
Analyse different countries views on government satellite TV ( 5 marks -ish)
- US , UK and China all have a version of it
- UK has been most successful with it , as its version(the BBC) has many international versions and is highly respected worldwide.
Understand systems theory ( and be able to relate it to global implications of the Internet . ) - (7marks)
*Systems thoery states that a system comprises of a set of parts that interact with both each other and the internal and external environments to acheive one or more goals . Systems tend toward autocorrection(called homeostasis) . Can be analysed long term to better understand its behaviour) . System behaviour can be manipulated via controlling/altering environmental factors.
Explain convergence theory ( 6 marks)
- Refers to the relative strength of info flow throughout converging cultures .
- Higher info flow = higher convergence , restricted info flow = slow/no convergence .
- Fails to factor in strength of the relationships between people in the culture , as the stronger the links the easier the info flow and vice versa .
Discuss how the structural model of intercultural communication helps us understand impact of the internet on global culture . (10marks)
- Just to recap , structural model of information involves and a sender and a receiver , message , feedback , and environmental noise .
- 1st = easier than ever for sender to deliver their message .
- 2nd = possible for some countries to restrict the intended sender from receiving the message via restriction of information flow via laws etc .
- 3rd = relating to no1 , data/internet speeds affect how well or not info flows in a given area .
- 4th = Western domination of media will eventually lead to a convergence toward liberal/Anglo media
- 5th= individuality will steadily increase in countries like the US/UK . National culture will slowly dissolve .
Analyse the link between individualism/collectivism and a country’s online presence
- National identity is key to a country’s presence online.
* The more central the country , the higher chance of it being collectivistic . an d vice versa .
Evaluate the consequences of the internet on national identity with reference to South Africa
Short term = development of a grup of culturally similar nations .
Long term = Worldwide cultural homogenisation.
Discuss the factors that could contribute to the slowing of the global convergence trend ( 3- 6 marks )
- 1 = computer mediated communication . Helps maintain long term relationship over distance
- 2 = Content specific online communities . Creates place where people can maintain cultural ties .
- 3=Internet base communication tech. : Allows for more capable form of traditional communication
Explain the similarities between online and real life communities . ( 6 marks)
1=Place . Greater online interaction than real ife strengthens ties
2=Interest : A group that is linked by interest eg a facebook group
3=Communion : both communities offer a place for a social bond to be formed .
4= Rituals/common frame of reference : internet allows for a place where people can unite around common frames of references
5=Boundaries of inclusion : similarly to real communities , online has standards to be met by potential community members .
6= Common acceptance : Nations exist first in the mind of its citizens, meaning there are no geographic boundaries .