Core Terminology 8: Endocrine and homeostasis Flashcards
linking together of various organs & systems in the body for harmonious functioning (homeostasis)
Endocrine gland
ductless glands that secretes hormones
Exocrine gland
glands with ducts, secretes secretions eg. Salivary & sweat glands
Target organ
specific place/area where hormone has its effect
The maintenance of a constant internal environment in the human body within certain limits
Negative feedback mechanism
a control system in which the final effect of the system work against the original system; to maintain an internal balance/homeostasis/regulate metabolism
A hormone which regulates the salt balance in the human body
regulation of body temperature
group of animals with temperature that varies with environmental temperature; dependent on external heat source
group of animals maintaining a constant body temperature; irrespective of environmental temperature; heat source from inside the body
maintaining a constant internal environment
Tissue fluid
fluid surrounding the tissues of the body
the condition suffered by a person when the core body temperature is raised so much that the body?s homeostatic control mechanism can no longer cope.
the condition suffered by a person when the core body temperature is lowered so much that the body?s homeostatic control mechanism can no longer cope.
top layer of skin; contains sweat pores and sebaceous glands
bottom layer of skin that contains the blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands
Erector muscle
muscle that joins each hair to the epidermis
homeostatic control centre in brain
condition when arterioles in skin constrict; less blood flows to surface of skin
condition when arterioles in skin dilates; allowing more blood to flow to skin
heat sensitive receptors in skin
Heat-exchange mechanism
a mechanism to transfer heat from one fluid to another without having direct contact.
Negative feedback mechanism
a control system in which the final effect of the system work against the original system.