Core - Resources Flashcards
Suggest two reasons for the changing importance of nuclear power.
Safety concerns regarding potential accidents eg the Fukushima incident in
Concerns about future energy security many believe nuclear energy is the only valid alternative future energy that will meet the growing demand.
Explain two characteristics of the circular economy.
- Consumers rent products from companies instead of buying them which means responsibility for recycling when the product eventually breaks lies with the company. 2. Materials designed to be used again and again
so materials are kept circulating (in flows) and do not enter landfill.
Describe what is meant by “embedded water”.
Water resources that are used in the production of food and manufactured goods in one country/place that are transferred to other, often water scarce,
countries or regions via trading.
Explain two reasons why diets are changing in middle-income countries.
- Rising incomes in middle-income countries have given more people sufficient
disposable income to incorporate more meat into their diets at the expense of
vegetables and grains. 2. Eating more processed food due globalisation/ TNC adverts.
Suggest two ways in which declining water availability might threaten a country’s
energy security.
1.Declining water availability might reduce the input of water into
reservoirs in hydro-electric power generation schemes, so a country that isheavily dependent on hydro-power may be unable to generate as much electricity
as previously and may be unable to meet demand. 2. need to safeguard supplies of safe water might lead to fracking being banned or lack of water for geothermal power - cooling…
Explain two reasons why some countries receive large international flows of consumer waste.
- Some low-income countries import waste because they receive
money for it, eg Ghana is a low-income country and imports E-waste because
valuable metals are found in it. 2. Norway accepts a larger volume and then it burns it to produce elctricity.
Suggest two implications of a warmer climate for the food security of places.
- Warmer climates lead to extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, which can destroy crops and reduce food security. 2. Temperature increase allows more agricultural output e.g. Greenland – increase in crop
yields, changing limits of cultivation. 3. Warmer temperatures lead to increased evaporation and possibly less water
availability for crops e.g. Sahel region of Africa.
Describe what is meant by an individual’s ecological footprint.
The approximate area of land and water needed to provide a person with the
resources needed to live and to absorb their waste.
Suggest two ways in which meeting a nation’s water needs could result in reduced food availability.
- Over-extraction for cash crops leads to insufficient water left to grow food crops. 2. Water used for tourism, means less available for farming. 3. Reservoirs built to provide water for urban areas & manufacturing means less water available for food.
Explain how a circular economy approach can contribute to:
(i) reduced use of new resources.
Products are produced in such a way that they have a “life after
death”, as parts will have further use later, decreases need for raw
Explain how a circular economy approach can contribute to: changing attitudes to product ownership.
People rent goods as opposed to buying them, which means
that they are less likely to be “designed for the dump”.
Explain how the growth of a country’s middle-class population can lead to:
(i) changing diets;
Increase in meat/dairy consumption – due to increase in wealth, expensive foods
are affordable.
Diversification of diet as increase in wealth enables more imported food.
Explain how the growth of a country’s middle-class population can lead to: land-use pressures
Middle income groups have more money and aspirations and want to live in their own houses this increases the demand for housing which is built on land previously covered by trees.
Suggest one way in which greater use of renewable energy can:
(i) decrease the size of a nation’s ecological footprint;
Decreased use of fossil fuels because of switching energy sources
decreases the amount of land required for mining or disposal of waste.
Suggest one way in which greater use of renewable energy can: increase the size of a nation’s ecological footprint.
Greater use of biofuels requires palm oil cultivation across extensive
areas of land.
Solar farms require large areas of land which may lead to deforestation.
Suggest one reason for a recent change in the diets of people in
middle-income countries.
Rising incomes so people have more money to spend on processed
foods or on meat.
Explain one way in which ecological footprint measures an individual’s
resource consumption.
It determines the amount of the environment necessary to produce the goods and
services necessary to support a particular lifestyle.
Explain two ways in which different resources are developed to support
Boserup’s optimistic view.
- Improved technology through the use of mechanization to
increase yields of food. - Substitution of fossil fuels for renewable energy.
- Vertical farming.
- GM crops.
Suggest two reasons why progress towards access to safe water has beenslow in some regions.
- In Madagascar there has been a lack of investment in water provision which has meant that the development of infrastructure such as water points is missing for a large proportion of the rural population. 2. Conflict between israel and Palestine 2014 conflict caused $34mn worth of damage + blockades stop the supply.
Explain one economic advantage and one environmental advantage of the circular economy.
- The circular economy results in employment growth – jobs are created through more labour-intensive activities/new innovative industries. more durable products saves money in the long term for customers. 2. less damage to ecosystems – fewer resources needed so land not used intensive agriculture, water bodies not impacted by dumping of toxins
*reduces climate change – less energy used for production/supply lines leads tofewer emissions.