Core Curriculum - 3rd Edition Flashcards
Describe lactocytes
Specialized epithelial cells that absorb nutrients, immunoglobulin and hormones from mother blood stream to compose milk
Where are prolactin receptor sites and what do they to
They are in the lactocytes and allow prolactin to be absorbed from the blood Baseline prolactin doubles during a nursing session from infant suck
What is the role of estrogen and progesterone in the pregnant breast.
Estrogen stimulates growth of the ducts
progesterone causes glandular tissue to expand
Where does excess lymph fluid drain?
To the axillary lymph nodes
Trauma to what nerve might result in some loss of sensation in the breast. Where is it located
the 4th intercostal nerve 4 oclock L breast and 8 o’clock R breast
Breast asymmetry is not uncommon. Which breast is often smaller?
Right often smaller.
Accessory nipples may be associated with ———–
renal or other organ anomalies.
What is Polands Syndrome
unilateral hypoplasia with hypoplasia of the thorax and pectoral muscles.
Cranial Nerves for Suck and swallow
V trigeminal -mastication
Vll- Facial——expression and taste
1X –Glossopharyngeal——taste, pharynx sensation swallow
X - Vagus– larynx and pharynx-
XII - Hypoglossal - innervates tongue muscle
muscles for swallowing
sternohyoid- depresses hyoid and larynx
omohyoid - dpresses the hyoid
sterno thyroid depresses thyroid cartilage
thyrohyoid raises and changes the form of the larynx
What is the function of the soft palate during swallowing
It elevates during swallowing contacting the pharyngeal walls and closing off the nasal cavity directing the bolus towards the hypo pharynx
What is the typical lenths of the hard palate
Approx 1 inch from the alveolar ridge to where the soft palate folds
What causes a channel palate
this is a midline groove from prolonged presence of orotracheal tubes.
Describe Epstien pearls and where are they commonly located.
acumulation of epithelial cells (retention cysts) at the juncture of the hard and soft palate
Where is the gag reflex elicited in a newborn
At the midtongue area
Prenatal breast changes hormonally affected by
Human Placental Lactogen
Human chorionic gonadotropin
all of the above accelerate growth
What is the funtion of Glucocorticoid during pregancy
Enhance the formation of the lobules
Purpose of estrogen
stimulates ductal sprouting
purpose of prgesteron
stimulates the lobuloalveolar growth and supressors secretory activity
What gland secretes prolactin inhibiting factor
Hypothalmus - negatively controls controls prolactins effects
When does lactogenesis 1 begin
16 weeks prenatally
Colostrum - antepartum shows presence of
lactose, casein and alpha lactalbumin
Colostrum after delivery increases
SIgA and lactoferrin
lactogenesis 11 - onset of copius milk production occurs
30-72 hours post delivery of the placenta when there is a decrease in levels of estrogen , progesterone and HUMAN PLacental Lactogen