Conversational 4 Flashcards
Kåo i neni simparåt kumåkkati?
Does the baby continuously cry?
Bumabaila kada diha
She dances every day.
Bumaila kada diha.
She danced every day.
Baila kada diha.
Dance every day.
Un dångkulu na påkyu mamamaila’
A big typhoon is coming.
Nisisita ta tåmpi i bintåna siha.
We have to cover the windows.
I sobrinu-hu para u fañuli’ mås hånum.
My nephew will bring extra water.
Na’sigura na guaha “flashlight” yan batiriha.
Make sure you have flashlights and batteries.
Famåhan gas para i kareta yan yinireta’.
Buy gas for the car and generator.
Kåo guaha kusinå-mu, kusinan sanhiyung?
Do you have an outside kitchen?
Na’siguru na bula latiriha.
Make sure there’s a lot of canned goods.
Puedi ti gumupu i atuf gumå-hu.
I hope my roof doesn’t blow away.
Fañuha gi bintåna.
Stay away from the windows.
Inayuda i bisinun-måmi.
We help our neighbors.
In chachagi muna’ fansåfu i ga’-måmi.
We try to keep our animals safe.
Munga tumångis, ta agun-humåtsa i gima’.
Don’t cry, we can rebuild it.
Manmåtai i kandit.
The lights are out.
Tåya hånum
There’s no water.
Kåo måolik håo ha’ na maisa?
Are you going to be ok by yourself?
Cha’mu chachathinassu put guåhu
Don’t worry about me.
Måolik yu’ gi halum ingkibukåo
I thrive in chaos.
Does the baby continuously cry?
Kåo i neni simparåt kumåkkati?
She dances every day.
Bumabaila kada diha
She danced every day.
Bumaila kada diha.
Dance every day.
Baila kada diha.
A big typhoon is coming.
Un dångkulu na påkyu mamamaila’
We have to cover the windows.
Nisisita ta tåmpi i bintåna siha.
My nephew will bring extra water.
I sobrinu-hu para u fañuli’ mås hånum.
Make sure you have flashlights and batteries.
Na’sigura na guaha “flashlight” yan batiriha.
Buy gas for the car and generator.
Famåhan gas para i kareta yan yinireta’.
Do you have an outside kitchen?
Kåo guaha kusinå-mu, kusinan sanhiyung?
Make sure there’s a lot of canned goods.
Na’siguru na bula latiriha.
I hope my roof doesn’t blow away.
Puedi ti gumupu i atuf gumå-hu.
Stay away from the windows.
Fañuha gi bintåna.
We help our neighbors.
Inayuda i bisinun-måmi.
We try to keep our animals safe.
In chachagi muna’ fansåfu i ga’-måmi.
Don’t cry, we can rebuild it.
Munga tumångis, ta agun-humåtsa i gima’.
The lights are out.
Manmåtai i kandit.
There’s no water.
Tåya hånum
Are you going to be ok by yourself?
Kåo måolik håo ha’ na maisa?
Don’t worry about me.
Cha’mu chachathinassu put guåhu
I thrive in chaos.
Måolik yu’ gi halum ingkibukåo