Conversational 2 Flashcards
Yahu ennåo
I love that
Maila’ fambisita / Fåttu fambisita
Come visit!
Kåo gai tiempu håo para ma’ågang?
Do you have time for a call?
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i tiempo-mu
Thank you for your time.
Un na’siña esti!
You got this!
Che’lu/cha’mu lulluhan, bai ga’chungi håo
Bro/sis don’t worry, I got you.
Hu sienti na kulang mampus sahngi atyu.
I feel like that was super weird.
Ti siña hu yuti’ tiempok-ku put esti på’gu
I cannot even deal with this right now.
Munga macho’gui ennåo sa’ ti såfu
You shouldn’t do that, it’s not safe.
Yanggin manaliligåo håo cho’chu, pues manmanimpleleha hotel siha
If you’re looking for a job, the hotels are hiring.
Håyi siña bai ågang put ineppin esti na kuestiona?
Who should I call to find the answer to this question?
Kåo måolik håo ha’ ni esti?
Are you ok with this?
Para bai na’sigura ha’
I just want to check in
Malagu’ yu’ na ta parehu ha’ na dos
I want to make sure we’re on the same page
Siña ha’ un na’tungu’ yu’ kåo guaha fina’ lachi/ti måolik
You can always tell me if something is wrong
Maila’ ta alamitå ni pizza
Let’s split a pizza
Na’chalik atyu na tåotåo
That guy is so funny
Kaduku atyu, para ke håo
That’s crazy, you shouldn’t have to deal with that
Dispensa put i estotbu
Sorry to bother
Puedi måolik i holday-mu
Hope you had a great holiday
Dispensa, amånu nai siña hu sodda’ si (n)?
Excuse me, where can I find (N)?
Ti yahu gumåsta/muna’ låstima tiempok-ku.
I don’t want to waste my time.
Ha a’ayåo i karetå-hu på’gugu ha’
He’s borrowing my car right now
Ha u’usa i karetå-hu på’gu.
He’s using my car today.
Mapotgi’ i ga’-hu chiba
My goat is pregnant
Para u fañågu i kiñadå-hu gi Abrit
My sister in law is due in April
Ti machocho’chu’.
It’s not working
Cho’gui/Cho’gui ha’
Do it.
Kulang måolik
Sounds good
Kåo listu håo?
You ready?
Hu tutuhun nuebu na lepblu
I started a new book
Kåo un li’i’ esta esti na mubi?
Have you seen this film?
Åhi’, ti hu hassu/po’lu na båba ennåo.
No, I don’t think that’s bad at all.
Kåo ti kulang i amigå-ta/amigu-ta?
Doesn’t she look like our friend?
Ti machocho’chu’ i yabi-hu
My key isn’t working
Cha’ma lulluhan, munga pinalåla
Don’t worry, no rush
Tåya’ prublema! Todu i tiempu mammaguf yu’ manayuda
No problem! Always happy to help.
Esta para bai hånåo para i gima’.
I’m about to get home.
Kulang i måolik na lina’la
Looks like the good life!
Bula ni ennåo masusessedi
There’s a lot of that going around
Filis Påsgua!
Merry Christmas!
Maguf yu’ sa’ hu li’i’ håo/Maguf yu’ sa’ umali’i hit
Nice to meet you
Bai na’tungu’ gui
I’ll let him know
Disenti låo ti i pairi/primera
It’s’ decent, but not the best
Mahålang yu’ nu hågu
I miss you!
Debi ta fanhånåo gi alas singku. Kåo para un tatti?
We have to leave at 5. Are you coming?
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i todu i tiempu ayudånti håo
Thank you for always being so helpful
Puedi todu måolik
Hope all is well
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i imfutmasion
Thank you for the information!
Sa’ håfa na todu i tiempu chumachatfinu’ håo?
Why are you always talking shit?
Dispensa, nisisita bai facho’chu’.
Sorry, I need to work.
Uma’eyak yu’ finu’ Chamorro
I am learning Chamorro
Hu tungu’ fuminu’ Chamorro diddidi’
I speak a little Chamorro
Dispensa, ti hu geftungu’ fuminu’ Chamorro
Sorry, I don’t speak much Chamorro
Dispensa, ume’eyak ha’ yu’. Kåo siña un ripiti ta’lu?
Sorry, I’m still learning, could you please repeat that?
Put fabut kåo siña un ripiti laddispåsiu
Please could you repeat a little slower?
Håfa kumekke ilekña ennåo na palåbra?
What does this word mean?
Kåo dinanchi sangån-hu nu ennåo?
Did I say this right?
Kåo dinanchi ennåo?
Was this right?
Hu kumprendi mås ki kumuentus
I understand more than I speak
Hu chagi prumaktika finu’ Chamorro amånu nai siña yu’
I try to practice speaking Chamorro where I can.
Dumångkulu yu’ giya California
I grew up in California
Humånåo yu’ para Saipan gi 2018
I moved to Saipan in 2018
Humånåo yu’ para Saipan gi anai benti kuåttru åñus yu’
I moved to Saipan when I was 24.
Hu leklek i shown famagu’un mafana’an Island Time.
I direct a children’s show called Island Time.
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i gineftåo-mu
Thank you for being so generous.
Hu praktika fuminu’ Chamorro yan si bihu-hu (tåta)
I practice Chamorro with my grandpa
Amånu nai sumåssaga si Juleon?
Where does Juleon live?
Ti hu angokku atyu siha na tåotåo
I don’t trust those people
Na’listu hamyu, siakåsu håfa yanggin tåya’ planun-miyu.
Just a heads up if anyone doesn’t have plans.
Chagi fan.
Try it out
Siña tafan hunta gi alas dies
We may have a meeting at 10am
Dispensa sa’ gai tinani’ yu’, maleffa yu’ ti hu oppi håo.
Sorry, I got so busy, I forgot to respond.
Gef-kaduku ennåo
That is so stupid
Put fabot eksplikåyi yu’ ni esti
Please explain this to me
Siguru yu’ na nina’mapput håo
I’m sure that’s very difficult for you.
I love that
Yahu ennåo
Come visit!
Maila’ fambisita / Fåttu fambisita
Do you have time for a call?
Kåo gai tiempu håo para ma’ågang?
Thank you for your time.
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i tiempo-mu
You got this!
Un na’siña esti!
Bro/sis don’t worry, I got you.
Che’lu/cha’mu lulluhan, bai ga’chungi håo
I feel like that was super weird.
Hu sienti na kulang mampus sahngi atyu.
I cannot even deal with this right now.
Ti siña hu yuti’ tiempok-ku put esti på’gu
You shouldn’t do that, it’s not safe.
Munga macho’gui ennåo sa’ ti såfu
If you’re looking for a job, the hotels are hiring.
Yanggin manaliligåo håo cho’chu, pues manmanimpleleha hotel siha
Who can I call to find the answer to this question?
Håyi siña bai ågang put ineppin esti na kuestiona?
Are you ok with this?
Kåo måolik håo ha’ ni esti?
I just want to check in
Para bai na’sigura ha’
I want to make sure we’re on the same page
Malagu’ yu’ na ta parehu ha’ na dos
You can always tell me if something is wrong
Siña ha’ un na’tungu’ yu’ kåo guaha fina’ lachi/ti måolik
Let’s split a pizza
Maila’ ta alamitå ni pizza
That guy is so funny
Na’chalik atyu na tåotåo
That’s crazy, you shouldn’t have to deal with that
Kaduku atyu, para ke håo
Sorry to bother
Dispensa put i estotbu
Hope you had a great holiday
Puedi måolik i holiday-mu
Excuse me, where can I find (N)?
Dispensa, amånu nai siña hu sodda’ si (n)?
I don’t like to waste my time.
Ti yahu gumåsta/muna’ låstima tiempok-ku.
He’s borrowing my car right now
Ha a’ayåo i karetå-hu på’gugu ha’
He’s using my car today.
Ha u’usa i karetå-hu på’gu.
My goat is pregnant
Mapotgi’ i ga’-hu chiba
My sister in law is due in April
Para u fañågu i kiñadå-hu gi Abrit
It’s not working
Ti machocho’chu’.
Do it.
Cho’gui/Cho’gui ha’
Sounds good
Kulang måolik
You ready?
Kåo listu håo?
I started a new book
Hu tutuhun nuebu na lepblu
Have you seen this film?
Kåo un li’i’ esta esti na mubi?
No, I don’t think that’s bad at all.
Åhi’, ti hu hassu/po’lu na båba ennåo.
Doesn’t she look like our friend?
Kåo ti kulang i amigå-ta/amigu-ta?
My key isn’t working
Ti machocho’chu’ i yabi-hu
Don’t worry, no rush
Cha’ma lulluhan, munga pinalåla
No problem! Always happy to help.
Tåya’ prublema! Todu i tiempu mammaguf yu’ manayuda
I’m about to get home.
Esta para bai hånåo para i gima’.
Looks like the good life!
Kulang i måolik na lina’la
There’s a lot of that going around
Bula ni ennåo masusessedi
Merry Christmas!
Filis Påsgua!
Nice to meet you
Maguf yu’ sa’ hu li’i’ håo/Maguf yu’ sa’ umali’i hit
I’ll let him know
Bai na’tungu’ gui
It’s decent, but not the best
Disenti låo ti i pairi/primera
I miss you!
Mahålang yu’ nu hågu
We have to leave at 5. Are you coming?
Debi ta fanhånåo gi alas singku. Kåo para un tatti?
Thank you for always being so helpful
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i todu i tiempu ayudånti håo
Hope all is well
Puedi todu måolik
Thank you for the information!
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i imfutmasion
Why are you always talking shit?
Sa’ håfa na todu i tiempu chumachatfinu’ håo?
Sorry, I need to work.
Dispensa, nisisita bai facho’chu’.
I am learning Chamorro
Uma’eyak yu’ finu’ Chamorro
I speak a little Chamorro
Hu tungu’ fuminu’ Chamorro diddidi’
Sorry, I don’t speak much Chamorro
Dispensa, ti hu geftungu’ fuminu’ Chamorro
Sorry, I’m still learning, could you please repeat that?
Dispensa, ume’eyak ha’ yu’. Kåo siña un ripiti ta’lu?
Please could you repeat a little slower?
Put fabut kåo siña un ripiti laddispåsiu
What does this word mean?
Håfa kumekke ilekña ennåo na palåbra?
Did I say this right?
Kåo dinanchi sangån-hu nu ennåo?
Was this right?
Kåo dinanchi ennåo?
I understand more than I speak
Hu kumprendi mås ki kumuentus
I try to practice speaking Chamorro where I can.
Hu chagi prumaktika finu’ Chamorro amånu nai siña yu’
I grew up in California
Dumångkulu yu’ giya California
I moved to Saipan in 2018
Humånåo yu’ para Saipan gi 2018
I moved to Saipan when I was 24.
Humånåo yu’ para Saipan gi anai benti kuåttru åñus yu’
I direct a children’s show called Island Time.
Hu leklek i shown famagu’un mafana’an Island Time.
Thank you for being so generous.
Si Yu’us Ma’åsi’ put i gineftåo-mu
I practice Chamorro with my grandpa
Hu praktika fuminu’ Chamorro yan si bihu-hu (tåta)
Where does Juleon live?
Amånu nai sumåssaga si Juleon?
I don’t trust those people
Ti hu angokku atyu siha na tåotåo
Just a heads up if anyone doesn’t have plans.
Na’listu hamyu, siakåsu håfa yanggin tåya’ planun-miyu.
Try it out
Chagi fan.
We may have a meeting at 10am
Siña tafan hunta gi alas dies
Sorry, I got so busy, I forgot to respond.
Dispensa sa’ gai tinani’ yu’, maleffa yu’ ti hu oppi håo.
That is so stupid
Gef-kaduku ennåo
Please explain this to me
Put fabot eksplikåyi yu’ ni esti
I’m sure that’s very difficult for you.
Siguru yu’ na nina’mapput håo