5 Flashcards
Si tatå-hu dumådåndan ukelele.
My dad plays the ukulele.
Si nanå-hu mama’ sesena kada puengi.
My mom makes dinner every night.
Mahålang yu’ nu Saipan yan i minaipi.
I miss Saipan, and the heat.
Ti yahu yanggin i tåotåo mampus manguekuentus.
I hate when people talk too much.
Låo hu sienti na debi bai hu kunsigi mamokkat mo’na.
But I felt like I had to keep walking forward
Malagu’ yu’ umatan todus i floris yan tinanum siha.
I wanted to look at all the flowers and plants.
Para iyok-hu, kulang mohon nå’an.
It would be mine, like a name.
Kulang mohon para u riprisenta yu’.
As if it would somehow represent me.
Unu kulang ha kåutiba yu’, ya malagu’ yu’ na bai hu atyik.
One of them stood out to me, I wanted to choose it.
Gi kada bånda maneståttåba mansahngi na manggåtbu na floris ginin ottru tånu.
On each side were strange, beautiful flowers from another world.
Gi paingi hu guifi na mamomokkat yu’ gi fanfa’pusan.
Last night I dreamed I was walking on a path.
Hu hassu na hu lili’i’ kannai-hu gi guinifi-hu.
I think about seeing my hands in the dream
Matåchung ya manhahassu yu’ un biåhi gi diha
I meditate once a day.
Hu chachagi rumialisa kåo mangguiguifi yu’
I’m trying to realize when I’m dreaming.
Man diskåkånsa ya mata’chochongi i paluma
They were relaxing, sitting on top of the bird
I che’lu-hu låhi yan i manamigu-ña siha maneståttaba
My brother and his friends were there.
Låo dispues hu atan huyung gi bintåna
But then I looked outside the window
Mañodda’ yu’ lokkui’ shotgun para bai hu paki
I even found a shotgun to shoot it with
Hu huchum i tampin påkyu gi bintåna
I closed storm shutters over my windows.
Higånti, kulot åpu, yan dångkuku piku-ña
It was giant and grey, with a big beak
Madulalak yu’ hålum gi gima’ ni dångkulun paluma
I was chased into the house by a bird
Guaha sahngi guinifi-hu
I had a strange dream
Karitatibu/guaiyayun in anti-mu
You have such a kind/loving soul
Båsta i kuentus, cho’gui ha’
No more talk, just do it
Nihi ta hånåo
Let’s go
My dad plays the ukulele.
Si tatå-hu dumådåndan ukelele.
My mom makes dinner every night.
Si nanå-hu mama’ sesena kada puengi.
I miss Saipan, and the heat.
Mahålang yu’ nu Saipan yan i minaipi.
I hate when people talk too much.
Ti yahu yanggin i tåotåo mampus manguekuentus.
But I felt like I had to keep walking forward
Låo hu sienti na debi bai hu kunsigi mamokkat mo’na.
I wanted to look at all the flowers and plants.
Malagu’ yu’ umatan todus i floris yan tinanum siha.
It would be mine, like a name.
Para iyok-hu, kulang mohon nå’an.
As if it would somehow represent me.
Kulang mohon para u riprisenta yu’.
One of them stood out to me, I wanted to choose it.
Unu kulang ha kåutiba yu’, ya malagu’ yu’ na bai hu atyik.
On each side were strange, beautiful flowers from another world.
Gi kada bånda maneståttåba mansahngi na manggåtbu na floris ginin ottru tånu.
Last night I dreamed I was walking on a path.
Gi paingi hu guifi na mamomokkat yu’ gi fanfa’pusan.
I think about seeing my hands in the dream
Hu hassu na hu lili’i’ kannai-hu gi guinifi-hu.
I meditate once a day.
Matåchung ya manhahassu yu’ un biåhi gi diha
I’m trying to realize when I’m dreaming.
Hu chachagi rumialisa kåo mangguiguifi yu’
They were relaxing, sitting on top of the bird
Man diskåkånsa ya mata’chochongi i paluma
My brother and his friends were there.
I che’lu-hu låhi yan i manamigu-ña siha maneståttaba
But then I looked outside the window
Låo dispues hu atan huyung gi bintåna
I even found a shotgun to shoot it with
Mañodda’ yu’ lokkui’ shotgun para bai hu paki
I closed storm shutters over my windows.
Hu huchum i tampin påkyu gi bintåna
It was giant and grey, with a big beak
Higånti, kulot åpu, yan dångkulu piku-ña
I was chased into the house by a giant bird
Madulalak yu’ hålum gi gima’ ni dångkulun paluma
I had a strange dream
Guaha sahngi guinifi-hu
You have such a kind/loving soul
Karitatibu/guaiyayun in anti-mu
No more talk, just do it
Båsta i kuentus, cho’gui ha’
Let’s go
Nihi ta hånåo