Conversational 1 Flashcards
Håyi na’ån-mu?
What is your name?
Na’ån-hu si (N)
My name is (N)
Kuåntus åñus håo?
How old are you?
Amånu nai sumåssaga håo?
Where do you live?
Sumåssaga yu’ giya (name of village)
I live in (village)
Håyi na’ån-ña si Tatå-mu?
What is your father’s name?
Na’ån-ña si tatå-hu si Michael.
My father’s name is Michael.
Håyi na’ån-ña si Nanå-mu?
What is your mother’s name?
Na’ån-ña si Nanå-hu si Carmelita.
My mother’s name is Carmelita.
Kuåntu hamyu na tåotåo gi familia?
How many people are in your family?
Put todu guaha singku gi familia
The total number of people in my family is 5.
Håfa i mås yamu na nengkannu’?
What is your favorite food?
I mås yahu na nengkannu’ i tacos.
My favorite food is tacos.
Håfa i mås yamu i gimin?
What is your favorite drink?
I mås yahu na gimin i tea.
My favorite drink is tea.
Håfa i mås yamu na ofissiu?
What is your favorite hobby?
I mås yahu na ofissiu i basketball.
My favorite hobby is basketball.
Håfa i mås yamu na mubi?
What is your favorite movie?
I mås yahu na mubi i (N)
My favorite movie is (N)
Håyi ma’estrom-mu gi Chamorro?
Who is your Chamorro teacher?
Ma’estrok-ku si Mr. Donald
My teacher is Mr. Donald
Ki’ora esta på’gu?
What time is it now?
Esta alas cinco.
It’s 5.
Ki’ora måkpu’ i iskuela?
What time is school over?
Måkpu’ gi alas 3.
It is over at 3.
Kåo siña yu’ malak i kemmun put fabot?
May I use the bathroom please?
Hunggan, hånåo ha’
Yes, go ahead.
Åhi’, nangga un råtu
No, wait for a while.
Kåo siña yu’ gumimin hånum put fabot?
May I please drink water?
Hunggan, gimin ha’
Yes, go ahead and drink
Åhi, sa’ esta hokkuk
No, because it’s all out.
Kåo siña yu’ malak i gima?
Can I go to the house?
Hunggan, hånåo ha’
Yes, go ahead.
Chuli’ i pass.
Take the pass.
Para ngai’an i test?
When is the test?
Gi ottru simåna
Next week
Para u guaha test agupa’
There will be a test tomorrow
Para månu håo?
Where are you going?
Para bai falak i gima.
I’m going to the house.
Kuåntu baliña esti?
How much/does this cost?
50 dollars baliña esti.
This costs $50.
Sa’ håfa na fåtta håo?
Why were you absent?
Håyi sumangåni håo (put ennāo)?
Who told you (about that)?
Si (N) sumangåni yu’
(N) told me.
Taimanu masangånña esti?
How do you say this?
Ekkunguk ya un tungu’
Listen and learn
Taimanu macho’gueña esti?
How do you do this?
Gefatan ya un tungu’ taimanu
Look closely and learn how
Kåo siña un ayuda yu’ put fabot?
Can you help me please?
Hunggan, siña bai ayuda håo
Yes, I can help you
Ki’ora para u madåndan i kampåna?
What time will the bell ring?
Para u madåndan gi alas (time)
It will ring at (time)
Kåo siña un cho’guiyi yu’ fabot?
Will you/can you do me a favor?
Hunggan, siña ha’. Håfa malago’-mu?
Yes I can, what do you want?
Kåo siña yu’ chumotchu put fabot?
May I please eat?
Åhi sa’ ti oran chumotchu trabiha
No, it’s not time to eat yet.
Hunggan, yanggin ñålang håo
Yes, if you’re hungry.
Håfa i che’chu’ para i gima’?
What is your homework?
Para un interview i mañaina-mu
To interview your parents
Malak månu si (N)?
Where did (N) go?
Malak i tenda
(N) went to the store
Ngai’an i bakasion Krismas?
When is Christmas vacation?
Gi Dec 25 i bakasion Krismas
Christmas vacation is on Dec 25.
Håfa para un lakngus para i giput?
What are you bringing to the party?
Ngai’an i giput?
When is the party?
Gi (date)
On (date)
Para håfa esti?
What is this for?
Para i test.
For the test.
Sa’ håfa na kumåkkati i neni?
Why is the baby crying?
Sa’ puti tiyån-ña
Because his/her stomach hurts.
Håfa malago’-mu?
What do you want?
Sa’ håfa na un sångan ennåo?
Why did you say that?
Sa’ mafaisin yu’ ni gurupu
Because I was asked by the group
Håyi ingkatgåo ni klas?
Who is in charge of the class?
Si Mr. Donald ingkatgåo
Mr. Donald is in charge.
Kåo siña un bålli i kuåttun iskuela?
Can you sweep the classroom?
Hunggan, tåya’ prublema
Yes, no problem
Munggi i iskoba?
Where is the broom?
Gaigi gi iskina gi santatti
It’s in the back corner
Para ngai’an u mana’hålum i homework?
When is the homework due?
Sa’ håfa
Månu/a månu
Tåta, kåo gaigi håo guennåo? Si Sophie esti.
Grandpa, are you there? Si Sophie esti.
Håfa sinentette-mu? Kåo måolik maigo’-mu?
How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?
Munggi si Auntie Maria? Kåo måmåolik ha’?
Where is Auntie Maria? Is she ok?
Kåo malagu’ håo ummega’ ni show-mu?
Do you want to watch your show?
Kåo bråbu håo para un famokkat?
Do you feel well enough to go on a walk?
Kåo måolik håo manli’i?
Can you see ok?
Kåo guaha na’-mu månggi’ na babarihas/snacks?
Do you have any good snacks?
Hunggan, maila hålum.
Yes, come in.
Måmåolik ha’, mama’bababa ha’ guini.
I’m fine, just messing around in here.
Måolik ha’ gui’, esta hohomlu’ atayo’-ña.
She’s ok, her back is feeling a little better.
Hunggan, maseha bula minimu yan chatfinu’.
Yes, though there’s too much violence and swearing.
Hu’u, låo munga yu’ chumågu yanggin puengi.
Sure, but I don’t want to go too far in the dark.
Månu ni bai hu park i kareta?
Where should I park?
Esta ti parahu yu’ manli’i’
My seeing isn’t what it used to be.
Munga mapatcha i na’yan sa’ guaha sistemå-hu.
Don’t do the dishes. I have a system.
Can you still dance?
Kåo sisiña håo ha’ bumaila?
What is your name?
Håyi na’ån-mu?
My name is (N)
Na’ån-hu si (N)
How old are you?
Kuåntus åñus håo?
Where do you live?
Amånu nai sumåssaga håo?
I live in (village)
Sumåssaga yu’ giya (name of village)
What is your father’s name?
Håyi na’ån-ña si Tatå-mu?
My father’s name is Michael.
Na’ån-ña si tatå-hu si Michael.
What is your mother’s name?
Håyi na’ån-ña si Nanå-mu?
My mother’s name is Carmelita.
Na’ån-ña si Nanå-hu si Carmelita.
How many people are in your family?
Kuåntu hamyu na tåotåo gi familia?
The total number of people in my family is 5.
Put todu guaha singku gi familia
What is your favorite food?
Håfa i mås yamu na nengkannu’?
My favorite food is tacos.
I mås yahu na nengkannu’ i tacos.
What is your favorite drink?
Håfa i mås yamu na gimin?
My favorite drink is tea.
I mås yahu na gimin i tea.
What is your favorite hobby?
Håfa i mås yamu na ofissiu?
My favorite hobby is basketball.
I mås yahu na ofissiu i basketball.
What is your favorite movie?
Håfa i mås yamu na mubi?
My favorite movie is (N)
I mås yahu na mubi i (N)
Who is your Chamorro teacher?
Håyi ma’estrom-mu gi Chamorro?
My teacher is Mr. Donald
Ma’estrok-ku si Mr. Donald
What time is it now?
Ki’ora esta på’gu?
It’s 5.
Esta alas singku.
What time is school over?
Ki’ora måkpu’ i iskuela?
It is over at 3.
Måkpu’ gi alas 3.
May I use the bathroom please?
Kåo siña yu’ malak i kemmun put fabot?
Yes, go ahead.
Hunggan, hånåo ha’
No, wait for a while.
Åhi’, nangga un råtu
May I please drink water?
Kåo siña yu’ gumimin hånum put fabot?
Yes, go ahead and drink
Hunggan, gimin ha’
No, because it’s all out.
Åhi, sa’ esta hokkuk
Can I go to the house?
Kåo siña yu’ malak i gima?
Yes, go ahead.
Hunggan, hånåo ha’
Take the pass.
Chuli’ i pass.
When is the test?
Para ngai’an i test?
Next week
Gi ottru simåna
There will be a test tomorrow
Para u guaha test agupa’
Where are you going?
Para månu håo?
I’m going to the house.
Para bai falak i gima.
How much/does this cost?
Kuåntu baliña esti?
This costs $50.
50 dollars baliña esti.
Why were you absent?
Sa’ håfa na fåtta håo?
Who told you (about that)?
Håyi sumangåni håo (put ennāo)?
(N) told me.
Si (N) sumangåni yu’
How do you say this?
Taimanu masangånña esti?
Listen and learn
Ekkunguk ya un tungu’
How do you do this?
Taimanu macho’gueña esti?
Look closely and learn how
Gefatan ya un tungu’ taimanu
Can you help me please?
Kåo siña un ayuda yu’ put fabot?
Yes, I can help you
Hunggan, siña bai ayuda håo
What time will the bell ring?
Ki’ora para u madåndan i kampåna?
It will ring at (time)
Para u madåndan gi alas (time)
Will you/can you do me a favor?
Kåo siña un cho’guiyi yu’ fabot?
Yes I can, what do you want?
Hunggan, siña ha’. Håfa malago’-mu?
May I please eat?
Kåo siña yu’ chumotchu put fabot?
No, it’s not time to eat yet.
Åhi’, sa’ ti oran chumotchu trabiha
Yes, if you’re hungry.
Hunggan, yanggin ñålang håo
What is your homework?
Håfa i che’chu’ para i gima’?
To interview your parents
Para un interview i mañaina-mu
Where did (N) go?
Malak månu si (N)?
(N) went to the store
Malak i tenda
When is Christmas vacation?
Ngai’an i bakasion Krismas?
Christmas vacation is on Dec 25.
Gi Dec 25 i bakasion Krismas
What are you bringing to the party?
Håfa para un lakngus para i giput?
When is the party?
Ngai’an i giput?
On (date)
Gi (date)
What is this for?
Para håfa esti?
For the test.
Para i test.
Why is the baby crying?
Sa’ håfa na kumåkkati i neni?
Because his/her stomach hurts.
Sa’ puti tiyån-ña
What do you want?
Håfa malago’-mu?
Why did you say that?
Sa’ håfa na un sångan ennåo?
Because I was asked by the group
Sa’ mafaisin yu’ ni gurupu
Who is in charge of the class?
Håyi ingkatgåo ni klas?
Mr. Donald is in charge.
Si Mr. Donald ingkatgåo
Can you sweep the classroom?
Kåo siña un bålli i kuåttun iskuela?
Yes, no problem
Hunggan, tåya’ prublema
Where is the broom?
Munggi i iskoba?
It’s in the back corner
Gaigi gi iskina gi santatti
When is the homework due?
Para ngai’an u mana’hålum i homework?
Sa’ håfa
Månu/a månu
Grandpa, are you there? Si Sophie esti.
Tåta, kåo gaigi håo guennåo? Si Sophie esti.
How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?
Håfa sinentette-mu? Kåo måolik maigo’-mu?
Where is Auntie Maria? Is she ok?
Munggi si Auntie Maria? Kåo måmåolik ha’?
Do you want to watch your show?
Kåo malagu’ håo ummega’ ni show-mu?
Do you feel well enough to go on a walk?
Kåo bråbu håo para un famokkat?
Can you see ok?
Kåo måolik håo manli’i?
Do you have any good snacks?
Kåo guaha na’-mu månggi’ na babarihas/snacks?
Yes, come in.
Hunggan, maila hålum.
I’m fine, just messing around in here.
Måmåolik ha’, mama’bababa ha’ guini.
She’s ok, her back is feeling a little better.
Måolik ha’ gui’, esta hohomlu’ atayo’-ña.
Yes, though there’s too much violence and swearing.
Hunggan, maseha bula minimu yan chatfinu’.
Sure, but I don’t want to go too far at night.
Hu’u, låo munga yu’ chumågu yanggin puengi.
Where should I park?
Månu ni bai hu park i kareta?
My seeing isn’t what it used to be.
Esta ti parahu yu’ manli’i’
Don’t do the dishes. I have a system.
Munga mapatcha i na’yan sa’ guaha sistemå-hu.
Kåo sisiña håo ha’ bumaila?
Can you still dance?