Conventional Explosives Flashcards
What are the ingredients for black powder?
- Potassium or Sodium Nitrate 75%
- Sulphur 10%
- Charcoal 15%
____________ is used in safety and time fuses?
Black Powder
What does the center core of detonation cord contain?
PETN (white/pink color)
When can propellants reach detonating velocities?
If they are confined.
What is the difference between straight dynamite and strength dynamite?
Straight is made with nitroglycerin and the % is based on the % of weight in the stick of nitroglycerin.
Strength rating is the comparison to straight in %.
What is the 2 man safety rule?
The rule that two trained and competent people should be present when handling explosives. Due to possible need for first aid, second opinion on handling, ect.
How can nitroglycerin poisoning take place?
Through inhalation, absorption, or ingestion.
What detonation velocity separates High explosives from Low explosives?
3300 FPS
What is a low order detonation?
A detonation where all the explosives are not consumed.
What does Hygroscopic mean?
The ability of a substance to absorb water from it’s surroundings.
What is Deflagration?
The rapid combustion that moves through an explosive charge at a speed less than the speed of sound.
What is sympathetic detonation?
Detonation of an explosive as the result of receiving an impulse from another detonation, through an air gap, earth or water.
What type of explosive is Nitroglycerin?
Secondary explosive
Where is Semtex manufactured?
The Czech Republic.
What does ANFO need to detonate?
An explosive booster.
What is the mixture of ANFO?
94% AN, 6% FO
Explain the explosive train of a electric blasting cap?
Bridge wire heats up electrically, this ignites the primary explosive compound which in turn detonates the secondary explosive in the cap.
What explosive is the standard by which other explosives are compared?
- TNT (TriNitroToluene) referred to as the RE Factor
What primary explosive is found in air bags?
Lead Azide
How can you tell Detonating Cord from Time Fuze?
- Detonating cord has a white/pink center color
- Time Fuze has a black center color
When binary components are mixed are they classed as explosives or non-explosives?