Controlled Substances Flashcards
Can Schedule I’s be prescribed?
no medicinal use and cannot be prescribed.
high potential for abuse and severe psychological or physical dependence.
Schedule II
moderate potential for abuse and high psychological dependence or moderate to low physical dependence.
Schedule III
lower potential for abuse and limited psychological or physical dependence.
Schedule IV
AB2456279. Is this a bad or good DEA number?
- Add digits 1, 3, and 5: 2 + 5 + 2 = 9
- Add digits 2,4, and 6 then multiply by 2: 4 + 6 + 7 = 17 * 2 = 34
- Add these two numbers: 9 + 34 = 43
- The last digit of this number must match the last digit of the DEA. The 3 does not match the 9, therefore this is a bad DEA number.
B=first letter of patient name
When does opioid prescription have to be filled?
14 days (just schedule II’s)
On an outpatient basis, the law prohibits dispensing more than a 30-day supply of an opioid analgesic for new and refill prescriptions. True or False
False, On an outpatient basis, the law prohibits dispensing more than a 90-day supply of an opioid analgesic for new and refill prescriptions.
* The 90-day supply limit includes the initial dispensing and all refills
For opioid prescriptions, the “fill within 14 days of the date written” does not apply to the refills of schedule?
III-V opioid analgesics.
The opioid prescription has to be filled within 14 days, does the patient have to pick it up in 14 days?
no, they can pick up beyond the 14 day limit.
What is not classified as a opioid?
buprenophine (treatment of opioid dependence/addiction) or an antidiarrheal
Opioid Prescriptions written by out-of-state prescribers dispensed in Ohio must meet these requirements (14 days to dispense and 90-day supply). True or False
Opioid Partial fill schedule II prescriptions – If the initial fill of the prescription is dispensed within 14 days of the date it was issued, then will it impact outpatient partial fill prescriptions?
If the initial fill of the prescription is dispensed within 14 days of the date it was issued, then it will not impact outpatient partial fill prescriptions.
This opioid law applies to inpatient. True or False
False, only outpatient!
This opioid law applies to compounded opioid prescriptions. True or False
False, This law does apply to compounded opioid analgesic prescriptions
For opioid prescriptions, can the issue date of the prescription be changed?
yes, The issue date of the prescription can be changed by the pharmacist after consultation with and agreement of the prescriber.
What is the exemption to law for opioids?
Pharmacies who dispense opioid analgesics to be delivered outside of Ohio by mail, parcel post, or common carrier to a patient outside of Ohio are exempt from these requirements.
What is the day supply limit for adults if physicians prescribe opioid for acute pain?
7 day supply
* Health care providers may exceed these amounts if they provide a specific reason in the patient’s medical record
What is the day supply limit for minors if physicians prescribe opioid for acute pain?
5 day supply
* Health care providers may exceed these amounts if they provide a specific reason in the patient’s medical record
All schedule II prescriptions must be issued:
Are there refills with schedule II’s?
no, new prescription every time
Are pharmacists required to verify that the prescriber meets these expectations for schedule IIs?
No, for example if you get a written prescription you still just fill it
All Medicare Part D prescriptions for controlled substances must be issued:
What DEA form do you order CII’s on?
DEA 222
A patient brings you a prescription for Percocet 5 #100, one tablet QID. The patient only wants to get 50 filled. Can the patient get the other 50 in one week?
Yes they can; they can split a CII prescription up to 30 days
What are 3 things you can never change or clarify on a schedule II prescription:
- patient’s name
- prescriber’s name
- drug prescribed
Do schedule II’s have a time limit for when prescription needs to be filled?
No, it is 6 months like everything else. Opioids is the only one with the 14 day time limit
For schedule II, the quantity prescribed and dispensed should be:
The quantity prescribed and dispensed should be enough for only the emergency period (not a 72 hour maximum).
when does the pharmacist have to receive the written prescription from the presciber for schedule II’s?
7 days
For schedule II’s, what must be attached to the written prescription?
This written prescription must be attached to the oral prescription taken by the
pharmacist. On this written prescription must be the statement
“Authorization for Emergency Dispensing”.
For Schedule II’s, can the prescriber send written prescriptions instead of sendint the written prescription?
yes The pharmacist must document on the electronic prescription that is for “Emergency Dispensing”
Where must schedule II be stored?
All schedule II controlled substances must be stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed cabinet or safe.
Regulations in ordering CII’s: what must you record?
date and quantity
Regulations in ordering CII’s:
1) order on a DEA 222 Form
2) The DEA 222 Form is a single form.
3) You record what you received: date and quantity
4) If the wholesaler does not have the product in stock, they have 60 days to fill the order before a new form is needed.
5) If you make a mistake, you must void the entire form. Do not erase.
What are the 2 circumstances pharmacists can partially dispense from a prescription for Schedule II?
- patient who is terminally ill
- a patient in a long-term care facility or nursing home
**this information must be written on the prescription
What are the requirements for partial dispensing?
a) Partial dispensing can only occur at the pharmacy where the original prescription is on file.
b) The total quantity dispensed through all partial fills cannot exceed the total quantity on the written prescription.
c) Partial dispensing of the prescription can only occur for 60 days from the date the prescription was written. Any quantity “left-over” after 60 days cannot be partially filled.
how many days can partial dispensing occur from teh date the prescription was written?
60 days
If the computer system does not permit “refilling” of a schedule II drug,
a new prescription number for the partial dispensing must be assigned.
For patients who are not terminally ill or reside in a long term facility, a pharmacist can partially dispense a schedule II drug under the following circumstances:
It must be requested by the patient or prescriber
b) Total quantity partially dispensed cannot exceed total quantity prescribed
c) The remaining portion of the partially dispensed prescription must be dispensed within 30 days of the date the prescription was written.
d) Documentation on the back of the prescription is the same as for terminally ill and long-term care partial dispensing prescriptions.
in general can Schedule II drugs be faxed to pharmacy?
no but there are 3 exceptions
Can you take a fax for a patient in an assisted living facitility for schedule II?
In general, prescriptions for Schedule II drugs cannot be faxed to a pharmacy. However, there are three exceptions to this rule:
1) Pharmacists may receive faxed prescriptions for Schedule II drugs for patients in a nursing home or long-term care facility.
2) Pharmacists may receive faxed prescriptions for Schedule II narcotic drugs for patients in hospice care. The prescriber will note on the prescription that it is for a hospice patient.
3) Pharmacists may receive faxed prescriptions for Schedule II narcotic drugs for a compounded sterile product prescription.
For schedules 3, 4, 5: how many refills?
Five refills or 6 months (III and IVs): need to use refills in 6 months
One year’s worth of refills for CVs
Written, oral, fax or electronic Rxs
For schedules 3 and 4, what are partial refilling rules?
The patient is entitled to the entire quantity prescribed, even is this means the number of “partial fillings” exceeds five. The total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings cannot exceed the total quantity prescribed.
3) However, all partial fills must be dispensed within 6 months of the date the prescription was written.
4) Each partial filling is recorded in the same manner as a refill.
For schedule Vs, can you sell OTC if written previously for a prescription?
For schedule Vs, only one preparation every how many hours?
48 hours
Is ephendrine a schedule V?
What needs to kept in separate files?
invoices and prescriptions files
what DEA form for disposal of controlled substances?
Form 41
what DEA form for theft or loss of controlled substances?
Form 106
when doing inventory for controlled substances, waht do you need to get the exact count of?
schedule II’s
what schedules can you estimate if bottle is less than or equal to 1000?
3, 4, 5
When do you have to do controlled substance inventory?
every 13 months
What controlled substance can be dispensed for pain?
For controlled substances, preprinted prescription can only have 1 drug on it. True or False
Can physicians write controlled substances for their family members?
no, cannot write for any immediate family