control of ventilation Flashcards
what originates in the medulla oblongata of the brainstem
rhythmic neural impulses responsible for ventilation
what does DRG stand for
dorsal respiratory group
what does the DRG mainly contain
inspiratory neurons
what does VRG stand for
ventral respiratory groups
what does VRG mainly contain
intermingled inspiratory and expiratory neurons
what provides the main stimulus for inspiration
what are the 2 main nerves sending impulses for respiration
vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves
where do the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves transmit the sensory impulse to and from
to the DRG from the lungs, airways, peripheral chemoreceptors, and joint proprioceptors
where are vrg neurons located
bilaterally in the medulla in 2 separate nuclei
what does the vrg neurons contain
both inspiratory and expiratory neurons
where can inspiratory vrg neurons send motor impulses through what nerve
vagus nerve
what does sending inspiratory vrg neurons send motor impulses through the vagus nerve
laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles, abducting the vocal cords, and increasing the diameter of the glottis
where else does vrg inspiratory neurons transmit impulses
diaphragm and external intercostal muscles
where do expiratory vrg send impulses
internal intercostal and abdominal expiratory muscles
what complexes are thought to be responsible for RHYTHMIC breathing
botzinger complex and pre-botzinger complex
what is the inspiratory ramp signal
the signal firing rate increases gradually after expiration ceases, creating a smoothly increasing ramp signal
what does the ramp signal lead to
progressively stronger contraction of inspiratory muscles, smoothly and gradually filling the lungs instead of an abrupt insp gasp
what part of the brain promotes rhythmic breathing
the pons
what are the 2 groups of neurons in the pons
apneustic center
pneumotaxic center
what does the apneusis consist of
prolonged insp gasp interrupted by occasional expirations
what holds the apneusis center in “check”
vagal and pneumotaxic center impulses
what are the pneumotaxic centers
bilateral groups of neurons in the upper pons