Control of Breathing - Lecture 20 Flashcards
How is breathing controlled?
○ Establish automatic rhythm
○ Adjust the rhythm to accomodate changes
What changes need to be accommodated?
○ Metabolic: arterial blood gases and pH
○ Mechanical: postural changes
○ Episodic non-ventilatory behaviours: speaking, sniffing, eating
What are examples of local control of gas transport?
○ PO2 and PCO2 in active tissue
○ Lung perfusion
○ Alveolar ventilation
How is delivery of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide does in active tissue?
○ Increase blood flow through reflex vasodilation
○ Deliver more oxygen
○ Remove more carbon dioxide
How is lung perfusion controlled?
○ If there is a decreased partial pressure of oxygen:
- decreased blood flow and vasoconstriction
- direct blood to areas of higher PO2
How is alveolar ventilation controlled?
○ Increase in PCO2 increases air flow through bronchodilation
○ Direct airflow to areas of higher PCO2
What sensors are responsible in central control of ventilation?
○ Central chemoreceptors
○ Peripheral chemoreceptors
○ Mechanoreceptors
What is the function of central chemoreceptors?
○ Detect changes in pH
○ Detect hypercapnia (high CO2 levels)
○ No effect of hypoxia
What is the function of peripheral chemoreceptors?
○ Hypoxia
○ Hypercapnia
○ Change in pH
What is the function of mechanoreceptors?
○ Respond to stretch in lungs
○ Rapidly adapting receptors
○ Slowly adapting receptors
○ C-fibres receptors
○ All 3 are innverated by the vagus nerve
When does the partial pressure of oxygen become a problem for respiratory system?
When it falls below 60mmHg
Where is the anatomical location of the central chemoreceptors?
○ Just beneath the ventral surface of the medulla
○ Close to entry of cranial nerves
What innervates the peripheral chemoreceptors?
○ Carotid body: innervated by carotid sinus nerve (branch of glossopharyngeal nerve)
○ Aortic bodies: innervated by the vagus nerve
What is respiratory acidosis?
When pH is less than 7.35
What is respiratory alkalosis?
What happens if PO2 is too high?
Generate free radicals leading to coma and death
What does the slowly adapting receptor do and where is it found?
○ Found in visceral pleura, bronchioles and alveoli
○ Respond to over-inflation -> discharge (hering-breuer reflex) -> inhibition of respiratory centres
What does rapidly adapting receptor do and where is it found?
○ In airway epithelia (close to mucosa)
○ Irritant stimuli -> increase in discharge -> bronchoconstriction (coughing reflex)
○ Protect the airway
○ Initially fire rapidly but then soon decrease their firing rate
What does the C-fibres receptors do and where is it found?
○ In the alveoli walls (close to the capillaries) and conducting airways (bronchial mucosa)
○ Chemical/mechanical stimuli (left sided heart-failure) -> increases discharge -> bronchoconstriction (rapidly shallow breathing and mucus secretion)
What is the rhythmicity centre (medulla)?
○ Controls automatic breathing (quiet breathing)
○ Interact neurons that fire either during inspiration or expiration
What is the pneumotaxic and apneustic centre (pons)
○ Modify firing pattern of medullary centres
○ Regulate respiratory rate and depth of respiration
How does the rhythmicity centre work?
○ I neurons in DRG -> Regulates activity of phrenic nerve -> set rhythm & stimulate the muscles of quiet inspiration
○ E neurons in VRG -> Passive process -> activity inhibits I neurons
How does pneumotaxic and apneustic centres work?
○ Promotoes inspiration -> stimulates the I neurons
○ Increases intensity of inhalation during respiratory cycle
○ Inhibits apneustic centre -> stop inhalation & promote exhalation
○ Neither are essential for quiet breathing