Anatomy of Breathing - Lecture 17 Flashcards
What are the lungs?
○ Located in thorax
○ Separated by mediastinum and heart
○ Extend from neck to diaphragm
○ Diaphragm separates throacic and abdominal cavities
What makes up the lungs?
○ Conical shaped with soft, spongy texture
○ Apex of the lung lies above the clavicle
○ Diaphragmatic surface: sits on the diaphragm
○ Costal surface: lies adjacent to the ribs
○ Mediastinal surface: faces the mediastinum
What are the features of the right lung?
○ Wider and shorted than the left lung: liver underneath the diaphragm
○ Three lobes: superior, middle, inferior
○ Two fissures: oblique and horizontal
What are the features of the left lung?
○ Narrower and longer than the right lung
○ Two lobes: superior and inferior
○ One fissure: oblique
What is the hilum of the lung?
○ Located on the mediastinal surface
○ The area where the pulmonary vessels, bronchi, bronchial vessels, lumpathics and nerves enters/leaves the lung
What are the physical properties of the lungs?
○ Compliance: the ability of the lungs to expand
○ Elasticity: elastic tissue allows lung expansion during inspiration and recoil during expiration
What factors can affect compliance?
○ Connective tissue structure of the lungs
○ Level of surfactant
○ Mobility of thoracic cage
What is the pleura?
Double layered serous membrane
What makes up the serous membrane?
○ Visceral pleura: adheres to the lung
○ Parietal pleura: attaches to the thoracic wall and diaphragm
○ Pleural cavity: Thin layer of serous fluid that holds the two layers together
What are the functions of the pleura?
○ Reduces friction during breathing
○ Creates a pressure gradient which assists in ventilation
○ Compartmentalises each lung: reduces spread of infection
What is the bony thorax and what does it consist of?
○ Forms the skeleton of the chest wall
Consists of:
○ Sternum
○ Ribs (12 pair)
○ Thoracic vertebrae (12)
What is the sternum and what does it consist of?
○ Breast bone
Consists of:
○ Manubrium
○ Body
○ Xiphisternum
What are the ribs?
○ Attached by the head and tubercle to the thoracic vertebrae
○ Slope downwards and forwards
How are the ribs attached?
○ Ribs 1-10 attached by costal cartilage to the sternum:
- 7 pairs true
- 3 pairs false
- 2 floating
What is the thoracic vertebrae?
○ Head of rib articulates with the body of the thoracic vertebrae
○ Tubercle of rib articulates with the transverse process of the thoracic vertebra
○ Synovial joints between the ribs and vertebrae to allow movement of ribs