Control of Aircraft Flashcards
4 Types of Radar Service
Radar Control
Approach Radar
Radar Vectoring
Before any radar service, aircraft must be:
How can an aircraft be identified?
Positive handover from a previous controller
Turning 30 degrees or more from course and returning.
“Radar Contact”
A/C has been identified and instructions will be provided until radar services terminated.
Termination of radar vectoring
“Resume own navigation”
Intercept Limit for ILS
45 degrees.
“Land after”
Provisional clearance.
Landing Clearance should be received
No later than 2nm
When does the transfer from approach control to aerodrome control occur?
In the vicinity of the aerodrome.
Operator must be informed for delays over:
30 minutes.
Speed Control
No speed control 4nm from touchdown. Must be maintained when transferring from FIR/ATC
5 mins flying time from hold between en-route and holding aircraft laterally.
Timed Approaches
Aircraft must pass a specified point at a previously given time.
Expected Approach Time
Applicable to delays of 10 minutes or more.
Must be expeditiously sent to a/c expected to hold for 30 minutes or more.
Significant Wind Changes
HWC = 10kts, TWC = 2kts CWC = 5kts.
Must be passed to aicraft from ATC.
Class F Airspace
Only participating IFR traffic receive advisory service.
Another aircraft is commencing an emergency descent
Maintain speed and heading, continue according to current clearance.
Fuel Jettison Procedure
Inform ATC if in controlled airspace
Not below 6000’
Not over settlements
Away from CB activity