Control Comp #2 (Capnography-Nasal, CPAP/BIPAP-NPPV w/Mask, Radial ABG Puncture) Flashcards
Capnography (Nasal)
Procedure Steps (17 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Verify’s FiO2 setting
10. Turns on unit and connects sample lines to unit
11. Place Nasal capnography cannula on pt. and assures pt. comfort
12. Allows capnography to stabilize and record highest reading
13. sets high and low alarms based on pts. values indicated on the unit
14. Troubleshoot equipment if indicated
15. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
16. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
17. Record/Report
Capnography (Nasal)
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
Capnography (Nasal)
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-14)
- Verify’s FiO2 setting
- Turns on unit and connects sample lines to unit
- Place Nasal capnography cannula on pt. and assures pt. comfort
- Allows capnography to stabilize and record highest reading
- sets high and low alarms based on pts. values indicated on the unit
- Troubleshoot equipment if indicated
Capnography (Nasal)
Procedure Steps (Steps 15-17)
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report
CPAP/BiPAP Initiation (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (21 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Measure mask
10. Performs any calibrations needed for machine
11. Set machine with appropriate settings per hospital protocol
12. Start machine, have pt. hold mask in place to get accustomed to it
13. places head hear on pt.
14. Assesses pt. tolerance, VS, and settings, adjust as needed
15. Set alarms appropriately
16. Monitors pt. for side effects
17. Performs ABG if applicable
18. Completes and Documents Round
19. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
20. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
21. Record/Report
CPAP/BiPAP Initiation (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
CPAP/BiPAP Initiation (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-13)
- Measure mask
- Performs any calibrations needed for machine
- Set machine with appropriate settings per hospital protocol
- Start machine, have pt. hold mask in place to get accustomed to it
- places head gear on pt.
CPAP/BiPAP Initiation (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 14-18)
- Assesses pt. tolerance, VS, and settings, adjust as needed
- Set alarms appropriately
- Monitors pt. for side effects
- Performs ABG if applicable
- Completes and Documents Round
CPAP/BiPAP Initiation (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 19-21)
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report
CPAP/BiPAP Rounds (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (14 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
4. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
5. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
6. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
7. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
8. Check skin integrity
9. Assesses NIV settings/alarms, make changes if needed. Adjust mask if any leaks
10. Check the humidifier
11. Assures BVM are at bedside
12. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
13. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
14. Record/Report NIV Round
CPAP/BiPAP Rounds (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-7)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
4. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
5. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
6. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
7. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
CPAP/BiPAP Rounds (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 18-11)
- Check skin integrity
- Assesses NIV settings/alarms, make changes if needed. Adjust mask if any leaks
- Check the humidifier
- Assures BVM are at bedside
CPAP/BiPAP Rounds (NPPV w/Mask)
Procedure Steps (Steps 12-14)
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report NIV Round
Diagnostic Testing-Radial ABG Puncture
Procedure Steps (24 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Verify currents CPAP/BiPAP/Vent/FiO2 Settings
10. Prepare Supplies
11. Identify pts. dominate arm. Assures there is not limb precautions
12. Palpate artery
13. Performs modified Allen’s test
14. thoroughly cleans site with antiseptic
15. Performs steps in accordance with facility protocols
16. Uses proper technique throughout procedure to obtain adequate sample
17. Withdraws needle and immediately applies pressure for appropriate amount of time
18. Uses safety techniques with needle
19. Cap, Tap, Expel Air Bubbles, Roll to mix Heprin
20. Assesses circulation of hand
21. Covers site with dressing if applicable
22. Dispose of Sharps
23. Label syringe with pt. sticker. Fill out lab label and put both in biohazard bag
24. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
25. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
26. Record/Report
27. Use universal precautions when transporting specimen to lab or point of care
Diagnostic Testing-Radial ABG Puncture
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
Diagnostic Testing-Radial ABG Puncture
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-13)
- Verify currents CPAP/BiPAP/Vent/FiO2 Settings
- Prepare Supplies
- Identify pts. dominate arm. Assures there is not limb precautions
- Palpate artery
- Performs modified Allen’s test
Diagnostic Testing-Radial ABG Puncture
Procedure Steps (Steps 14-18)
- thoroughly cleans site with antiseptic
- Performs steps in accordance with facility protocols
- Uses proper technique throughout procedure to obtain adequate sample
- Withdraws needle and immediately applies pressure for appropriate amount of time
- Uses safety techniques with needle
Diagnostic Testing-Radial ABG Puncture
Procedure Steps (Steps 19-23)
- Cap, Tap, Expel Air Bubbles, Roll to mix Heprin
- Assesses circulation of hand
- Covers site with dressing if applicable
- Dispose of Sharps
- Label syringe with pt. sticker. Fill out lab label and put both in biohazard bag
Diagnostic Testing-Radial ABG Puncture
Procedure Steps (Steps 24-27)
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report
- Use universal precautions when transporting specimen to lab or point of care