Control Comp #1 (Hand Hygiene, Vital Signs, Pulse Oximetry, Physical Assessment of the Chest, Patient Interview) Flashcards
Hand Hygiene (Comp 1)
Procedure Steps Handwashing
(9 Steps)
- Adjust water flow and temperature; avoids contact with sink
- wets forearms and hands thoroughly
- applies disinfectant soap liberally
- washes hands with appropriate friction for a minimum of 15 seconds
- Palms, wrists, between fingers, nails
- Avoids hand/finger contact with fixtures
- Rinses thoroughly from the fingertips to the forearm.
- Dries hands and wrists thoroughly using a separate towel for each, drying from fingertips to wrist
- Turns off water avoiding re-contamination
Hand Hygiene
Procedure Steps Handwashing
(Steps 1-5)
- Adjust water flow and temperature; avoids contact with sink
- wets forearms and hands thoroughly
- applies disinfectant soap liberally
- washes hands with appropriate friction for a minimum of 15 seconds
- Palms, wrists, between fingers, nails
Hand Hygiene
Procedure Steps Handwashing
(Steps 6-9)
- Avoids hand/finger contact with fixtures
- Rinses thoroughly from the fingertips to the forearm.
- Dries hands and wrists thoroughly using a separate towel for each, drying from fingertips to wrist
- Turns off water avoiding re-contamination
Hand Hygiene (Comp 1)
Hand Sanitation
(2 Steps)
- Fills palms with liquid or foam sanitizer
- Rubs into hands, between fingers, into palms and wrists for at least 15 seconds until dry
Vital Signs (Comp 1)
(16 Steps)
- Gather Equipment
- Utilizes and maintains standard precaution as required
- Checks Physician Orders
- Identifies patient, introduces self and department
- Explains purpose of the procedure
- Positions patient for accessibility and comfort (sit up)
- Palpates appropriate artery (pulse) - counts heart rate, noting force and regularity of beats
- Observes respiratory rate, rhythm and depth
- Palpates brachial pulse and places arterial pressure cuff
- Measures arterial blood pressure
- Repositions patient if desired (lays back down)
- Reassures patient
- Restores patient area, if necessary
- Removes gloves, washes hands
- Records data in chart or departmental records
- Notifies appropriate personnel of results if needed
Vital Signs
Steps 1-6
- Gather Equipment (Stethoscope, Pulse Ox, Blood Pressure Cuff)
- Utilizes and maintains standard precaution as required (Hand Hygiene, Gloves, Mask)
- Checks Physician Orders
- Identifies patient, introduces self and department (Check Wrist Bands)
- Explains purpose of the procedure
- Positions patient for accessibility and comfort (sit up)
Vital Signs
Steps 7-10
- Palpates appropriate artery (pulse) - counts heart rate, noting force and regularity of beats
- Observes respiratory rate, rhythm and depth
- Palpates brachial pulse and places arterial pressure cuff
- Measures arterial blood pressure
Vital Signs
Steps 11-16
- Repositions patient if desired (lays back down)
- Reassures patient
- Restores patient area, if necessary
- Removes gloves, washes hands
- Records data in chart or departmental records
- Notifies appropriate personnel of results if needed
Vital Signs (Per Egan) Adult
1. Heart Rate (HR) Pulse Rate
2. Respiratory Rate (RR)
3. Blood Pressure
4. Pulse Ox
- Heart Rate: 60-100 Beats/Minute
- Respiratory Rate: 12-18 Breaths/Minute
- Blood Pressure: 90-140 systolic/60-90 diastolic (MMHG)=Millimeters of Mercury
- Pulse Ox: >92% (per most hospital policies)
Vital Signs (Per Wilkins) Adult
1. Heart Rate (HR) Pulse Rate
2. Respiratory Rate (RR)
3. Blood Pressure
4. Pulse Ox
- Heart Rate: 60-100 Beats/Minute
- Respiratory Rate: 12-20 Breaths/Minute
- Blood Pressure: 120 systolic/80 diastolic (MMHG)=Millimeters of Mercury (Median)
- Pulse Ox: >92% (per most hospital policies)
Pulse Oximetry
(Steps 14-17)
- Assures patient comfort and safety
- Disposes of PPE, Washes/gels hands
- Records data in chart and departmental records
- Communicates with appropriate staff
Physical Assessment of the Chest (Comp 1)
(25 Steps)
- Utilizes and maintains standard precautions required
- Identifies patient, introduces self, department; explains purpose
3-12. Assessment by inspection: (what is seen)
-Overall appearance, age, sex, and weight
-Patient positioning (tripod, high Fowler’s, etc)
-General shape and appearance, A-P diameter, sternal deformities, surgical or other scars, and symmetrical expansion
-Normal or abnormal spinal curvatures
-Retractions, pursed-lip breathing, nasal flaring, and abdominal paradox
-Presence of chest tubes
-Cyanosis, pallor, mottling, diaphoresis, swelling, pitting edema, turgor, dryness, bruises, erythema, or petechiae, masses, lesions, or nodules
-Respiratory: depth, pattern, regularity, and accessory muscle use
-Paradoxical or unequal expansion
-Assesses capillary refill
13-17. Assessment by palpation
-Palpates pulse
-Position of trachea
-Presence of subcutaneous emphysema
-Bilateral chest expansion
-Tactile fremitus using “ninety-nine” - Assessment by percussion-performs diagnostic chest percussion
19-20. Assessment by auscultation
-Auscultates chest for normal, abnormal, and adventitious breath sounds
-Listens for egophony, bronchophony, and whispered pectrilloquy
FOLLOW-UP - Ensures patient’s comfort, safety, and needs
- Thanks patient
- Disposes of PPE; washes/gel hands
- Documents
- notifies appropriate personal and makes recommendations based on assessment
Physical Assessment of the Chest
(Steps 1-2)
- Utilizes and maintains standard precautions required (Hand Hygiene, Glove, Mask)
- Identifies patient, introduces self, department; explains purpose (Check Wristband)
Physical Assessment of the Chest
(Steps 3-12)
3-12. Assessment by inspection: (what is seen)
- Overall appearance, age, sex, and weight
- Patient positioning (tripod, high Fowler’s, etc)
- General shape and appearance, Anterior/Posterior diameter, sternal deformities, surgical or other scars, and symmetrical expansion
- Normal or abnormal spinal curvatures (Scoliosis)
- Retractions, pursed-lip breathing, nasal flaring, and abdominal paradox
- Presence of chest tubes
- Cyanosis, pallor, mottling, diaphoresis, swelling, pitting edema, turgor, dryness, bruises, erythema, or petechiae, masses, lesions, or nodules
- Respiratory: depth, pattern, regularity, and accessory muscle use
- Paradoxical or unequal expansion
- Assesses capillary refill (Pressure on Nail bed) (2-3 sec refill = Normal)
Physical Assessment of the Chest
(Steps 13-17)
13-17. Assessment by palpation
- Palpates pulse
- Position of trachea (midline)
- Presence of subcutaneous emphysema (air beneath skin)
- Bilateral chest expansion
- Tactile fremitus using “ninety-nine” (fluid in lungs)
Physical Assessment of the Chest
(Steps 18-20)
- Assessment by percussion-performs diagnostic chest percussion
19-20. Assessment by auscultation
- Auscultates chest for normal, abnormal, and adventitious breath sounds
- Listens for egophony, bronchophony, and whispered pectrilloquy
Physical Assessment of the Chest
(Steps 21-25)
- Ensures patient’s comfort, safety, and needs
- Thanks patient
- Disposes of PPE; washes/gel hands
- Documents
- notifies appropriate personal and makes recommendations based on assessment
Pulse Oximetry (Comp 1)
(17 Steps)
- Gathers appropriate equipment and leans finger probe
- Checks physician’s orders
- Identifies patient, introduces self and department
- Washes hands and dons gloves
- Explains purpose of the procedure
- Positions patient for accessibility and comfort
- Performs function check on oximetry
- positions probe on an appropriate site
- Palpates and measures pulse on the opposite wrist pulse for at least 15 seconds, if irregular measures for 1 full minute
- obtains initial reading and correlates with a manual pulse
- Switches fingers and obtains a second reading when indicated (or positions probe for continuous reading)
- Concludes procedure and explains to the patient if it is a continuous or spot check
- Cleans probe, stores and/or removes equipment
- Assures patient comfort and safety
- Disposes of PPE, Washes/gels hands
- Records data in chart and departmental records
- Communicates with appropriate staff
Pulse Oximetry
(Steps 1-6)
- Gathers appropriate equipment and leans finger probe
- Checks physician’s orders
- Identifies patient, introduces self and department
- Washes hands and dons gloves
- Explains purpose of the procedure
- Positions patient for accessibility and comfort
Pulse Oximetry
(Steps 7-13)
- Performs function check on oximetry (turn on)
- positions probe on an appropriate site
- Palpates and measures pulse on the opposite wrist pulse for at least 15 seconds, if irregular measures for 1 full minute
- obtains initial reading and correlates with a manual pulse (w/in 2%)
- Switches fingers and obtains a second reading when indicated (or positions probe for continuous reading)
- Concludes procedure and explains to the patient if it is a continuous or spot check
- Cleans probe, stores and/or removes equipment
Patient Interview/History (Comp 1)
(17 Steps)
- Utilizes standard precautions
- Identifies patient, introduces self and department
- Explains objective of interview
4-6. Uses therapeutic communications skills to determine:
-Level of consciousness & sensorium a/o x3
-Ability to follow commands & level of cooperation
-Emotional status, nutritional status, level of dyspnea, tolerance of activities of daily living
7-11. Interview patient with questions to verify information obtained from chart:
-Chief complaint: onset, duration, frequency, severity, character, location, radiation, aggravating factors, associated manifestations
-History of present illness
-Past medical history
-Psychosocial assessment: Birthplace, race, religion, culture, highest education level, alcohol intake, drug, occupational history, allergies, current meds, smoking history
12-14. Interviews patient to determine specific pulmonary information
-Dyspnea on exertion or at rest; orthopnea, platypnea
-Cough, sputum production amount, color, consistency, presence of any blood
-Chest pain-quality, location, radiation, aggravating factors, alleviating factors, associated manifestations - assesses patient’s comfort level, safety, and needs; thanks patient
- Disposes of PPE; washes/gels hands
- Documents
Patient Interview/History
(Steps 1-3)
- Utilizes standard precautions
- Identifies patient, introduces self and department
- Explains objective of interview
Patient Interview/History
(Steps 4-6)
4-6. Uses therapeutic communications skills to determine:
- Level of consciousness & sensorium a/o x3
- Ability to follow commands & level of cooperation
- Emotional status, nutritional status, level of dyspnea, tolerance of activities of daily living
Patient Interview/History
(Steps 7-11)
7-11. Interview patient with questions to verify information obtained from chart:
- Demographics
- Chief complaint:
onset, duration, frequency,
severity, character, location,
radiation, aggravating factors, associated manifestations - History of present illness
- Past medical history
- Psychosocial assessment:
Birthplace, race, religion, culture,
highest education level, alcohol intake, drug, occupational history, allergies, current meds, smoking history
Patient Interview/History
(Steps 12-14)
12-14. Interviews patient to determine specific pulmonary information
- Dyspnea on exertion or at rest; orthopnea, platypnea
- Cough, sputum production amount, color, consistency, presence of any blood
- Chest pain-quality, location, radiation, aggravating factors, alleviating factors, associated manifestations
Patient Interview/History
(Steps 15-17)
- assesses patient’s comfort level, safety, and needs; thanks patient
- Disposes of PPE; washes/gels hands
- Documents