Control Comp #1 (Trach Tube Change, EzPap-AccuPap, Aerobika, CPT) Flashcards
Procedure Steps (19 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment (Pressure Manometer, Flowmeter, Attach mouthpiece or facemask to PAP Device)
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Therapy, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Sit Patient up)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Assemble the Equipment (Set initial Flow rate @ 8 Lpm, 10 cmH2O pressure on PAP) AccuPAP. (5 Lpm, 10 cmH2O ezPAP)
10. Explain proper breathing technique.
a. Take nice deep breath in
b. Put mouthpiece in mouth and create tight seal
c. Blow all the air out of lung though mouth, not nose.
(Blow hard like blowing out candles)
11. Patient should do 10-20 breaths (repetitions). Coach patient throughout process and correct technique as needed
12. Encourage patients to cough (Splint/huff cough technique may be required). Observe sputum production (note amount, color, consistency)
13. Monitor patient throughout therapy for side effects (hyperventilation, discomfort)
14. repeat the above cycle 4-8 times. don’t exceed 20 minutes. Allow periods of rest/recovery between attempts as needed. (Should not last more than 5 minutes)
15. Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS)
16. Correctly care for equipment
17. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
18. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
19. Record/Report
Procedure Steps (Steps1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment (Pressure Manometer, Flowmeter, Attach mouthpiece or facemask to PAP Device)
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Therapy, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Sit Patient up)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-14)
- Assemble the Equipment (Set initial Flow rate @ 8 Lpm, 10 cmH2O pressure on PAP) AccuPAP. (5 Lpm, 10 cmH2O ezPAP)
- Explain proper breathing technique.
a. Take nice deep breath in
b. Put mouthpiece in mouth and create tight seal
c. Blow all the air out of lung though mouth, not nose.
(Blow hard like blowing out candles) - Patient should do 10-20 breaths (repetitions). Coach patient throughout process and correct technique as needed
- Encourage patients to cough (Splint/huff cough technique may be required). Observe sputum production (note amount, color, consistency)
- Monitor patient throughout therapy for side effects (hyperventilation, discomfort)
- repeat the above cycle 4-8 times. don’t exceed 20 minutes. Allow periods of rest/recovery between attempts as needed. (Should not last more than 5 minutes)
Procedure Steps (Steps 15-19)
- Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS)
- Correctly care for equipment
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report
Tracheostomy Tube Change
Procedure Steps (27 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment (Same size and sm Trach, Lube, Syringe, Suction Supplies and Trach care Kit)
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Semi Fowlers position w/neck extended)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Hyper oxygenate patient before and throughout procedure
10. Suction pt. and perform modified trach care if needed
11. Ask helper to wash hands and don gloves
12. Open outer package of trach tube, then inner package maintaining sterility
13. Apply Sterile gloves
14. Remove inner cannula and place the obturator in trach tube
15. Have helper attach syringe to pilot balloon and inflate with 10ml
16. Confirm cuff integrity. Ask helper to put lube on sterile field. Lubricate distal portion of trach tube and cuff. When done, ask helper to deflate cuff. (Making sure to pull back until resistance is met)
17. Have helper remove trach ties (while supporting the trach) and deflate the cuff if applicable
18. Have helper remove trach
19. Quickly assess stoma and wipe if needed. Insert new trach
20. Immediately remove obturator and check for airflow. Inflate cuff if applicable (10ml). Place inner cannula into trach tube and check for airflow
21. Apply trach ties, while supporting the trach. Perform two finger checks for tightness before releasing trach. Apply new dressing
22. Assess cuff pressure
23. Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS) (Ensure FiO2 is good)
24. Correctly care for equipment
25. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
26. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
27. Record/Report
Tracheostomy Tube Change
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment (Same size and sm Trach, Lube, Syringe, Suction Supplies and Trach care Kit)
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Semi Fowlers position w/neck extended)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
Tracheostomy Tube Change
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-15)
- Hyper oxygenate patient before and throughout procedure
- Suction pt. and perform modified trach care if needed
- Ask helper to wash hands and don gloves
- Open outer package of trach tube, then inner package maintaining sterility
- Apply Sterile gloves
- Remove inner cannula and place the obturator in trach tube
- Have helper attach syringe to pilot balloon and inflate with 10ml
Tracheostomy Tube Change
Procedure Steps (Steps 16-22)
- Confirm cuff integrity. Ask helper to put lube on sterile field. Lubricate distal portion of trach tube and cuff. When done, ask helper to deflate cuff. (Making sure to pull back until resistance is met)
- Have helper remove trach ties (while supporting the trach) and deflate the cuff if applicable
- Have helper remove trach
- Quickly assess stoma and wipe if needed. Insert new trach
- Immediately remove obturator and check for airflow. Inflate cuff if applicable (10ml). Place inner cannula into trach tube and check for airflow
- Apply trach ties, while supporting the trach. Perform two finger checks for tightness before releasing trach. Apply new dressing
- Assess cuff pressure
Tracheostomy Tube Change
Procedure Steps (Steps 23-27)
- Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS) (Ensure FiO2 is good)
- Correctly care for equipment
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report
Procedure Steps (17 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Sitting up)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Adjust device to the lowest setting
10. Instruct patient to inhale deeply, get good seal on mouthpiece and then actively exhale through the mouth into device using diaphragm (coach pt. throughout procedure)
11. Patients should do 10-20 breaths per cycle. With a total of 4-8 cycles (do not exceed 20 min) Patient should cough between cycles (not Sputum)
12. Monitor pt for side effects during procedure
13. Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS)
14. Correctly care for equipment
15. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
16. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
17. Record/Report
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Sitting up)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-12)
- Adjust device to the lowest setting
- Instruct patient to inhale deeply, get good seal on mouthpiece and then actively exhale through the mouth into device using diaphragm (coach pt. throughout procedure)
- Patients should do 10-20 breaths per cycle. With a total of 4-8 cycles (do not exceed 20 min) Patient should cough between cycles (not Sputum)
- Monitor pt for side effects during procedure
Procedure Steps (Steps 13-17)
- Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS)
- Correctly care for equipment
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report
Bronchial Hygiene - CPT
Procedure Steps (20 Steps)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Sitting up)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
9. Inspect chest wall for incisions, monitor leads, IV tubing, etc. Do not percuss on bare skin, bone, incision, jewelry, buttons, or below the ribs
10. Place pt. in proper positions using correct body mechanics and allow pt. to assist in turning, if able
11. Utilize appropriate percussion/vibration methods, while maintaining pt. safety always.
12. Monitor pt. throughout for distress, discomfort, pain, dyspnea, arrhythmias, breathing patterns, ICP, sputum production, skin color, hypoxemia, hemorrhage, or other adverse reactions.
13. Instruct pt. to sit up and cough with positions changes. Observe sputum, noting amount, color, and consistency.
14. Allow periods of rest and recovery
15. Place pt. back into a safe and comfortable position
16. Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS)
17. Correctly care for equipment
18. Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
19. Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
20. Record/Report (Evaluate, recommend alternative procedures if applicable. (PEP)
Bronchial Hygiene - CPT
Procedure Steps (Steps 1-8)
Procedure Steps
1. Read Physician Orders and Verify Facility Protocols
2. Scan Patients Chart, check for anything pertinent
3. Gather the appropriate equipment
4. Perform Standard Precautions (HH & PPE)
5. Introduce self and department and Identify Patient (wristband & ask)
6. Explain purpose of visit, instruct patient on Procedure, and confirm understanding
7. Position patient for comfort and accessibility (Sitting up)
8. Assess Patients vitals (HR, RR, 02 Sat, BS)
Bronchial Hygiene - CPT
Procedure Steps (Steps 9-15)
- Inspect chest wall for incisions, monitor leads, IV tubing, etc. Do not percuss on bare skin, bone, incision, jewelry, buttons, or below the ribs
- Place pt. in proper positions using correct body mechanics and allow pt. to assist in turning, if able
- Utilize appropriate percussion/vibration methods, while maintaining pt. safety always.
- Monitor pt. throughout for distress, discomfort, pain, dyspnea, arrhythmias, breathing patterns, ICP, sputum production, skin color, hypoxemia, hemorrhage, or other adverse reactions.
- Instruct pt. to sit up and cough with positions changes. Observe sputum, noting amount, color, and consistency.
- Allow periods of rest and recovery
- Place pt. back into a safe and comfortable position
Bronchial Hygiene - CPT
Procedure Steps (Steps 16-20)
- Reassess Patients vitals (HR, RR, O2 Sat, BS)
- Correctly care for equipment
- Thank patient and ensure their safety, comfort and needs are met
- Dispose of PPE, Handwash, Hand Sanitize
- Record/Report (Evaluate, recommend alternative procedures if applicable. (PEP)