contributions to society Flashcards
what 2 ways does social approach contribute to society?
understanding the maltreatment of prisoners and understanding prejudice and reducing discrimination
what 2 theories can explain the malteatment of prisoners?
agency theory ans social identity theory
what are the 4 evaluation points for the maltreatment of prisoners
+ milgram - people continued shocking others because of authority
+ tajfel (1970) awarding points to the in group is support
+sherif et al (1961) when competition was encouraged tension increased
x there is no evidence they were commanded to abuse the prisoners to the extent they did therefoe some other explanation is required
what should be referred to when discussing hte maltreatment of prisoners
abu ghraib
what is the autonomous and agentic state
agentic - not feeling bad becuase only following orders
autonomous - feeling bad so not doing it
what theory is used to explain understanding prejudice and reducing discrimination
tajfel and turner (1970) social identity theory
what are the 3 processes in social identity theory?
- social categorisation
- social identification
- social comparison
how can discrimination be reduced?
use collective action to raise the self esteem of the outgroup
get the 2 groups to work together and get to know each other
evaluation of understanding prejudice and reducing discrimination
+ sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend were attacked becuase they are goths
+ sherif - support for in group ougroup and when they cam eto gether the tension was gone
+ levine et al (2005) football fans
Brown anf bourgeois (2001) students in the same corridor as gay people were less homophobic
what are the 2 contributions from the cognitive approach?
how eyewitness testimony can be improved and how your study technique can be impoved
what are 5 points from the eyewitness testimony contribution
- bartlett and loftus show memeory is reconstutive and we are affected by post-event information
- bartlett (1932) said schemas affect recall
- eyewitnesses may not be accurate becuase they don’t have state or context cues
- craik and lockhart (1972) suggest witnesses need to deeply process info to remember the scene well
- loftus ans palmer found leading questions should not eb used
Evaluation of the ewt contribution (4 points)
bartlet war of the ghost story
allport and postman
godden and baddeley 1972 divers - shows cue dependency
by going back to the scene of the crime it could be distressing
what theory is used for improving your study technique
craik and lockhart levels of processing 1972
what did jarvis 2006 find in relation to study technique
the deeper the learning techniques students used, the better they remembered
what 2 contributions does the psychodynamic approach have
psycho analysis and defence mechanisms
what is psycho analysis
- intensive long therapy
- uses either free association or dream analysis
- the analysist interprets things to find unconscious issues and repressed memoried
- once identiifed they can be worked through. this is catharsis
what is catharsis
talking through repressed feelings so you feel better about them
evaluation of psycho analysis (6 points)
+ helps treat mental disorders
+ so in depth it is likely to find the cause
+backrach et al (1991) found 60-90% improved
x subjective
x expensive and time consuming
x can bring up past experiences which can be traumatising
what are the 6 defence mechanisms
repression denial sublimation projection regression displacement
who came upw ith the defence mechanisms
what are defence mechanisms
they are ways with coping with things so people can feel less anxious
why are defence mechanisms a useful contribution to society
it shows people that by trying to protect themselves they are actually harming htemselves e.g denial may lead to avoiding a problem and hten never confronting it
eval of defence mechanisms (3 points)
+helps people with mental health problems
+ helps better people e.g if somebody uses projection they will be argumentitive and criticalwhich wont help with making friends
x not scientific so cant be tested so not reliable
what are the 2 biological contributions to society?
explaining autism and sex assignment and gender behaviour
what is the ratio of boys to girls with autism
what is the biological explanation of autism
extreme male brain (baron cohen 2005)
what is the evidence that autism is a male brain condition
- more boys have it
- autistic people are good at systmeising and bad at empathising
- autistic people have a bigger brain
- autistic people tend to use their right side more
- autistic brains are heavier, have a smaller corpus callosum and a larger amygdala, all of which are features of a male brain
evaluation of explaining autism
+ scientific evidence from brain scans
+ has high face validity as the explanation fits with may features of autism and males
x ignores environmental factors and how that might cause autism (reductionist)
x doesn’t allow any treatments or therapy because the brain is fixed and can’t be changed
how does the biological approach contribute sex assignment and gender beahviour?
- it can help those who feel they have been wrongly assigned
- xx girls xy boys
- sometimes a child can be assigned the wrong gender at birth
- turners syndrome (xo) and klinefelter’s syndrome can lead to hormonal abnormalities as the difference in genes causes the irregular release of hormones
- money (1975) did a study into sex assignment and raised a boy whos penis was burnt as a girl. money claimed this was successufl but david reiner came forward and said he was never happy as a girl and chaned back to a boy but later committed suicide.
evaluation of sex assignment and gender behaviour (5 points)
+ treatments such as hormone therapies have developed becuase of it
+ there is scientific evidence about the role of genes with regard to the development of the human foetus. evidence comes from animal testing and human dna testing which is scientific, objective, reliable and can be repeated
+ it has predictive validity
x ignores how the environment determines gender too
x animal studies don’t completely generalise to humans too
xx and xy which is which
xx girls xt boys
what is turners syndrome
It is when a girl is born without a chromosone therefore doesn’t develop properly
what is klinefelter’s syndrome
when males have an extra x chromosone. They also don’t develop sexually, lack of testosterone, develop breast tissue
what are 2 contributions from the learning approach
token economy and explaining media violence
what is token economy
helps shape behaviour
desired behaviours rewarded
tokens are exchanged for secondary reingforcers
based on operant conditioning
evaluation of token economy
+skinner and Throndike offer scientific and reliable support
+ no specialists needed, easy to use
x rice showed it doesn;t last on release
x evidence comes from animal studies which can’t be generalsied to humans
x staff use it to benefit themselves
how does the learning approach explain criminal behaviour
- violnce in the media
- many programmes that used to be on after the waterhsed are repeated in the day
- violent computer came
- imitating role models
- vicarious reinforcemnt
- same sex role models
- bandura ARRM
evaluation of explanation of criminal behaviour
Bandura (1961) bobo doll showed kinds copied violent role models and same sex models more
98% of video games require you to be violent
The columbine high school killers played lots of violent video games
Charlton (2000) found the introduction of TV didn’t increase violence on the Island of St Helena
Hagell and Newbury (1994) found young offenders watched no more TV than a school control group
one contribution from criminological psychology
- Criminological psychology helps along all stages if the criminal justice system
- Leading questions
- Eye witness testimony
- Offender profiling
- Reconstructive memory
- Can reduce recidivism through token economy and anger management
- Helps society by identifying the causes of criminal behaviour so we can reduce it from happening
- Ageton and Elliott (1974) found that boys who had appeared in court had lowered self-esteem which can lead to more crime. This suggests a light touch should be used when dealing with youth offenders
evaluation of the criminal application
Leading questions: Loftus found leading questions affected people’s memory of a car crash
EWT: Bartlett said it’s not reliable because we reconstruct our memory based on schemas. Allport and Postman (1947) said its not reliable because of the white man stabbing the black man picture
Offender profiling: John Duffy case (David Canter, 1986) was a success but Paul Brittons Rachel Nickell case wasn’t
Token economy: rice et al 1990 found token economy didn’t work once released from prison
contrbution from child psychology
- Can help reduce damage to children’s development
- It gave us an understanding of the role of attachments in children’s development. Bowlby (1957) found a mother who responds to a child’s social releasers helps an attachment form and therefore develop successfully
- People often act the same way with their own children so either good or bad parenting can be passed on
- Child psychology showed how staying in hospitals away from their primary caregiver can be harmful which has changed hospital policies and parents can now stay too
- child psychology has helped children who are separated from their parent sin the long term as they can be kept informed what is happening and visit the parent to whom they are attached
evaluation of child contribution
Banse (2004) found that adults who were securely attached as children were more satisfied with their marriage
Smallbone and Dadds (2000) showed insecure attachments were linked to aggression and antisocial behaviour.
Bailey et al (2007) found that teenage mothers with insecure attachments to their mothers had an insecure attachment with their baby
contribution from clinical psychology
• Clinical has helped develop a range of therapies for mental illnesses
• By helping people overcome their symptoms their quality of life has improved
• Helps patients identify irrational and unhelpful thoughts and try to change them
• Helpful for people with schizophrenia, depression, eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders
evaluation of clinical contribution
It doesn’t completely eliminate symptoms but makes it easier to live with
It addresses the cause of the problem unlike drugs
Its expensive
Gaining an understanding of their thoughts can cause further trauma