Contrast Studies Ch. 12 Flashcards
Biliary System
Consists of Liver, Gallbladder, and Biliary Ducts
Located in right upper quadrant above right kidney & extends just below 10th rib.
Largest solid organ in the body
Weighs about 3-4 lbs.
Manufactures bile & stored in gallbladder.
Produces about a quart a day
Lobes of Liver
Two major lobes. Left lobe is smaller and is separated by falciform ligament. Right lobe is largest major lobe.
Two minor lobes-
posteriorly located is the quadrate lobe between gallbladder and falciform ligament.
Posterior to quadrate lobe is caudate lobe. Large inferior vena cava contours over surface of caudate lobe.
Right and Left Hepatic Ducts
bile travels from liver to gallbladder or directly to gallbladder by way of these ducts.
They combine to form the Common Hepatic Duct which turns into the common bile duct and joins the pancreatic duct before it empties into the duodenum through the Hepatopancreatic Duct or (sphincter of Oddi)
40% of people have a separate opening for the common bile duct meaning the pancreatic and common bile duct never connect.
Common Bile Duct
7.5 cm long. width of a drinking straw
located behind the superior portion of the duodenum and head of the pancreas.
Connects with the pancreatic duct and empties into the descending portion of the duodenum.
pear shaped 7-10 cm long and 3 cm wide.
Fundus- distal end of the broad part of the sac.
Body-Main section of the sac
Neck-narrow proximal end which eventually continues to make the cystic duct.
Contains about 30-40 cc’s of bile
Gallbladder Functions
Stores Bile
Bile is concentrated by hydrolysis (removal of H2O)
Contracts when fats or fatty acids are in duodenum. These foods stimulate a duodenal mucosa to secrete a hormone called cholecystokinin (CCK)
Increased levels of CCK will cause the gallbladder to contract and bile duct to open.
CCK also causes increased exocrine activity in the pancreas.
Cystic Duct
3-4 cm long
several membranous folds along the length which are termed the spiral valve.
This valve prevents the distention or collapse of the cystic duct.
Asthenic & Hyposthenic Patient
Gallbladder located near the level of iliac crest and close to midline. 35-40 degree LAO rotation needed to move gallbladder away from spine.
Sthetic Patient
Gallbladder located between the xyphoid tip and the lower lateral rib margin. 20-25 degree LAO rotation needed to move gallbladder away from spine.
Hypersthetic Patient
Gallbladder is located high and more lateral.
15-20 degree LAO rotation needed to move gallbladder away from spine.
new growths either benign or malignant (cancer)
Biliary Stenosis
narrowing of the biliary ducts
Congenital Anomalies
condition the patient acquired at birth
Stones in the biliary ducts
stones in the gallbladder
can be Acute or Chronioc
Milk Calcium Bile
emulsion of biliary stones in the gallbladder. Sandlike calcification or sediment.
Oral Cholecystogram (OCG)
Contrast meduium ingested orally to exhibit gallbladder in an x-ray.
Benefits of Sonography for gallbladder
No ionizing radiation
Ability to detect small calculi that are generally not visual during an OCG
No contrast medium is required for sonography
Less patient preparation: Patient is required to have nothing by mouth (NPO) 8 hours before exam.
Patient prep required 2 or more days for an OCG
Sonography provides quick diagnosis for gallbladder disease and physician man make surgical decision in hours rather than days
Sterile Procedure
Non-sterile tech MUST stay over 18 inches away from the sterile surgical procedure.
Endoscopic Retrograde CholangioPancreatogram