Contract Flashcards
Article 11
A copy of the recorded interrogation or interview shall be provided upon request within how many hours following the interrogation or interview?
72 hours
Article 12
10 reasons why employees will be required to participate in the drug testing program?
- Reasonable suspicion that employee using.
- Following a serious accident.
- Routine fitness for duty.
- Random drug testing.
- Follow up testing.
- Employee is found with illicit drugs in work area.
- Basic recruit training.
- Transfer into/from specialized unit.
- Rehabilitation program.
- Prior discipline proceedings.
Article 28
Temporary disabled employee shall be granted supplemental payment during the first HOW MANY days of such disability?
Article 28
The employer may provide a defined extension to the 24 week period, not to exceed how many days for each extension?
20 days
Article 12
Information relating to the use of over the counter drugs can be removed at the request of the employee after it has been in the medical file for how long unless the usage of such medication is part of an on-going treatment?
6 months
Article 12
How many days after receiving notice of a positive confirmed test result, the employee may submit information to the employer explaining the results of the test or why the results are not a violation?
10 working days
Article 13
The sheriff or his designee may impose an immediate suspension without pay in advance of the conclusion of a grievance for what 4 things?
- Employee arrested on a felony charge.
- Employee fails a substance abuse test (with confirmation).
- Employee fails a lawful direct order.
- Employee is a danger to himself or others.
Article 31
When personal property is lost or damaged the employer will pay how much to replace or fix the item?
How much for watches?
- property is not to exceed $300.
- watches not to exceed $100.
Article 34
If an officer fails an annual physical ability test, how long does he have to pass the test?
1 calendar year.
Article 9
Step 3: how many days does the employee have to submit his grievance to the Director after step 2?
- 5 days to submit to the Director.
- 10 days for the Director to hold a meeting with employee.
- 10 days for the Director to submit in writing his response.
Article 14
Files that contain the following information will be purged on the following schedule for:
Sustained formal investigations (without suspension)
- cases involving written reprimand without suspension.
- 3 years from date of disposition
Article 18
An employee may be granted paid time off to attend the funeral of a JSO employee as authorized by who?
A/C or higher
Article 28
The employer may grant additional injury in the line of duty leave in increments of how many days?
28 calendar days not to exceed 24 weeks
Article 32
How many hours can an employee work 10-60 in a month?
If payment must be received by the 10th day of the following month when will it be considered late and appropriate discipline can be determined?
- 120 hours
- payments that are more than 2 weeks late will be subject to discipline.
Article 9
How many steps are in the grievance procedures?
Article 9
Grievances challenging demotion with loss of pay, suspension with loss of pay, or termination shall be filed at what step?
Article 9
Step 1: How many days after the occurrence does the employee have to submit his grievance to the Assistant Chief?
- 10 days
- 10 days for the AC to hold a meeting with employee.
- 10 days for the AC to submit in writing his response.
Article 9
Step 2: How many days does the employee have to submit his grievance to the Division Chief after step 1?
- 5 days to submit to the division chief.
- 10 days for the division chief to hold a meeting with employee.
- 10 days for the division chief to submit in writing his response.
Article 9
Step 4: How many days does the employee have to submit his grievance to the Sheriff?
- 5 days to submit to the sheriff.
- 10 days for the sheriff to hold a meeting with employee.
- 10 days for the sheriff to submit in writing his response.
Article 9
If a grievance is not settled at all 4 levels, the grievance or FOP may request __________ by providing a written request to the ______________, with a copy to the ________________, not later than _____ days after receipt of step 4.
JSO Chief of Personnel.
City’s Director of Employee Services.
Article 9
The FOP and employer will mutually select a panel of _____ qualified arbitrators to serve on a rotating list.
Article 9
- The FOP and employer shall identify 2 existing arbitrators as having _______ year terms and 2 other existing arbitrators as having ______ year terms each.
- Upon completing the term limits of the _____ year term arbitrators, their successors shall each have ______ year term limits.
- 4, 2
2. 2, 4
Article 9
The FOP has the right within ______ days following ratification of all FOP bargaining agreements to strike one of the panelists.
60 days.
Article 9
An arbitrator shall render his/her decision within ______ days of receipt of post-hearing briefs or of the close of the hearing, whichever is later.
Article 9
The sheriff’s disciplinary hearing board shall be composed of _____ members, with _____ member being selected by the administration, ______ member being selected by the aggrieved officer, and the _____ member being selected by the other members.
Article 9
Neither the aggrieved officer nor the employer shall utilized an __________ for the presentation during the informal hearing proceedings.
Article 9
If the decision of the sheriff is unsatisfactory to the aggrieved officer, he/she may appeal this decision to the Civil Service Board within _______ days, or request arbitration within ______ working days.
Article 11
Whenever an LEO is under investigation and subject to interrogation or interview by members of his agency for any reason which could lead to disciplinary action, demotion, or dismissal, such interrogation shall be conducted under the conditions of the?
Law enforcement officers bill of rights
Article 5
Whenever a civil emergency exists, to include, riots, civil disorders, hurricane conditions, etc, or when such conditions can reasonably be determined to be imminent, the provisions of the contract agreement may be suspended by what 2 people during the time of the delayed emergency?
The mayor or the sheriff.
Article 8
Any JSO employees who are required or ordered to work more than _________ on a single tour of duty, due to a declared emergency, shall be furnished a hot meal on the ______ and each succeeding day.
12 hours.
Article 8
Any police officer who does not wish to ride with a particular individual may decline to do so by notifying his ______________ through what means?
Commanding officer.
Form 4
Article 8
Members of the reserve unit or of other police departments shall not be allowed to perform any policing functions, unless such member is under the direct supervision and control of a certified police officer, nor will a member of such unit wear or display rank greater than that of the certified officer with whom he is assigned to provided. What is an exception to this rule?
During the declaration of an emergency.
Article 12
Any JSO employee using legal over the counter non prescription drugs which in any way impair or affect his job performance is responsible for bringing to the attention of who and how.
Immediate supervisor via form 4.
Article 12
Regarding legal drug use, if the employee and commanding officer do not concur on the ability of the employee to perform his duties, who will make the final determination?
Department staff duty officer (on call chief).
Article 12
If any employee knowingly ingests any drug in the performance of his duties, who will immediately be notified and who will the incident be documented?
- Immediate supervisor via form 4
- this will be followed by a detailed report from the employees commanding officer that will be forwarded to the sheriff for review.
Article 12
Employees who knowingly are subjected to the passive inhalation of a drug (i.e. Marijuana), will report this to who and how?
What 3 things will be documented and where will this be forwarded?
- Supervisor on duty (10-60) or immediate supervisor via form 4.
- The substance the employee was exposed to.
- The period of exposure.
- Brief statement explaining the necessity for the exposure.
- The substance the employee was exposed to.
- This will be forwarded to the sheriff for review.
Article 12
Reasonable suspicion drug/alcohol testing can be ordered by any supervisor with the approval of who?
Commanding officer.
Article 12
Should an employee in the course of employment enter, or be required by the employer to enter, into an employee assistance program for drug-related problems, the employer may require the employee to submit to a drug test as a follow up to the program for up to ___________ thereafter.
2 years.
Article 12
As a result of prior disciplinary proceedings against the employee related to the use of drugs, such testing shall be conducted by ___________ with the approval of, and in coordination with, the ________________. The employer may require the employee to submit to a drug test as a follow up to the disciplinary action for up to _________ thereafter.
- the internal affairs unit
- JSO chief of personnel
- 2 years
Article 12
The _____________ shall be responsible for the drug testing of employees under going basic recruit training, probationary officers, and employees selected through the random drug test program.
JSO personnel division.
Article 12
The ___________ shall be responsible for drug testing of any employee whom it reasonably suspect has used or is found to be in possession of a drug, or other controlled substance in violation of the law, JSO orders, and rules and regulations.
Internal affairs unit.
Article 12
- Any employee authorizing the release of drug testing information must submit a signed communication to who?
- What 4 things should be included in this request?
- JSO chief of personnel.
- Name of person who is authorized to obtain the information.
- Purpose of disclosure.
- The precise information to be disclosed.
- The duration of the consent.
- Name of person who is authorized to obtain the information.
Article 12
Random numbers assigned to employees in the random drug testing procedures, will be maintained in a confidential file under the direct supervision of who?
Chief of personnel.
Article 12
Regarding breath testing on employees for the presence of alcohol, if the initial test registers an alcohol concentration of ______ or greater, a confirmation test will be performed. The employee will be placed in a separate room under the observation of a breath analyzer technician for at least ___________ but not given more than __________, after which he will be given a confirmation test.
15 minutes
20 minutes
Article 12
An employee may be either immediately suspended or reassigned pending the results of a confirmation test for the use of?
Illegal drugs.
Article 13
- The _________, or designee, may impose an immediate suspension without pay in advance of the conclusion of any of the procedures set forth in the grievance and arbitration article or in the civil service and personnel rules and regulations.
- What 4 reasons for immediate suspension without pay?
- Sheriff
-when an employee has been arrested for a felony.
-what an employee fails a substance abuse test with confirmation.
-when an employee fails to obey a lawful direct order form a superior officer.
-when an employee is a danger to himself or others.
Article 13
The immediate emergency suspension without pay must be issued by who?
Division chief or higher.
Article 13
Upon request of the employee, within __________ after an immediate emergency suspension, the employee will be afforded the opportunity to meet with the assigned ___________ for the purpose of coordinating a meeting between the sheriff or designee and the employee to determine any further action that may be taken.
- the next business day
- division chief
Article 14
Regarding when certain files will be purged.
1. Formal investigations- cases which are unfounded, exonerated, or not sustained?
2. Sustained formal investigations- cases involving written reprimand without suspension?
3. Sustained formal investigations- cases involving written reprimand with suspension or loss of pay?
4. Formal counseling?
- 1 year
- 3 years
- 5 years
- 1 year
Article 14
Official records of formal counseling will be maintained in where?
Employees division file
Article 16
- Upon retirement or termination following the completion of at least _______ years of service, the employee shall be paid for all unused accrued personal leave.
- If less than _____ years of service for other than retirement, the employee shall be paid ___________ of all unused accrued personal leave.
- 10
- 10
Article 17
Except in cases of illness or emergency, requests for personal leave of up to ______ consecutive working days must be submitted for approval at least ________ hours in advance.
24 hours
Article 17
Except in cases of illness or emergency, requests for personal leave of more than _____ and up to _____ consecutive working days must be submitted for approval at least ______ hours in advance.
2, 4
48 hours.
Article 17
A request for _____ or more consecutive working days may be submitted on or before ____________ of each calendar year for the following 12 months.
February 1st.
Article 17
- In the event an employee has fewer than _______ hours in the employees personal leave account, the employee may use his _____________ for a bona fide illness of the employee.
- This is also an option if it involves the employee’s immediate family member if substantiated with what?
- 80, retirement account.
2. Physicians statement that the employees presence is necessary.
Article 17
For unscheduled absences not requested and approved in advance, an employee must notify the sheriffs office as early as possible, but no later than _______ before the starting time, on the first day the employee is unable to report to work.
45 minutes.
Article 18
Regarding bereavement leave, at the time of the death of a member of an employees immediate family, the employer may authorize the employee paid time off of up to _________?
5 days.
Article 18
The employee may be required to supply documentation of the death, as well as the what, prior to approval of the funeral leave request?
Employees relationship to the deceased.
Article 18
In determining the amount of funeral leave to be authorized in each situation, the JSO will take into consideration the following 3 factors:
- Distance to the funeral location.
- Relationship of the employee to the deceased.
- The demands the death has placed on the employee for funeral arrangements and other business matters.
Article 20
Military leave may not exceed ______ hours in any one fiscal year.
240 hours.
Article 20
- Employees may request adjustment of their schedules for a military weekend drill by written request to their supervisors. Such requests shall be submitted at least ________ prior to the drill date.
- A determination under this section is not subject to the grievance or arbitration process, but the employee may request a review by the __________.
- 14 days.
2. Division chief.
Article 21
How many holiday’s are given to JSO employees on an annual basis?
Article 21
If holidays are not taken by __________ of that year, the employer will compensate the employee for those days not taken.
September 30
Article 21
Any permanent or probationary employee shall receive payment for any paid holiday unless? 4 reasons
- Employee has an unexcused or unpaid absence on the last regular work day preceding holiday or on the next regular work day following such holiday.
- Employee is on leave or layoff on the holiday.
- Employee fails to report to work without justifiable reason for absence having been scheduled to work on such holiday.
- Employee is receiving workers compensation or supplemental workers compensation pay.
Article 21
What an employee is required to work on a holiday, the employee shall be paid what rate AND shall be allowed to take a day off at a later date.
Time and a half
Article 22
The work period for police officers shall be a period of _________ consecutive days which may begin on any day of the week and the regular work schedule during that period shall consist of __________ hours.
28 days.
160 hours.
Article 22
Police officer shall be compensated at a time and one-half for all hours worked in excess of ________ hours in a monthly work period.
171 hours
Article 22
Double time shall be paid for all hours worked in excess of ______ hours in a 24 hour period.
Article 22
What are examples of 6 different premium payments?
- Holidays
- Call back
- Stand by pay
- Deposition or court time
- Hearing board or internal investigations
- Pager stand by
Article 22
Police officers may accrue up to ___________ hours of compensatory time
480 hours
Article 22
The employer may require the employees who have ______ days or more of comp time or who have ______ hours or less of comp time accrued to utilize comp time.
Article 22
Regarding call back time, the officer shall receive a minimum payment of _________ hours at what pay rate?
2 and one-half hours.
1 and one-half pay rate.
Article 22
What an officer assigned a vehicle on a permanent basis is off duty and is required to handle a call by a designated supervisor, said employee shall be paid at the regular rate unless such duty required that officer to work in excess of _______ hours in the 28 day work period.
Article 23
New employees in the classification of police recruit shall be hired at ______% of the step one rate for police officers.
Article 23
There shall be a ______% differential between the pay rates for sergeants and officers at each step of the pay plan.
Article 23
- Regarding college degree incentive plans, employees hired after October 1, 2016, are eligible for incentive payments of:
- Hired before October 1, 2016:
- Masters degree only at $200/month.
- associates degree at $100/month.
- bachelors degree at $150/month.
- masters degree at $200/month.
Article 23
Employees assigned to work any shift other than the normal day shift shall receive shift differential pay.
After 12pm?
After 10pm?
- 3.75% of base pay.
- 3.5% of base pay.
Article 23
Qualified FTO’s AND qualified FTO sergeants shall be granted an additional _______% above their base pay for each day they are actually training an assigned police/reserve officer trainee.
Article 23
What an off duty employee is required by his supervisor to be answerable to a pager, he shall be compensated ______ at the regular rate of pay for each day he is on pager.
1 hour.
Article 23
Officers assigned to canine duty shall receive _____ per shift to provide canine care. The employee will be compensated for ________ for canine care on the employee’s day off.
- 1 hour.
- 1 hour.
Article 23
Employees living outside of Duval county, but within _____ miles of the county line, shall reimburse the city _______ per pay period for the use of the take home vehicle.
- 10 miles
- $25
Article 23
Regarding those living out of county, should take home vehicles become inoperable as verified by the office of the sheriff, the assigned employee will be reimbursed at a rate of _______ per actual day worked.
Article 24
- When an off duty employee is required by the SAO of the judge of any court to be on telephone standby, the employee will notify who of such order.
- The employee compensation rate will by what?
- Court liaison officer.
2. One and one-half time for those hours the court is in session or until released.
Article 24
When an off duty employee is subpoenaed to court or other proceedings to include pre-trial or depositions, a ______ overtime compensation will be credited and a minimum of ________ or actual time, which ever is greater.
4 hour.
1 hour.
Article 24
- Regarding payment for court appearance before or after duty, 1 hour or less before or after their scheduled duty shall receive _____ of overtime.
- If exceeding 1 hour before or after duty, a minimum of ______ or actual time of overtime.
- 1 hour.
2. 3 hours.
Article 24
A ______ minimum of overtime shall be paid when filing with the SAO when off duty. If such filing extends beyond this, then the employee will be paid straight time.
1 hour.
Article 24
When filing with the SAO immediately before or after duty, what rate will the employee be paid.
Regular rate of straight time.
Article 24
If an employee receives a subpoena or direct order to appear before a hearing board, arbitrator, or internal investigation as a “fact witness”, then they will be paid at what rate?
Same rate as court appearances.
Article 24
- ___________ ___________ is a witness who testifies to what was seen, heard, or observed regarding an underlying event at issue.
- __________ ____________ is a witness to testifies to opinions, character, or like testimony.
- Fact witness.
2. Character witness.
Article 27
An employee who fails the physical ability test will be given a grace period of _______ calendar days during which he may retake the test.
Article 27
What 3 things will be forfeited for failure to pass the annual physical ability test?
- Any steps raises.
- Take home car privileges.
- Secondary employment.
Article 28
Employees injured shall be examined every _______ calendar days by who?
- 28
- a medical doctor
Article 28
If there is a disagreement between a medical doctor for the employee and the employer, what steps will be taken?
The employer shall select a medical doctor who will resolve the medical disagreement. The employer’s doctor will make the final decision which shall be final and not subject to arbitration.
Article 29
- Regarding medical coverage, effective January 1, 2012, employees will be required to pay _____% of the actual cost of any health plan selected other than the high deductible plan, but such a payment shall be capped and not exceed ______ per month.
- The employer will pay ______% of the cost of medical coverage for eligible defendants.
- 5%, $30
2. 50%
Article 29
Regarding payroll deductions for agent of record, the employer may assess a charge not to exceed ____ per deduction per payroll.
4 cents.
Article 29
- Regarding the heart/hypertension special benefit, the city will reimburse employees for covered co-payments and deductibles until the employee has been off work for _______ weeks due to heart disease or hypertension, and is unable to return to work according to an approved medical doctor.
- Such reimbursements shall not exceed ______ per plan year and _______ lifetime and shall terminate once an employee retires under pension fund rules.
- 52
2. $3500, $10,000
Article 29
Regarding disability, upon application to the _____________, employees will continue to receive paid leave not otherwise chargeable for the first _______ calendar days of covered illness. After that, the employee will receive paid leave at the rate of _______ of his salary for the next ______ calendar days. During this period, the employee, at his option, may elect to retain full pay by utilizing sick leave or personal leave at _____ day for each day. Thereafter, full sick leave or personal leave must be utilized.
- JSO Chief of Personnel
- 84
- 2/3
- 84
- 1/3
Article 29
- Second or subsequent heart/hypertension claims will be considered only if the employee has returned to full duty for _______ following the first incident.
- An employee shall not receive more than _______ weeks of full pay under this provision.
- 3 months.
2. 36
Article 29
In the event of the death of an employee due to heart disease or hypertension prior to retirement, the city shall pay a death benefit/funeral allowance of up to _________, but not exceeding actual funeral expenses.
Article 29
A special benefit committee may be formed to resolve questions concerning payment of medical and pharmacy bills. What 3 people will be part of this committee?
- FOP president or designee.
- City Director of Employee Services or designee.
- JSO Chief of Personnel.
Article 29
The city shall fund the tuition reimbursement program __________ annually for all FOP bargaining unit members collectively.
Article 31
Regarding damage to employee owned property, covered personal property shall include?
- non uniform clothing
- telephones
- pagers
- electronic devices
- jewelry (other than watches)
Article 31
- Regarding damage to employee-owned property, to include loss, the employer will reimburse up to and not exceeding ________ for watches.
- All other items will be up to and not exceeding ________.
- The employer shall make every reasonable effort to reimburse the employee within ______ of the employees submission of a claim.
- $100
- $300
- 30 days
Article 31
When employer property is damaged, destroyed, or last as a result of an employees negligence, carelessness, or failure to take reasonable steps to secure the property, the employee shall pay the cost of the repair or replacement, up to a maximum of _______.
Employees who are required to wear business attire during their duty or members of the organized crime section who are required to wear non uniform type clothing are entitled to a clothing allowance of ________ paid quarterly. This shall occur when?
- $100
- the second pay period following the end of the quarter.
Article 32
Employees will not engage in secondary employment until they have been off duty for __________, or worked __________ following sick leave, bereavement leave, IOD, light duty, suspension (with or without pay) or administrative leave.
- 2 regular days.
- 1 day
Article 34
- The JSO shall make available a combined number of positions for up to _____% of the total sworn police ranks which will be designated as permanent light duty.
- A maximum of _______ supervisory positions will be included within the total permanent light duty positions.
- 1.5%
2. 3
Article 34
“Bumping” occurs when the number of qualifying officers exceeds the number of available permanent light duty positions. If this occurs, then the officer with the highest years of service shall retire or resign. In the event all qualifying officer are not eligible for retirement or are not in the DROP program, positions shall be determined by given first priority to?
Second priority?
Third priority?
First: officers injured as a result of concerted police action.
Second: officer who are injured on the job.
Third: officers who are most senior.
Article 35
Employees shall furnish written notification of their intent to file suit against a third party in any court of law, if the suit arises out of the employees official duties. Notice shall be provided to ___________, not less than ________ days before the actual filing date.
- Undersheriff.
- 5 days.