Arrests 201 Flashcards
Questions regarding a persons status or immunity, including claims a crime was committed pursuant to an “official act” should be directed to who?
Bureau of Consular Affairs during working hours.
State department operations center after hours.
Officers are considered to be private citizens outside of duval county, unless an arrest is made for what two reasons?
- Fresh pursuit
2. Mutual aid agreement within the state of Florida
Officers acting under the Cops Without Borders procedures shall notify who that they will be taking law enforcement action outside of duval county?
JSO supervisor
What is an order for the arrest of a defendant that is obtained after a case is formally file by the state attorneys’ office?
What is issued by a judge upon probable cause (no case has been filed) and is generally used when an immediate arrest by warrant is required?
Arrest warrant
What is issued by the SAO and commands an “at large” defendant to appear in court to face misdemeanor or ordinance violation charges resulting from information filed by the SAO?
Misdemeanor summons
What may be used by police officers for a field release of eligible violators or by corrections officers for violator who meet specific criteria?
Notice to appear
What shall be a procedure whereby an eligible violator is immediately released upon the officer completing an NTA and the violator signing such citation?
Field release
What shall be that procedure whereby the officer takes the violator into custody and transports him to the PTDF?
Physical arrest
What is an order by the court commanding a sheriff or other official to physically bring before the court a person who is found guilty of contempt of court?
Writ of attachment
Because there are different levels of immunity, officers should carefully examine the identification cards presented to them. Who is issued blue-bordered ID cards and what is their immunity status?
Blue: Diplomatic officer, UN diplomatic officers and their families. Entitled to full criminal immunity and may not be arrested or detained.
Green: embassy administrative and technical staff employees and embassy service staff employees. They are entitled to full criminal immunity but the embassy service staff employees are entitled to immunity only for official acts.
Red: career consular officers, career consular employees and honorary consular officers. Entitled to immunity for official acts only.
Can a foreign government official be issued a traffic citation per the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VDDR)?
Yes but they may not be arrested for any traffic violation.
U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives shall be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses and in going to and returning from the same. What are 3 crimes that are exceptions to this rule where they can be arrested?
- Treason
- Felony
- Breach of peace
What two reason may a sworn LEO, acting as a private citizen, within the state of florida and outside of his jurisdiction, may arrest outside of his county?
- A felony has actually been committed and the officer has PC to believe that the arrested person committed it.
- A misdemeanor breach of peace is committed in his presence.
When body cavity searches are needed, corrections officers will transport the prisoner to where?
UF Shands where medical personnel will conduct search.
Supervisors shall review and approve all arrest and booking reports except: 5
- Shoplifting with no other criminal charges
- Capias
- Court orders
- Public intoxicants with no other criminal charges
- Rebooks
An officer handling a situation involving the possible arrest of an individual who is receiving or about to receive medical care in a hospital or medical facility of any kind, other than ________________, shall obtain the approval of ________________, via the officers COC, before making the arrest.
- UF health jacksonville (shands)
- director of patrol & enforcement or director of investigations & homland security.
Do not indicate “___________” on a criminal citation unless the violator is actually being booked on a traffic related charge.
If a citation is issued for ___________ _____________ and does not constitute a civil or criminal charge, do not list this charge on the arrest and booking report.
Administrative purposes.
An officer shall obtain a _________ __________ from a hospital prior to transporting a juvenile to “New Beginnings Detoxification Center” if the juvenile has been in a __________ or has observable signs of physical injury.
Medical clearance.
If a juvenile committed am act of violation of law which would be a felony if committed by an adult or involves a crime of violence, the arrest officer shall route a copy of the general offense report to ____________.
The school board.
Felony cases involving juvenile offenders will be filed with the Juvenile State Attorney at 311 W. Monroe, in the same manner as adult felony cases. Officers will file within ________ hours if working the next day, or within ________ hours if not.
LEO’s must notify _________ of juveniles being placed in juvenile detox. Officers will affirm parental notification on the detox intake form, or if unable to notify the parents, will request that the juvenile sign a _______ ___________ ___________ so that New Beginnings can contact the parents.
- the parents.
- parent notification release.
Prosecution of a 16 or 17 year old as an adult is, in most cases, mandatory if the juvenile has committed _____________ and used a _____________ or ______________ during the commission of that crime.
A violent crime.
Firearm or destructive device.
Whenever a disagreement exists between an officer and the intake officer over whether or not a juvenile requires detention or placement, the officer shall notify who for a final decision?
On call state attorney.
All reports, fingerprints, and photographs regarding juveniles are confidential with the following 3 exceptions:
- Juvenile traffic violations.
- Photographs of juveniles to be used for the express purpose of compiling a photo spread in conjunction with a lawful investigation.
- The name, address, photograph, and crime and arrest report of a juvenile arrested for a felony, or found by a court to have committed 3 or more misdemeanors.
When will you not call a burglary detective out to interview a suspect arrested for a residential or business burglary?
- cases in which the suspect lived at the victims residence previously or the incident is domestic related.
- the burglary occurs to Duval County Public School Property on weekdays, mon-fri between hours of 0700-1600, or 0001-0659 7 days a week (school board investigator will be contacted)
In warrants, once a warrant has been validated, it can only be served within the next __________. After that time, the validation expires and the warrant must be verified again.
12 hours
Misdemeanor arrest warrant affidavit packets for what charges must be submitted to the SAO in person by the officer?
- Domestic related charges
- Stalking
- Violations of injunctions
- Dating violence
- Juvenile cases
- Procedures for persons arrested for out-of-state jurisdictions where no local charges have been filed?
- Out of state with local charges?
- Arrested as a “fugitive from justice”
2. Charged with the local felony or misdemeanor charge and a detainer will be filled out.
- Procedures for persons arrested for other Florida jurisdictions where no local charges have been filed?
- Florida jurisdictions where local charges are filed?
- Charged with whatever charge is listed on the warrant. The arrestee will be allowed to post bond if one is listed.
- Charged with the local charges and a detainer placed.
Person under 18 who has been arrested for out of state jurisdictions on adult warrant where no local charges will?
Be delivered to PTDF
Person under 18 who has been arrested for out of state jurisdiction adult warrant where local charges will?
Delivered to PTDF to be processed on local charges. If he is not detainable on the local charge, he will be held until the next day where he will be ordered transfer to the PTDF.
What are 9 crimes that require the completion of a Victim Notification Request?
- Murder
- Attempted murder
- Sexual battery
- Attempted sexual battery
- Stalking
- Cyber stalking
- Domestic violence
- Dating violence
- Kidnapping or false imprisonment related to domestic violence.
What 2 places does the four digit PIN go regarding the VINE?
- Victim notification request
2. Victims case information card
Regarding the VINE, if the victim is incapacitated, what does the officer put in the PIN block on victims notification request and what does he put on the signature line of the signature form?
Write on signature line that the victim is incapacitated.
Criteria for being able to issue an NTA? 13
- Offense is a misdemeanor or ordinance violation.
- Violator is 18 or older.
- Sufficiently identifies himself by d.l., i.d. Cart, military i.d.
- Resident of Florida.
- Agrees to sign the citation.
- Potential for continued violence does not exist.
- No warrant
- No previous arrests within the last 6 months
- No previous history of failing to appear within the last 12 months in response to a notice issued subsequently to the violators physical arrest or issuance of an NTA.
- If charge petit theft, the violator does not have any prior petit theft conviction.
- Not charged with a violation related to traffic, tag, or d.l.
- Not charged with domestic
- Not charged with prostitution
How many working days does a violator have to report to the clerk of courts office on an issued NTA?