Contraception and Birth Control Flashcards
How do hormones change in females?
One ovarian follicle becomes dominant and secretes high levels of oestrogen which exerts positive feedback leading to a surge in LH and FSH
(Lecture 11, Slide 5)
A surge in _____ triggers ovulation?
(Lecture 11, Slide 5)
What is the combined pill more commonly known as?
“The pill”
(Lecture 11, Slide 12)
What is a contraceptive vaginal ring?
A soft, flexible plastic ring inserted into the vagina which releases oestrogen and progestogen
(Lecture 11, Slide 13)
What is a Contraceptive patch?
A 5cm x 5cm patch applied to the skin which releases oestrogen and progestogen
(Lecture 11, Slide 13)
How is ovulation inhibited by tablets, patch and vaginal ring (COC)?
By the oestrogen and progestogen components acting on the hypothalamopituitary axis to reduce production of LH and FSH
(Lecture 11, Slide 14)
What does a reduction in the production of LH and FSH as a result of COC contraception result in?
Ovulation does not occur
(Lecture 11, Slide 14)
What is the endometrium?
The layer of tissue that lines the uterus.
(Lecture 11, Slide 14)
What is the endometrium?
The layer of tissue that lines the uterus.
(Lecture 11, Slide 14)
How does the oestrogen components of the COC effect the endometrium?
It causes it to proliferate and grow
(Lecture 11, Slide 14)
How is excessive growth (hyperplasia) of the endometrium as a result of COC stopped?
By the progestogen component opposing the proliferative effects of oestrogen.
(Lecture 11, Slide 14)
Name 3 additional health benefits of COC.
Reduced risk of ovarian, endometrial and colorectal cancer.
Predictable bleeding patterns
Reduce dysmenorrhoea (period pains) and menorrhagia (menstrual bleeding)
Management of symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and premenstrual syndrome
Improvement of acne
Reduced menopausal symptoms
Maintaining bone mineral density in peri-menopausal females under the age of 50
(Lecture 11, Slide 15)
What are 3 adverse drug reactions of COCs?
Abdominal cramping
Breast tenderness
Increased vaginal discharge
Decreased libido (sex drive)
(Lecture 11, Slide 16)
What are the advantages of the Progestogen-Only Pill (mini pill)?
It doesn’t interrupt sex
Can be used when breastfeeding
Useful if you can’t take the hormone oestrogen.
(Lecture 11, Slide 17)
What are the 3 advantages of the Progestogen-Only Pill (mini pill)?
It doesn’t interrupt sex
Can be used when breastfeeding
Useful if you can’t take the hormone oestrogen.
(Lecture 11, Slide 17)
What are 4 examples of Long Acting Reversible Contraception?
Implant, injection, IUS (Intrauterine system) and Cu-IUD (Copper intrauterine device)
(Lecture 11, Slide 18)
What is an implant in contraception?
A matchstick sized rod of plastic inserted into the upper arm which releases progestogen.
(Lecture 11, Slide 18)
What 4 methods of actions can the progestogen only pill have?
POP can have several independent modes of action, including thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm penetration, delaying ovum transport, inhibiting ovulation and providing an endometrium hostile to implantation.
(Lecture 11, Slide 19)
What are 3 adverse drug reactions of progestogen-only pill (POP)
Periods may be light, more frequent or stop altogether
Breast tenderness (pain or discomfort when touched) and enlargement
Increased or decreased sex drive
Mood changes
Headache and migraines
Nausea or vomiting
(Lecture 11, Slide 20)
What is an IUS (Intrauterine system)?
A small T shaped plastic device that contains the hormone progestogen to control your fertility.
(Lecture 11, Slide 21)
What is an Cu-IUD?
It releases copper into the womb to stop fertilised eggs from implanting. it has no effect on ovulation.
(Lecture 11, Slide 21)
Who needs to fit an IUS or an Cu-IUD?
A trained doctor or nurse.
(Lecture 11, Slide 21)
What is a female condom (internal condom)?
A condom inserted into the vagina rather than covering the penis. It is single use.
(Lecture 11, Slide 23)
What is the mode of action of emergency hormonal contraception?
It binds to the progesterone receptors to produce an anti-progesterone contraceptive effect on the ovary (by supressing or delaying ovulation)
(Lecture 11, Slide 25)
When are emergency hormonal contraception used?
In the event of unprotected sex or potential failure of other methods
(Lecture 11, Slide 26)