Construction Technology and Environmental Services Flashcards
With regards to ECFRS, where can you locate legislative requirements in relation to door security? What legislative requirements are there?
Planning Portal; Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Building Act 1984.
Planning - material change affecting appearance.
Building Regs - Part Q - Security in Dwellings and part M - access to and use of buildings.
With regards to ECFRS, which choice in your opinion is most appropriate if the client wants a low maintenance cost?
Aluminium door
With regards to ECFRS, can you simply remove and replace a metal door? what other legislative factors should you consider?
Planning and Building Regulations
With regards to Kelsey Street, what advice would you give to the client if they want to retain the floor but get rid of asbestos? Who would need to clean the blocks? What is contaminated waste?
Time, cost and H&S considerations during work. Specialist asbestos contractor. Hazardous waste that needs to be specially disposed off
For Kelsey Street, why did you advise refurbishing the existing floor in situ?
Originally specified for floor to be taken up and relaid to ensure no gaps and good adhesion.
However, following asbestos decided for floor to remain in situ or would have had to clean all blocks of asbestos.
Forbo sub floor system and carpet tiles then installed.
With regards to Kelsey Street, how did you know there was asbestos?
Instructed R&D survey within SoW, missed in asbestos management survey
With regards to Kelsey Street, what other factors do you need to consider if you’re stripping ground floor finish to the substrate?
Whether floor can be reinstated in the same way
Any asbestos and R&D survey
Planning and Building Regulations Approval
For Appleford Court, what advice did you give to client regarding the service void?
Proceed with lowering ceiling and increasing batten depth
With regards to Appleford Court, why did you have to insulate the pipework in this scenario? Was there no insulation layer above? What type of pipework could be laid?
Prevents heat loss and freezing water causing pipes to burst as in ceiling void.
Ceiling void not insulated.
Other pipework included PVC or PEX but copper already installed elsewhere and seen as reliable. Trace heating too expensive.
Regarding Acorn House, what is the purpose of an LD alarm? What are the different classifications?
Detect fire to protect life in domestic settings
LD3 - detection on escape routes
LD2 - detection on escape routes and high risk areas
LD1 - detection on all areas other than those with low risk
For Acorn House, do you recognise grading of the life protection alarms?
Grade A: The system will have individual smoke/heat detectors, alarm sounders, and a central control panel, support equipment, all running on backed-up power. The system’s components, design, and installation must conform to British Standards (BS EN 54).
Grade C: The fire alarm system comprises detectors and alarm sounders that can be set up like smoke alarms with central control equipment and running on the same power supply from the mains with a standby supply.
Grade D1: The system comprises one or more fire detectors powered by a mains supply with a battery-powered tamper-proof standby supply.
Grade D2: The fire alarm system also comprises one or more detectors powered by a mains supply with a user-replaceable battery-powered standby supply.
Grade F1: The system consists of one or more tamper-proof battery-powered detectors.
Grade F2: The fire alarm system has one or more detectors that run on user-replaceable primary batteries.
For Acorn House, how did you establish from the drawings that the quality was not in accordance with the design?
Reviewed dwgs and checked items specified were correct.
Reviewed any BS and quality notes on dwgs, specification or manufacturers guidance and checked it was being followed.
For Acorn House, what QA standards do you recognise?
Kite marks, BS standards, BS 8000 (workmanship on construction sites) and approved doc reg 7 materials and workmanship
For Acorn House, do you have to remove combustible materials from the existing buildings above and under 18m in height?
Above 18m - Fire Safety Act 2021 and Approved Document B, polystyrene banned and cladding only A1 or A2S1D0 is buildings over 18m.
Below 18m - Depends if the building if defined as a high risk building, the ban is likely to be changed for buildings above 11m in height.
What would you expect to see on the horizontal compartment of the buildings external wall junction?
Cavity barriers to prevent fire spread
For Acorn House, what were the sandwich panels replaced with?
Concrete, polystyrene, concrete, cavity, brickwork replaced with SFS insulation cavity brickwork.
With regards to Acorn House, was the replacement cladding thicker?
No it was the same thickness, it was ensured the cladding was A1 rated.
With regards to Acorn House, what were the considerations at the intersection of the window reveals?
- Cavity closer
- EDPM membrane
- Making good thereafter
With Styles House, are there any legislative documents that specify requirements in relation to the handrail heights?
Part K and HHSRS, handrails to 1100mm
With regards to Styles House, what other elements of protection against falls from the balcony do you have to consider?
Considered the handrail heights
Would also need to consider the handrail styles, however this was a brick balcony with handrails installed to the coping stones to achieve the 1100mm height.
What stages are in the RIBA plan of work?
0- Strategic Definition, 1- Preparation and brief, 2- concept design, 3- spacial coordination, 4- technical design, 5- manufacturing and construction, 6- handover, 7- in use
On the Fire Decorations project, please tell me the reasoning for proceeding with the aluminium door?
- Best option for security.
- Best option to last the effects of weathering.
- Cost effective in long term as will not require replacement.
- Durable and long term option.
- Lead in period was within project duration.
What other door options to aluminium or timber could have been selected? Why was aluminium preferred?
Steel, glass, fibreglass, uPVC.
Aluminium preferable because of good weather resistance and thermal insulation.
Slightly more cost effective than steel.
Sustainable as can be recycled.
On the Kelsey Street project, what were the pros and cons of keeping the floor in situ and overlaying? Were there any H&S considerations you had to be aware of?
-Cost effective
-Minimal time implications and this was a key driver for the client
-Quality would be fine; some minor gaps and loose tiles but checked with consultant.
- Asbestos noted in asbestos management plan and risk to be managed; release of fibres checked with consultant and deemed to be no risk.
- Parquet flooring has minor gaps and loose tiles, only an issue if the Forbo flooring is removed in future.
Name the RIBA stages. Why should this be followed for projects?
Stage 0 - Strategic Definition.
Stage 1 - Preperation and Briefing.
Stage 2 - Concept Design.
Stage 3 - Spatial Coordination.
Stage 4 - Technical Design.
Stage 5 - Manufacturing and Construction.
Stage 6 - Handover.
Stage 7 - Use.
- To set a clear strategy and coordinate actions.
- To inform the design team and others of key deadlines.
- To confirm when payments are required.
- To show that you and others have acted competently.
List the general order in which works should commence. What is the difference between top down and bottom up construction?
The bottom-up method is constructing the structure from lowest level of building to the highest level of building.
The top-down method uses the permanent structure floors to strut as the excavation is taken down in stages, floor by floor.
Identify the main construction foundation types. When should each be considered for use?
- Strip foundations provide a continuous strip of support to a linear structure such as a wall. Trench fill foundations are a variation of strip foundations, in which the trench excavation is almost completely filled with concrete.
- Pad foundations are rectangular or circular pads used to support localised loads such as columns.
- Raft foundations are slabs that cover a wide area, often the entire footprint of a building, and are suitable where ground conditions are poor, settlement is likely, or where it may be impractical to create individual strip or pad foundations for a large number of individual loads. Raft foundations may incorporate beams or thickened areas to provide additional support for specific loads.
- Pile foundations are principally used to transfer the loads from superstructures, through weak, compressible strata or water onto stronger, more compact, less compressible and stiffer soil or rock at depth, increasing the effective size of a foundation and resisting horizontal loads. They are typically used for large structures, and in situations where soil is not suitable to prevent excessive settlement.
Identify elements of a building that should be regularly maintained.
- Downpipes and gutters.
- Landscaping to the building.
- Roof tiles
- External timber including fascias, doors, etc.
- Mastic or sealant especially in bathrooms / wcs.
- All areas should be checked regularly.
Are there any materials you know of that has a limited lifespan?
Asphalt roof is 20 years.
Cladding is 50 years.
External timber 15 years.
Most materials have a limited lifespan.
What other roofs could be considered which have a longer lifespan?
- Bitumen
- Liquid applied membrane
What comments did you make when comparing the Acorn House drawings against Building Regulations? What comments did you make during construction?
- Approved Doc A (concrete panels), B (cladding and fire stopping), M (WC distances), K (handrail height and flexes)
For Acorn House, how did you check that quality was in accordance with design? What would you do if work is not up to the expected standards on site?
- Checked drawings
- Checked BS or Approved Docs referred to on dwgs
- Ensured in accordance with manufacturers guidance
- Checked specifications
Not to standards:
- Notify site manager
- Withhold payment for item
- Check once rectified then pay for item
What is an LD category fire detection system? Can you name the other fire detection systems?
Cat L life, cat M manual, cat P protection, cat LD (life detection)
LD1 - all areas where a fire could start
LD2 - escape routes and high risk areas
LD3 - escape routes
What are the different fire alarm grades?
F2- battery powered detectors powered by a user replaceable battery.
F1- battery powered detectors powered by a tamper proof battery.
D2- mains powered detectors with an integral standby supply consisting of user replaceable battery.
D1- mains powered detectors with a tamper proof standby supply consisting of batteries.
C- separate detectors and sounders that are mains powered with back up power supply and central control equipment.
A- separate detectors and sounders and central control and indicating equipment with back up supply that conforms to BSEN54
Why can buildings over 18 metres not have combustible materials installed? Can buildings below 18 metres have combustible cladding installed?
If over 18m high risk and need to ensure that similar effects to Grenfell are not seen. Under 18m more likely to be able to escape and be accessed by fire service.
However the ban is likely to apply to buildings above 11m and could be reduced even further in future, it will depend on whether the building is defined as high risk.
In regards to Acorn House, what is the issue with polystyrene insulation? How did you know this was installed to the external wall?
Combustible materials banned from the external wall as per Approved Document B and the Fire Safety Act 2021.
Contractor undertook a core sample.
Are there any materials which are combustible and can be installed to the external wall?
- A1 (non combustible) or A2D1S0 (very limited combustibility).
- Currently under 18m combustible materials can be installed, will be lowered to 11m.
- Exemptions under Part B include cavity trays, doors and frames, electrical installations, window frames, below ground waterproofing materials
For Styles House, what is the Housing Health and Safety Rating System?
The housing health and safety rating system (HHSRS) is a risk-based evaluation tool to help local authorities identify and protect against potential risks and hazards to health and safety from any deficiencies identified in dwellings. It was introduced under the Housing Act 2004 and applies to residential properties in England and Wales.
For Styles House, why did the handrail height need to be increased?
To meet 1100mm in height to comply with the voids policy and HHSRS.
What other explanations and sketches were provided to the TMO for the Styles House project?
Sketches - DSSO locations, handrail heights, kitchen counter locations, blinds to be replaced
Explanations - Fire stopping provisional sum, cracked glass panel, threshold strip, chords to trickle vents
With regards to the fire service project, why did you proceed with the aluminium door? What were the other options?
Other options were to undertake splice repairs or replace with a hardwood door (also could replace with door that is steel, PVC, fibreglass, etc).
Aluminium was durable, weather resistant, cost effective in the long term, not a significant lead in time, good insulator, sound resistant, security.
For the fire service, what had caused the deterioration of the timber door?
Weathering over a lengthy period of time.
For Kelsey Street, was the asbestos discovered during a survey? Why wasn’t there a record of this previously?
No it was not discovered during the asbestos management survey. I advised the client to separately undertake an R&D survey before commencement of the works, however they confirmed they wished for it to be included in the SoW and to be undertaken once the contractor was on site.
For Kelsey Street, was the floor in an acceptable condition to leave it in situ? What were the different factors and risks that you had to consider?
- There were some minor gaps between the blocks and a minimal amount of grout missing, but it was in acceptable condition to be left in situ.
- The Forbo Flooring specialist attended site and confirmed the flooring was in suitable condition to be overlaid.
- The Asbestos Consultant confirmed there would not be release of asbestos fibres if it was released in situ.
- The asbestos should be updated in the asbestos management plan.
What did you include in your report to the Kelsey Street client?
- Description of the issue
- Outlined the different options
- Gave the pros and cons of each
- Approximate costs for each
- Confirmation of effects if decision is not made
- Recommendation
- Consultant reports
For the Kelsey Street project, why did you consult the heritage officer, floor manufacturer and asbestos consultant?
Heritage officer - Confirmed that repairs to the existing building would not require an application but if reclaimed flooring is installed a listed building application will be required.
Floor manufacturer - Confirmed that the parquet flooring could be left in situ and overlaid with the Forbo subfloor system and floor tiles and no negative effects would be apparent.
Asbestos consultant - Confirmed cleaning of woodblock flooring would need to take place under controlled conditions. Confirmed flooring could be left in situ and no asbestos fibre release risk.
For Appleford Court, what were the timber ceiling depths compared to the pipe sizes?
15mm copper pipes and 25mm Kingspan kooltherm insulation
25 x 38mm battens to 47 x 90 battens with 600mm centres.
For Appleford Court, what different options did you consider for the pipes? Why did you recommend that the batten depths are increased?
Different insulation e.g. Knauf mineral wool.
Different pipes, e.g. PVC or PEX.
Trace heating to pipes
Chase out non loadbearing walls and trunking
Increase batten depth and lower ceiling height.
In regards to Appleford Court, what size did the batten depth increase to and what height did the ceiling reduce to?
25 x 38mm battens to 47 x 90 battens with 600mm centres.
Ceiling height reduced from 2.4m to 2.3m
Why was pipe insulation required for Appleford Court? Could this have not been removed?
Required under part L - insulation is required in unheated spaces. Prevents heat loss and pipes freezing. MEP consultant also advised.
What are the different sections of Part K?
Stairs/ladders/ramps, protection from falling, loading bays, protection from impact glazing and doors
For Kelsey Street, why was the asbestos discovery a relevant matter?
Client indecisiveness and contract instruction. A relevant matter under the contract.
Inaccurate client records, contractor cannot be held responsible for cost and time delays.
What does the certificate for making good defects signal?
Defects rectified, release of retention, start of latent defect period
On your Fire Decorations Project, please tell me the reasoning for proceeding with the aluminium door?
Durable, secure, cost effective in long term, reasonable lead in time, sustainable as can be recycled, good insulator, sound resistant.
On your Kelsey Street Project, what were the pros and cons for keeping the flooring insitu and overlaying?
Pros - time effective, cost effective and only some slight imperfections in the flooring. Cons - asbestos remains, still gaps to woodblock flooring.
For the external decorations project, please take me through the process of identifying the repairs that were necessary?
- Visited each station with the client.
- Identified potential repairs and client advised whether to include in project or whether undertaken separately.
- Issued SoW to client confirming repairs to be undertaken under project.
- Included timber splice repairs, helibar insertion and RWP bracket installation.
For the Kelsey Street project, you advised that the floor should be left in situ and overlaid, why and what are the potential long term issues with this?
Asbestos management plan should be updated. Confirmed that no risk of fibre release but client should be aware if Forbo floor is removed in future due to H&S reasons. If woodblock floor is used in future client should be aware there are some minor gaps and grout missing.
What are fenestrations?
Openings in the building facade; doors, windows, etc.
Give an example of a time you reported on the impact that different design solutions would have on the project cost and programme? How did you reach your decision?
- ECFRS Door
- Kelsey Street
What are the standards and guidance you may refer to for determining fire safety?
- BS5839 Fire detection and fire alarm systems for buildings.
- BS9991 (residential) and BS9999 (other) fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings.
- Approved Document B Fire Safety
- Fire Strategy and certification
Over what height would the external wall need to be completely non combustible?
11 metres
What is the difference between D1 and D2 fire alarms.
D2 is user replaceable batteries, D1 is tamper proof batteries.
What is the minimum safe transom height for windows above floor level?
The lowest part of the window should be 800mm to 1100mm from the floor.
What are some key methods to prevent overheating?
- Solar shading
- Opening up windows
- Adding cooling units to MVHRs
- Less glazing
- Orientation
- Adjustable blinds
What are the programme implications with MMC?
Front end design time increase however construction stage quicker.
What were the titles you included in the Chapel Gate risk register?
Risk, description, rating, mitigation measures, actions to date, updated rating, contingency.
What factors determine design?
Legislation, cost, time, client requirements, planning and building regulations, neighbours, location, previous site use, tenure.
What is the difference between a warm, cold and inverted roof?
Cold roof: vapour barrier, insulation, roof deck, waterproofing
Warm roof: roof deck, vapour barrier, insulation, waterproofing
Inverted roof: roof deck, waterproofing, insulation
Why is an inverted roof often preferred for refurbishments and what considerations need to be undertaken?
With an inverted roof, you do not need to replace the roof covering and you can simply install the insulation over the existing roof. It allows you to refurbish your roof without any extensive work and is thus cost effective.
However, the insulation layer should not project beyond the roof edge and the roof should be able to support the extra weight of the ballast layer. Moreover, an inverted roof will lose more heat and you will therefore have to use more insulation to obtain the same performance. To avoid moisture issues, the roof must also have a greater pitch. The foot traffic and plant on the roof is also to be considered and ensuring the insulation does not get punctured.
For Appleford Court it says you agreed the solution and then sought approval from the client? What would have happened if the client did not want to proceed with the solution?
I would not proceed without client approval. I agreed a possible solution with the MEP consultant and then liaised with the client and gained their approval before giving an instruction.
For ECFRS, did you need to apply for planning permission? Why was it required?
Yes, an application was made however this was not in my scope of service and the client ultimately submitted this. It constituted development under the Town and County Planning Act as it was a material change to the building that could affect the character of the building.
When would you need to undertake piling?
1) Low bearing capacity of subsoils
2) Heavy point loads of structure exceed bearing capacity of soil
3) Presence of highly compressible soils near surface such as pete
4) Subsoils such as clay which are prone to movement
5) High water table
What are the different types of piled foundations?
1) Displacement piles - precast, partially precast or in-situ. Driven to displace the earth (Driving hammers / Vibration). Tend to be noisy.
2) Replacement piles - Earth removed and then replaced with pile (Bored Piles - Percussion / Rotary / Prestcore) Used when in close proximity to other buildings due to minimal vibrations or where noise is restricted. Continuous Flight Auger, Sheet piles, Secant Piling.
1) End Bearing-load transferred through pile shaft to toe and into safe bearing strata which has been penetrated by the toe
2) Friction-uses friction between pile shaft and surrounding strata to transfer loads to safe bearing strata.
What are secant piles?
Used in basement works. Secant piles (rotary or CFA) are driven first with sufficient spacing to allow the male pile to be cored (reinforced) in between to create a continuous retaining wall
Name some types of MMC?
Pod bathrooms
Prefabricated roof trusses
What other literature would you need to review for handrails?
- Part K
- Voids Policy
What is an LD1 fire alarm?
Detection system for life domestic. Detection to escape route, high risk areas and other areas except low risk.
For fire alarm detection system is required for a commercial property?
L rated, such as L1, L2, L3, L4, L5.
Also category P and M.
What legislation governs buildings 11m+ not having combustible cladding?
- Building Safety Act
- Fire Safety Act
What is the rating and euroclass for cladding that you can use on all buildings?
- A1
- A2S1D0
- For buildings between 11m and 18m, combustible materials can be used as part of a system that has passed a large-scale test.
What can be installed to buildings between 11m and 18m?
- Combustible materials as part of a system that has passed a large scale test.
- Non combustible materials.
Who would be notified for asbestos removal? How long before undertaking removal should you notify?
Local Authority, HSE, Office of Rail and Road. 14 days.
Was the removal of asbestos for Kelsey Street licensed or non-licensed? What is the difference?
- Where worker exposure to asbestos is not sporadic and of low intensity.
- Where the risk assessment cannot clearly demonstrate that the control limit will not be exceeded ie 0.1 asbestos fibres per cubic centimetre of air (0.1 f/cm3) (averaged over a four hour period)
- Work on asbestos coating
- Work on asbestos insulation or asbestos insulating board where the risk assessment demonstrates that the work is not short duration work.
- Kelsey Street was notifiable as work was not sporadic and low intensity as had to clean chrysotile off of all blocks.
What do you need to obtain once the asbestos has been removed?
- Certificate of reoccupation by accredited organisation
- Air test certificate
For the door replacement, what Building Regulations considerations did you need to make?
- Approved Document Q
- Approved Document B
- Approved Document M
Was the Kelsey Street project asbestos removal carried out licensed work?
No, as it was only overlaying the existing floor.
You identified an asphalt roof, what other types of flat roof are there?
- Built up roof
- Bitumen roof
- Liquid applied roofing membrane
- EPDM rubber membrane
Was planning permission required for the door? What application was used?
Yes, full planning application that was submitted by the Employer as not covered in my scope.
Does FENSA apply to commercial properties.
No it doesnt, you would need to apply to the local authority