Construction Technology and Environmental Services Flashcards
What are the fire escape travel distances for commercial buildings?
Under Approved Document B (Buildings other than dwellings), 18m is the maximum distance in one direction, or 45m in multiple directions,
What is the ratio of toilets required in a workplace?
The HSE requires that per 100 people, 5 toilets are required with 5 washbasins for mixed use or women. Per 100 men, 4 male toilets and 4 urinals are required.
When considering the occupancy of a workplace, what are the key considerations that need to be addressed by the professional team?
Fresh air, fire escape, welfare. Also gender neutral considerations for welfare. This would all be considered in the project brief, and it is my duty as a consult to advise the client to consider these factors.
What is the purpose of a retaining wall?
To prevent a load from moving from one location to another location. Important to notice considerations around drainage.
What are the three types of basement?
Type A - Tanking - barrier protection. Water ingress is dependent on a barrier system applied to the structure (walls and floor).
Type B - structurally integral protection - monolithic concrete.
Type C - drained cavity
What are the Building Regulations?
The minimum standard required for the construction of buildings. Construction does not have to be exactly the same as the requirement of the regulations, but must meet an equal or greater standard of performance. This would be assessed by an Approved Building Control Officer.
Please name the approved documents within the Building Regulations
A - Structure
B - Fire
C - Site preparation and contamination
D - Toxic substances
E - Sound
F - Ventilation
G - Sanitation, hot water and water efficiency
H - drainage and waste disposal
J - combustion and fuel storage system
K - protection from falling
L - conservation of fuel and power
M - access
O - overheating
P - electrical safety
Q - security
R - infrastructure for electronic communications
S - infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.
7 - material and workmanship.
What are the benefits/drawbacks of concrete frame?
Quicker start on site, little storage space required, inherent fire resistant properties. However, long curing times (programme lag), higher prelim costs, weather dependant.
What are the benefits/drawbacks of steel frame?
Longer period off site to procure, but quicker install once on site. Lower prelims, but will require an intumescent coating that could be easily damaged. More storage space required on site.
What are the types of fire alarm system in office buildings?
Category L - automated, this includes both manual and automatic sensors. Category M - manual. This is just a break glass/manual call point at designated points around the building. However, this requires a person to discover the fire and activate the alarm. Double knock - this requires activations across two points before a building is evacuated. This may allow trading floors for example to remain operational in the event of a false alarm.
What is the fire alarm/evacuation strategy on Project Flamingo?
Automated fire alarm system with a phased evacuation approach. A voice alarm sounds to give the whole building warning, then two floors are evacuated at a time. The floor of origin is the first to evacuate, followed by the two floors above, then two floors at a time working up the building, then two floors at a time working down the building.
Are you aware of any Fire Safety legislation?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
This Order places a duty on the ‘responsible person’ to ensure, ‘as far as is reasonably practical’ the safety of their employees and to take such general fire precautions as may be reasonably required to ensure that the premises are safe [i.e. for non-employees].
At the end of a project, the responsible person is must review the provisions for the control of fire. If there are more than 5 people within the organization, the review must be documented.
CS - CBRE responsible.
What is a pre-action sprinkler system?
A dry system where no water is stored in the pipework. When smoke/heat/fire is detected, the pre action valve releases water into the pipework. This prevents accidental water damage in key areas such as comms rooms etc.
On my Aviva project, gas suppression was the preferred comms room fire safety system. However, due to insufficient riser space, the extract pipework for these floors had to exit the building through the loading bay. At a later Stage in the project, my client signed the lease for two additional floors on levels 7 and 8. Due to my understanding of the gas suppression extract route, I knew that it would not be feasible to install gas suppression in the level 7 and 8 comms rooms. I therefore advised that they undertook an internal review of the suitability of a pre-action sprinkler system, as this system was previously reviewed on the lower floors as an preferable alternative to a wet system.
Give an example of when you have advised your clients on a subject concerning Construction Technology and Environmental Services.
On my Aviva project, the Landlord required a fire rated hoarding around the building atrium, as the glass was not fire rated. This was initially assumed to be a metsec/fire rated plasterboard detail. However, on my Credit Suisse project, we had explored fire rated Hoardfast for the internal works, but decided against it due to the substandard aesthetic to building users. As the area was not client-facing during the construction works, I advised my client that we explore the use of a fire rated hoardfast system to protect the building atrium, which in fact had lower programme and cost impact than the original metsec slab to slab system.
Give an example of sustainable technology in one of your projects.
Typical examples of general sustainable technologies include: photovoltaics, ground source heat pumps, air source heat pumps, green roofs, or even more simple initiatives such as bird/bat boxes on facades. However, these aren’t typically part of an office fitout, as our scope predominantly consists of CAT A alterations and CAT B fitout. With this in mind, a key sustainable initiative that I advise my clients to utlilise is the integration of MEP within the BMS system, such as lighting and HVAC. For lighting, this could be as simple as efficient bulbs (LEDs) with PIR sensors, allowing energy to be saved in areas of the building which are not being used. Taking this a step further, BMS integration with HVAC systems allows the monitoring of trends and client-specific-peaks and troughs with their energy usage, allowing my client to save energy during low-use periods.
On my Aviva project, this is an area that I advised my client as part of the intelligent building system package, and the use of heating/cooling within meeting rooms. When a meeting room is booked remotely using the app, the user has the option to select their preferred temperate. 30 minutes before the booking time, the system will then heat/cool the room as required for the user. When the room is not in use, it will revert to an energy efficient setting. Not only does this have sustainability and cost benefits for my clients, but adds to their aspirational dimensions of their workplace, as this is an impressive feature when hosting meetings or just for use internally.
What are the two ways of dealing with sound?
Absorbing or Blocking. (Absorbing - finishes, artwork etc, blocking through walls).
Where would you find all information relating to a building at the start of a project?
The tenant fit out guide.
What documents would you expect to see within an O&M pack?
As built drawings, maintenance requirements, product data sheets, the ***Asset sheet (contains warranties, last serviced info etc).
What is BS:9999?
Provides recommendations and guidance on the provision of measures to control and mitigate the effects of fire. This is an alternative to the use of Approved Document B.
Who is the HSE?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. It prevents work-related death, injury and ill health.
On your projects, describe some considerations around fire and construction technology.
- Fire dampers for ductwork passing through a fire rated wall.
- Gas suppression and pre action sprinklers for comms rooms.
- Painting over smoke seals on fire doors.
- any alteration to a fire door (screw holes etc).
- fire door being propped open during construction phase.
- iron mongery must also be fire rated.
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
Management survey and refurbishment/demolition survey.
For intrusive surveys, important that this covers every area of the proposed works.
What year was asbestos banned in the UK?
What is asbestos?
A naturally occurring substance, with a number of unique properties such as sound absorption, tensile strength, fire/heat/chemical resistance and relatively cost effective.
Asbestos can be classified as white, blue or brown.
The key issue with asbestos is if it becomes airborne and into the lungs, the body cannot process it and over a long period of time, develops into a large tumor known as asbestosis or mesothelioma.
What are the key changes in the CDM regulations from 2007 to 2015?
- The regulations now apply to all clients of construction projects.
- The role of the CDM coordinator has been removed, and duties are now split between clients, workers, principal designer, designers, principal contractor, and contractors.
What is the role of the Principal Designer under CDM 2015?
Broadly speaking, the Principal Designer has control and responsibility of health and safety during the pre-construction phase of the project. This means that risks must be designed-out as far as possible, and any residual risks made known to the Principal Contractor and subsequently contractors via the Pre-Construction information.
What is the role of Principal Contractor under CDM 2015?
The Principal Contractor is overall responsible for the construction phase of the project. They must ensure that all information relating to health and safety is disseminated to the contractors and detail this in the construction phase plan.
What are the three main documents under CDM 2015 and who produces them?
Pre Construction Information - Principal Designer
Construction Phase Plan - Principal Contractor
Health and Safety File - Principal Designer (although the Principal Contractor will produce some of the information that goes into the H&S File, such as As-Built drawings.
What is the health and safety file?
A document produced at the end of the project, that contains information about the health risks and safety of a construction project. This would include a log of all as-built drawings, asbestos register (if pre-2000), information about access requirements for servicing and maintenance.
What is the Construction Phase Plan?
A document produced by the Principal Contractor under CDM 2015 that defines how health and safety will be managed during the construction phase.
On my Aviva and CS projects - I coordinate with the relevant stakeholders (health and safety representative) and undertake my own review prior to sign off. Also requirement as part of the LTA - CS demolition.
What is a hearing aid loop?
The loop creates an electromagnetic field, which the receiver in the hearing aid picks up. It then converts it to audible sound, delivered right to the ear of the person wearing the hearing aid. This helps to cut out background noise and hear communications as though they were being spoken up-close.
What is the difference between passive and active fire protection methods?
- Active, smoke, heat, detectors, mechanical extract vent, smoke shafts etc.
- Passive - intumescent paint, fire rated plasterboard, smoke seals etc.
Fire detection systems - manual, active, double knock.
Name the key types of ventilation.
- Natural
- Mechanical
- Mixed
Issues with security, control and cost with the above.
What is the purpose of a raised access floor?
- an efficient use of space to allow services to run to given areas of a space. In particular, cabling to desks can be run below the floor and run to their exact location, providing an efficient, aesthetic and functional solution for distributing services.
What factors would influence your choice of M&E system?
- Occupancy requirements
- Fresh air
- Level of control (BMS)]
- Sustainability
- BREEAM or other accreditations
- Security
- Client specific requirements
What is NBS?
National Building Specification - UK based organisation providing specification on materials, workmanship for a construction project.
What are the benefits of NBS?
Confidence for the client that the space will meet the functional requirements proposed in the design documentation.
What are the requirements for temperature in an office?
Minimum 16 degrees, but no upper limit. The employer is to provide what is considered reasonable.
What the the pros/cons of steel/concrete/timber
- Long period off site, short period on site
- Not suitable for quick start on site
- Requires fire protection
- Requires lay-down area or JIT delivery
- Good for constrained site
- High cost
- Good tensile strength - good for minimsing columns etc
- Short period off-site, long period on site
- Long curing times that can be affected by environmental conditions
- Natural fire resistant properties
- Minimum temperature required (3 degrees and rising)
- Arguably higher prelims - but depends on details
- Good for a quick start on site
- Renewable**
- Structural elements can be prefabricated off site
- Negative public perceptions around fire
- Requires fire protection
What is the difference between sound blocking and sound absorption?
Acoustic panels, floor finishes etc are sound absorption - reverberation, wall build up etc is sound blocking - transfer from other spaces .