Conquered And Conquerors Flashcards
Where and when was the first Viking attack on Britain
Lindisfarne in 793AD
Where were the vikings from
Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
Why did the Vikings come to Britain
- Britain had many rich monasteries which couldn’t be defended as monks weren’t violent
- England was rich in resources like farmland -> their original land was rough and hard to grow crops on but England has a warmer climate
- England was divided into 7 kingdoms (Heptarchy) which meant the Saxons weren’t united and couldn’t fight together against the Vikings
What was the Danelaw
Territory given to the Vikings as part of peace terms with Wessex
The Great Heathen Army
Invaded England in 865AD
- the army was a Danish and Norwegian alliance set on colonising and controlling England
- took over parts of York and East Anglia
When and what was the Battle of Edington
- Alfred the Great made peace with Guthrum and he was baptised as a Christian
Why did the Vikings return
- no opposition
- Aethelred had begun Danegeld
- St Brices Day Massacre (1002) -> Aethelred ordered the massacre of all Danes not living in the Danelaw and the Sven Forkbeards sister was killed
When did Sven Forkbeard become king
Who was Cnut
The son of Forkbeard and became King of England when he died
- he was young and Anglo-Saxon nobles took the chance to make Aethelred king again in 1014 but died in 1016
- Cnut came back to reclaim England from Aethelreds son
How much silver did Aethelred give the Vikings
About 3300kg
About Cnuts reign
- was able to use the Anglo-Saxons powerful economy to pay off his Scandinavian army with £72,000 tax money
- maintained peace in England for 20 years
- was able to use Britains money to
transfer riches to support the Danes and payed for trusted Danish nobles to move to England and help him keep order - religious man who established good relationships with church leaders -> donated huge sums to the church, Canterbury and Winchester
- married Emma of Normandy in 1017 -> brought stability to England
- ended the practice of Danegeld + improved trade by making English coinage of the same weight to Scandinavian coins
- inherited Denmark and Norway and ruled parts of Sweden which became known as the North Sea Empire
- his sons Harold and Harthacnut were hated
When was Cnuts reign
When did Edward the Confessor become king and who were his parents
Emma of Normandy and Aethelred
Why was Edward the Confessors death significant and when was it
He had no heirs which led to the Norman Conquest of 1066 and the Battle of Hastings
Who was Harald Hadrada
- Viking warrior
- Harthacnut promised his dad he could have the throne but Edward got it instead
Who was Harold Godwinson
- Earl of Wessex
- was Edward’s chancellor
- witan picked him (group of nobles who decide who is king)
Who was William the Conqueror
- Edward named him heir
- distant cousin of Edward
- pope supported him
Battle of Stamford Bridge
Sept 1066
- Harold (won) vs Harald
Battle of Hastings
Oct 1066
- Harold vs William (won)
Initial problems after the Battle of Hastings for William
- still soldiers in Dover who were loyal to Harold
- had no money
- many English lords didn’t want him to be king -> wouldn’t be loyal + controlled their men
- a lot of political unrest and rebellion
The Harrying of the North
- people in the north rebelled against William so he ordered villages to be destroyed and killed
- burnt herds of animals and crop
- population reduced by 75%
- 100,000 died of starvation
- William gained control over the north
What did William introduce
- the feudal system -> used to keep Anglo-Saxons in their place
- the Domesday Book -> allowed him to work out how much tax was owed + how many soldiers he could demand (needed these for his wars)
White Ship Disaster
- Henry I’s only son died on a boat and only had his daughter Matilda as an heir
The Anarchy
- Matilda invaded in 1139 with her half-brother Robert of Gloucester
- in 1141 Stephen when was captured after the Battle of Lincoln
- Robert was then captured and the 2 sides agreed to swap captives
- in 1153 Henry II invade England and Stephen and Henry agreed to Treaty of Winchester that recognised Henry as Stephen’s heir
When did Henry II become king
What land did Henry II own
- Ireland -> got permission to invade from the Pope (he wanted to prevent Welsh lord taking land there)
- England
- Normandy
- Maine and Anjou -> inherited from father
- Aquitaine and Gascony -> got from his marriage with Eleanor of Aquitaine
- Brittany
Who succeeded Henry II to the throne
The Great Rebellion
- wars between Henry’s sons over the division of his land
The Angevin Empire under John
- he has lost Normandy, Anjou, Maine and Touraine to the French
- only had Gascony left
Magna Carta
- promised that John would respect the rights of the church and barons + stop unfair taxes + ensure that trials would be held quickly and fairly
Why the did 100 Years War break out
- England still controlled Gascony -> rich resources like wine
- Edward had conflict with Scotland -> France and Scotland were allies and Philip wanted Scotland to stay free so he could one day invade
- England’s main export was wool which they traded with Flanders, France threatened to take over Flanders
Time period of the HYW
3 English successes in the HYW
- Battle of Crecy (1346) -> French lost 1,200 knights + where English first used infantry
- Battle of Poitiers (1356) -> 8,000 French killed
- Battle of Agincourt (1415) -> 15,000 English + 50,000 French
When was the battle of Crecy
When was the battle of Poitiers
When was the Battle of Agincourt
How many E+F soldiers were at the battle of Agincourt
15,000 english
50,000 french
3 English losses during the HYW
- Battle of La Rochelle (1372) -> French regained control of the English Channel
- Siege of Orleans
- Siege of Castillon
Casualties of the HYW
- 6,000-7,000 dead
- less than 1,000 dead -> including the Duke of York
What did Agincourt do for English identity
- proclaimed the victory in English not French
Impact of the HYW
- areas of France like Normandy were devastated
- missile fire become the new battle technique + increased use of gunpowder
- Calvary became less important than those on foot
- high cost of the war led to the French creating a better tax system
- French had nationalist feelings
- birth of English identity
- both F+E had to pay higher taxes -> E lost land like Normandy and Aquitaine but they got rich from stolen goods from France (eg. Bodiam Castle was built with proceeds made from the war)