Confounding and Bias Flashcards
What is validity in research?
Validity is about the truth. It refers to how close a study finding (observed association) comes to the truth (true association).
What does a valid measure of association describe?
A valid measure of association describes the true (real) situation accurately.
What is internal validity?
Internal validity refers to the extent to which the study findings accurately reflect the true situation within the current context or study, free from biases and errors.
What is external validity?
External validity refers to the extent to which the study findings can be extrapolated to other groups or settings, also known as generalisability.
Why is validity important in research?
Validity is important because it determines the accuracy and truthfulness of the study findings, ensuring that the results genuinely reflect the reality being studied.
What are the types of validity in research?
The types of validity in research are internal validity (current context/study) and external validity (generalisability to other groups or settings).
What is reliability in research?
Reliability is about the consistency and repeatability of measurements, often described as precision, repeatability, consistency, and stability.
Why is reliability important in research?
Reliability is important because it ensures that similar information is elicited when the measurement is repeated, demonstrating that the results are stable and consistent over time
How does reliability differ from validity?
Reliability refers to the consistency and repeatability of measurements, while validity refers to how accurately the measurements reflect the true situation or association. Reliable results may not always be valid, but valid results must be reliable.
What are the sources of invalidity that can affect internal validity?
The sources of invalidity that can affect internal validity include chance (random error), bias (systematic error), and confounding (influence of a third variable).
How does chance (random error) affect internal validity?
Chance (random error) affects internal validity by introducing variability in the data that is not due to the true association being studied. This randomness can lead to untrue associations or mask true associations.
How does bias (systematic error) affect internal validity?
Bias (systematic error) affects internal validity by introducing consistent, directional errors that distort the true association. This can result from flaws in study design, data collection, or analysis
What is confounding and how does it affect internal validity?
Confounding occurs when a third variable influences both the independent and dependent variables, creating a false association or masking a true association. It affects internal validity by distorting the observed relationship
What are random errors in research?
Random errors are errors of measurement or population selection that occur due to chance and introduce variability in the data that is not related to the true association being studied.
Why is it challenging to conduct studies with the entire population?
It is very difficult and often impossible to conduct studies with the entire population due to practical constraints, so researchers select a sample of participants instead.
What issue can arise when selecting a sample for a study?
It is possible that a particular sample does not adequately represent the source population, which can affect the validity of the study finding
How can random errors impact study findings?
Random errors can cause findings to occur due to chance, usually diluting the results and reducing the accuracy of the study’s conclusions.
How can biostatistics help address random errors?
Biostatistics can be used to quantify the role that chance could play in the study findings, helping to determine the reliability and significance of the results.
How to prevent random errors
- big enough sample size
- test questionnaire/ equipment
How do researchers quantify the role of chance in study findings?
Researchers quantify the role of chance in study findings using p-values and confidence intervals.
What is a p-value?
A p-value is a numeric value ranging from 0 to 1 that indicates how likely it is that an observed association is due to chance.
How are p-values interpreted in research?
P-values are typically interpreted with a cutoff of 0.05. A p-value less than 0.05 suggests that the observed association is unlikely to be due to chance (reject the null hypothesis), while a p-value greater than 0.05 suggests that the association could be due to chance (cannot reject the null hypothesis).
What is a confidence interval (CI)?
A confidence interval is the range of values within which the true association is likely to fall, usually expressed as a 95% confidence interval.