Conflict over Germany -> The Berlin Blockade and the formation of East and West Germany Flashcards
what were the final straws for Stalin in June 1948?
- the French merged their zone with that of the British and the Americans, creating Trizonia
- The Americans launched a new currency, the Deutschmark, with the aim of fostering economic recovery within Germany
what did Stalin inform the German communist leaders in June 1945?
Stalin informed German communist leaders that he expected to undermine the British zone, and that the USA would withdraw within 1-2 years, leaving a united Germany under communist control in the Soviet sphere
what did Stalin tell Bulgarian and Yugoslavian delegations in 1946?
In 1946, Stalin told Bulgarian and Yugoslavian delegations that Germany must be both Soviet and communist
what happened to elections in Berlin in 1946?
local elections resulted in a massive anti-communist protest vote, especially in the Soviet sector of Berlin
what was Stalin’s justification for the launch of the Berlin Blockade?
Stalin argued that since the Western powers were against German reunification and were instead going to create a West German nation, they had no reason to stay in Berlin which was in the east of Germany
When did the Berlin Blockade start?
- The Berlin Blockade started on 24th June 1948
- The Soviets blocked all rail and road links to West Berlin
- The Soviets cut the electricity supply from the Berlin’s power stations, which were located in the Soviet sector
Why did the Soviets initiate the blockade?
- The Soviets argued these restrictive measures were put in place to prevent the Soviet zone to be overwhelmed with the devalued Reichsmark
- The Reichsmark was the German currency before 1948, but it had lost most of its value after Germany’s defeat in WWII
- On 20 June, the Western allies introduced the Deutschmark for Western Germany without consulting the USSR
- In response, the Soviets introduced the Ostmark on 24 June and initiated a blockade
what was Kennan’s reason for why Stalin blockaded Berlin?
- Stalin was engaged in what Kennan called a ‘kind of squeeze play’
- wanted to force the Western powers to either give up their moves towards a separate West German state, or to relinquish West Berlin’
Which council did the Soviets withdraw from in March 1948?
The Soviets impulsively alienated the Western Allies with the withdrawal from the Allied Control Council demonstrating a lack of willingness to work towards a unified Germany
In a meeting with Yugoslav and Bulgarian communist leaders, what did Stalin stress about how Germany would remain be divided?
‘The West will make West Germany their own, and we shall turn Eastern Germany into our own state’
what was Russia’s perspective on why Stalin blockaded Berlin?
- The Blockade was a legitimate response to the West’s unilateral decision to unify the three western occupation zones
- however, Truman was determined to stay in Berlin
what was the Soviet Foreign Ministry’s stance on Stalin’s blockade of Berlin?
- the establishment of a West German state was rightly perceived in Moscow as a complete break with the Yalta-Potsdam agreements
- Soviet Foreign Ministry concluded that: ‘the western powers are transforming Germany into their stronghold…directed against the Soviet Union’
- The Kremlin decided to counterattack using the most tangible advantage it still held in Germany: control over the geographic space between the western zones and Berlin
How did General Lucius D. Clay feel about impending conflict?
Had a feeling a war “may come with dramatic suddenness” following the Berlin Blockade
Which councils ceased to operate and when in the lead up to the Blockade?
- Relations between the Allies deteriorated, and the quadripartite structures became unmanageable.
- In March 1948, the Inter-Allied Control Council ceased to operate
- as did in June 1948, the Kommandatura.
When were the Moscow Talks?
August 1948
How did the Moscow Talks highlight a deterioration in relations?
It became clear that Soviets wanted total control of the Ostmark with neither sides willing to concede
how long did the Berlin Blockade last until?
29th May 1949
what were the instructions to the American military administration on Germany on May 11th 1945?
‘Germany is not to be occupied for the purpose of liberation but as a defeated enemy nation’
what did Molotov note about Germany and Berlin in regard to Europe?
Molotov noted: “What happens to Berlin, happens to Germany; what happens to Germany, happens to Europe”