conflict and tension - chapter 2 Flashcards
what did the allies say would happen if germany didn’t sign the TofV
they would resume the war
when was the TofV signed
28th June 1919
what were the terms of the TofV
- German navy was limited to 15,000 men, 1500 officers and only 6 battleships; the size and number of other ships was also limited
- article 231 (war guilt clause) - germany and their allies had to take full responsibility for starting the war
- the rhineland was demilitarised, meaning germany couldn’t put up an army or defences in the area
- article 232 (germany was blamed for war and had to pay reparations to the winners) - in 1921, the figure was agreed at £6.6 billion (was estimated to take until 1988 to pay back)
- german colonies in Africa were given as mandates to the league of nations - meant britain and france controlled them
- germany lost 10% of its land, including; Alsace-Lorraine, which was returned to france; Eupen and Malmedy, which was given to Belgium; and North Schleswig, which was given to denmark
- the Saar was an important industrial area of germany + there were many coal mines in this area - it was put under control of the league of nations for 15 years
- Danzig was taken away from Germany and made a free city under league of nations control
- germany was split in two by the polish corridor, a strip of land that was given to poland to allow them to have access to the sea
- the german army was limited to 100,000 men and conscription was banned
- the league of nations was formed, but germany wasn’t allowed to join
- germany was not allowed tanks, submarines or an air force
- anschluss (union) between germany and austria was banned