Conflict Flashcards
What are conflicts?
- Disagreements or friction, disruption of routines in the group
- Hard to avoid
- Normal and not always dramatic
What are the roots for conflicts?
- There are alot of reasons for conflicts
- Humans are selfish
- We treat others if we like them
- Gender stereotypes
- High stakes places (competition vs cooperation)
- The success of one member is the succession for the group, or increase it
- Success depends on performing better than others
Competition vs Cooperation
- Competition can be positive, athletes
- Cooperation + Teamwork leads to competition
Rivalry, Outperform, Greediness, Fear - Trigger different motivational systems
What are mixed motive situations?
- Situations that involve both cooperation and competetivenes
- The Prisoners Dilemma
- Norms of reciprocity, negative stronger than positive, especially when deliberate
Behavioural assimilation
The eventual matching of the behaviours displayed by cooperating or competing in groups
What is the social value orientation?
The dispositional tendency to respond to conflict settings in a prosocial or proself way
- 4 distinct orientations
- Proself
- Dont interfere nor help others
- Harsh style but can adapt
- Prosocial and proself
- Win-win situation
- Cooperate if others do
- Harsh style
- Win-Loose situations
- Unconcerned with criticism or maintaining relations
- Harsh style
- Prosocial
- Help those in need
Social dilemma
Choosing between maximizing my outcome or others
The tragedies of the commons
- I use too much of my resources, collapsing the society
- Second chance increase cooperation
- Normative standards in the group
Public goods dilemma
Members are expected to contribute but doesnt, cant get excluded though
- Free loaders
- Too high standard can cause conflicts too
Fairness dilemmas
- How far a decision is based on my perception
- Common distributive norms
Equity - the more you do the more you get
Power - the one in power gets more
Equality - everyone gets equal
Need - those in need gets more
Responsibility Norms
- Who to blame or credit once the work is done
- More aware of our contributions
- Self-serving attributes results in conflict and loss of cohesion
Giving yourself more credit than is warranted, a bias
Conflict over power
- Power struggles in groups
- Business and corporate settings
- Manipulation and disagreements